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1、为什么做全英文版的初中词汇表? 答复:打个比方,英汉词汇表就好比是一个人学走路时用的拐杖,在刚开始的时候可能还有点用,但如 果要真正学会走路最终还是要扔掉拐杖,去接触英英解释的词汇表,去接触真实的英语环境。使用英英词汇表 还有以下好处:、节省你学词汇表的时间,提高你学词汇的效率,并且能够养成英英思维的良好习惯:你是用旧的英文 单词理解新的英文单词,在记忆新的单词时,顺便已经复习了旧的单词;同时没有母语的影响,也就没 有思维的转换过程,你的记忆效率非常会非常高。、更加深刻地理解词汇(中文和英文并非就真能一一对应,很多词非常微妙,细微差别在中文翻译中体 察不出来)、更加全面地掌握单词的各种搭配以及

2、切合语境的应用(动词和介词如何搭配?形容词如何用更贴切? 常用词一词多义,活学活用等问题都可以在字典里找到答案。)。在中考中,你能够非常非常精准的理 解为什么要选哪个答案,而其它的答案不能选。仅通过中文解释是看不出的,只能查英英词典,用英英 方式去理解,才能真正找到根源。本文由美英桥原创。用英英理解太难了,如何才能更简单一点? 答复:其实,经过初中的三年学习,你应该有个左右的英语词汇量,也就有了英英思维的基础。对比初中英语,高中英语的难度又上升了一个台阶。如果想让你的高中三年的英语学习变得非常轻松,你 一定要学会使用英英思维方式。对于从来没有使用这种方式的高中生来讲,的确比较难,因为最熟悉的还

3、是我熟悉的还是自己母语。在 第一步时,你可以借助中文去理解,但当有一定的基础后,你可以逐渐学会用英英的方式去记忆和理解单词。为了能够更好的让你完成这种过渡,我们准备了以下的分享的文档:内容 简介及作用 1 原版的词汇用法集 基础和基础提高部分,对于学习和掌握英语的基本词汇知识 非常有帮助 2 全部用英英解释学习初中词汇 网页的英英解释的带图片的单词卡 + 集成在网页上的美式及 英式 mp3 发音,可以免费查询各个英语单词,英英解释,并 且带有图片和相关的例句。 3 原版的英文语法 图像化的基本英语语法(图像版),让高中生能够非常有兴 趣去体会原版的语法书。 4 西方生活常用词汇及用法集 本分享

4、的资料有三个基本特点:A、全图片化;B、原版的英 文资料,带有原版的美式或者英式发音 mp3,原汁原味; C、词汇量非常适合高中生学习,内容非常符合中考听力考试 的各个考点掌握的内容。如果学生能够反复学习并且掌握, 基本能够保证中考的听力能够取得理想成绩。 5 英语常用词根集 常用的英语词根,英英解释,让你的词汇量会指数级的增 长! 有以上的全方位的英语基础知识做准备,为你用英英思维方式学习初中英语打下坚实的基础。 相关具体细节和相关完整的分享文档怎么没有,我如何获得? 相关的文档由于篇幅或者上传限制的原因可能不完整,请发邮件至 索取(请注意要索取 的文档内容)。 词汇表特别说明:由于篇幅所

5、限,没有相关例句,如需要,请发邮件索取 Excel 有例句的文 档。 课本 单元 单词 发音 词性 英文解释 选修八 unit classic /kl sk/ adj,noun admired by many people, and having a value that has continued for a long time 选修八 unit classic /kl sk/ adj having all the features that are typical or expected of a particular thing or situation 选修八 unit antique

6、 /,ntik/ noun,adj something made in an earlier period and collected and valued because it is beautiful, rare, old or of high quality 选修八 unit literary /ltrri US ltreri/ adj relating to literature 选修八 unit received /rsivd/ adj formal accepted or considered to be correct by most people 选修八 unit wisdom

7、 /wzdm/ noun knowledge gained over a long period of time through learning or experience 选修八 unit wisdom /wzdm/ noun good sense and judgment, based especially on your experience of life 选修八 unit dust /dst/ noun dry powder consisting of extremely small bits of dirt that is in buildings on furniture, f

8、loors etc if they are not kept clean 选修八 unit release /rlis/ verb to let someone go free, after having kept them somewhere 选修八 unit release /rlis/ verb to let news or official information be known and printed 选修八 unit adaptation /dpten/ noun a film or television programme that is based on a book or

9、play 选修八 unit adaptation /dpten/ noun the process of changing something to make it suitable for a new situation 选修八 unit chapter /t pt US -r/ noun one of the parts into which a book is divided ora larger organization 选修八 unit harm /hm US hrm/ verb,noun damage, injury, or trouble caused by someones a

10、ctions or by an event 选修八 unit simple /smpl/ adj easy to understand or do; not difficult 选修八 unit simple /smpl/ adj made in a plain style, without a lot of decoration or unnecessary things added 选修八 unit uncertainty /nstnti US -sr-/ noun when you feel doubt about what will happen 选修八 unit tension /t

11、enn/ noun a nervous worried feeling that makes it impossible for you to relax 选修八 unit twist /twst/ verb to hurt your wrist etc by pulling or turning it too suddenly while you are moving 选修八 unit twist /twst/ verb to turn something, especially repeatedly, or to turn or wrap one thing around another

12、选修八 unit plot /plt US plt/ noun a small piece of land for building or growing things on 选修八 unit plot /plt US plt/ verb,noun to make a secret plan to harm a person or organization, especially a political leader or government 选修八 unit generous /denrs/ adj willing to give money, help, kindness, etc.,

13、especially more than is usual or expected 选修八 unit generous /denrs/ adj larger or more than the usual size or amount 选修八 unit fortune /ftn US fr-/ noun chance and the way it affects your life,the good or bad things that happen in life 选修八 unit fortune /ftn US fr-/ noun a large amount of money, goods

14、, property, etc 选修八 unit financial /fn nl, fa-/ adj relating to money or the management of money 选修八 unit abrupt /brpt/ adj sudden and unexpected 选修八 unit constant /knstnt US kn-/ adj,noun happening regularly or all the time 选修八 unit reminder /rmand US -r/ noun something that makes you notice, remem

15、ber, or think about something 选修八 unit shabby / bi/ adj shabby clothes, places, or objects are untidy and in bad condition because they have been used for a long time 选修八 unit shortcoming /t,km US rt-/ noun a fault or weakness that makes someone or something less successful 选修八 unit shallow / lu US -lou/ adj measuring only a short distance from the top to the bottom 选修八 unit prejudice /predds/ noun,verb an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge 选修八 unit prejudiced /preddst/ adj an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, espec



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