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1、SCF/FATCA-CRS/ENT/1701 填上資料後即定為保密 THIS FORM IS CONFIDENTIAL UPON COMPLETION 1 致: 大新銀行有限公司(銀行) To: Dah Sing Bank, Limited (the “Bank”) 外國賬外國賬戶稅務合規法案戶稅務合規法案及共同匯報標準的客戶聲明書及共同匯報標準的客戶聲明書(公司公司/機構機構) Self-Certification Form (Entity) for FATCA and 2) the name of the sponsoring entity. 註冊視同合規的外國金融機構(受保薦的外國金融機

2、構除外) Registered Deemed Compliant FFI (Except Sponsored FFI) 認證視同合規的外國金融機構 Certified Deemed Compliant FFI Please provide Form W-8BEN-E. 請提供 W-8BEN-E 表格 豁免實益擁有人 - 請註明以下其中一個類別 Exempt Beneficial Owner (“EBO”) Please specify the type of EBO below 香港特別行政區政府機構(包括香港特別行政區政府及其全資擁有的機構) HKSAR governmental entit

3、y (including the Government of the HKSAR and certain entities wholly owned by the Government of the HKSAR) 香港金融管理局 Hong Kong Monetary Authority 符合香港特別行政區政府與美國政府簽訂的跨政府協議附錄 II 中豁免實益擁有人條件 的基金 Funds that qualify as EBO in Annex II of the IGA signed between the Government of the HKSAR and the U.S. Govern

4、ment 符合香港特別行政區政府與美國政府簽訂的跨政府協議附錄 II 中的國際組織 International organization as defined in Annex II of the IGA signed between the Government of the HKSAR and the U.S. Government 其他類別 (請提供 W-8BEN-E 表格) Others (Please provide Form W-8BEN-E) If “Others” is ticked, please provide Form W-8BEN-E 如屬其他類別,請提供 W-8BEN

5、-E 表格 不參與合規的外國金融機構 Non-Participating FFI 不適用 Not applicable 若貴公司/機構的 FATCA 分類並不屬於上述選項,請另行填寫美國國稅局 W-8 表格。 If you fall into a FATCA classification which is not being mentioned above, please fill in U.S. Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) Form W-8. SCF/FATCA-CRS/ENT/1701 填上資料後即定為保密 THIS FORM IS CONFIDENT

6、IAL UPON COMPLETION 3 b) 若貴公司/機構並非屬於 FATCA 法規下的金融外國機構,請在下列適當空格內加上號,並填上有關資料 (關於各個選項的定義,請參閱附錄 I )。 If you are NOT a FFI as defined under the relevant FATCA rules, please tick one of the following boxes below (Refer to Appendix I for definition of each classification). 非金融機構的非金融機構的 FATCA 分類分類 FATCA cla

7、ssification for Non-financial institution 請提供全球中介機構識別號碼請提供全球中介機構識別號碼(“GIIN”)或在或在 適用處提供相關適用處提供相關資料資料。 Please provide the Global Intermediary Identification Number (“GIIN”) or other information where applicable. 持有實業的非金融外國機構 Active Non-Financial Foreign Entity (“NFFE”) 不適用 Not applicable 不涉及美國操控人的被動非金

8、融外國機構 Passive NFFE without Controlling U.S. Person(s) 不適用 Not applicable 涉及美國操控人的被動非金融外國機構 Passive NFFE with Controlling U.S. Person(s) 不適用 Not applicable 直接申報的非金融外國機構 Direct Reporting NFFE 受保薦的直接申報的非金融外國機構 Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE 1) 若受保薦的直接申報的非金融外國機構沒 有 GIIN,請提供保薦機構的 GIIN;及 2) 保薦機構的名稱 Pleas

9、e provide 1) the GIIN of the sponsoring entity if the Sponsored Direct Reporting NFFE has not obtained a GIIN; and 2) the name of the sponsoring entity. 若貴公司/機構的 FATCA 分類並不屬於上述選項,請另行填寫美國國稅局 W-8 表格。 If you fall into a FATCA classification which is not being mentioned above, please fill in IRS Form W-

10、8. c) 若貴公司/機構屬於 FATCA 法規下涉及美國操控人的被動非金融涉及美國操控人的被動非金融外國外國機構機構,請提供每一位美國公民/美國居民操控人的姓名、地址和其美國稅務 編號。 If your classification is “Passive NFFE with Controlling U.S. Person(s)”, please provide the name, address and U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of each Controlling Person that is a U.S. citizen or

11、 U.S. resident of the Passive NFFE. 姓名姓名 Name 通訊地址通訊地址 Correspondence Address 美國美國稅務編號稅務編號 U.S. Taxpayer Identification No. 完成第四部分後, 請繼續完成聲明書第五部分。Please proceed to Section 5 after you have completed Section 4. SCF/FATCA-CRS/ENT/1701 填上資料後即定為保密 THIS FORM IS CONFIDENTIAL UPON COMPLETION 4 第第五五部分部分: CR

12、S 分類分類 Section 5: CRS Classification 請在下列適當空格內加上號,並填上有關資料 (關於各個選項的定義,請參閱附錄 II )。 Please tick one of the following boxes below (Refer to Appendix II for definition of each classification). 財務機構財務機構 Financial Institution 託管機構、存款機構或指明保險公司 Custodial Institution, Depository Institution or Specified Insur

13、ance Company 投資實體,但不包括由另一財務機構管理(例如:擁有酌情權管理投資實體的資產)並位於非参與稅務管轄區的投資 實體 Investment Entity, except an investment entity that is managed by another financial institution (e.g. with discretion to manage the entitys assets) and located in a non-participating jurisdiction 主動非財務實體主動非財務實體 Active NFE 該非財務實體的股票經

14、常在 _(一個具規模證劵市場)進行買賣 NFE the stock of which is regularly traded on _, which is an established securities market _ 的有關連實體,該有關連實體的股票經常在 _(一個具規模證劵市場)進行買賣 Related entity of _, the stock of which is regularly traded on _, which is an established securities market 政府實體、國際組織、中央銀行或由前述的實體全權擁有的其他實體 NFE is a go

15、vernmental entity, an international organization, a central bank, or an entity wholly owned by one or more of the foregoing entities 除上述以外的主動非財務實體(請說明 _ ) Active NFE other than the above (Please specify _ ) 被動非財務實體被動非財務實體 Passive NFE 位於非参與稅務管轄區並由另一財務機構管理的投資實體 Investment entity that is managed by another financial institution and located in a non


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