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1、 On Subject Consciousness of Characters in Liu ZhenyunNovels Zhang Lihua Northwest Normal University 西北师范大学研究生学位论文作者信息 论文题目 论刘震云小说中人物的主体意识 姓 名 张丽花 学 号 2010210122 专业名称 中国现当代文学 答辩日期 联系电话 E_mail 通信地址(邮编): 备注: 目 录 摘 要摘 要.I AbstractAbstract.II 1 绪 论1 绪 论 .1 1.1 主体意识阐释.1 1.1.1 主体意识与自我意识的关系.1 1.1.2 希腊神话中的主

2、体意识.2 1.1.3“五四”新文学中的主体意识 .2 2 主体意识消解的表现2 主体意识消解的表现 .4 2.1 物质生活的困顿.4 2.1.1 人性的异化.4 2.1.2 尊严的放逐.6 2.2 精神突围的艰难.7 2.2.1 言说的尴尬.7 2.2.2 追寻的焦虑.9 2.3“几乎无事的悲剧” .12 2.3.1 自我救赎的无望.13 2.3.2 自我价值的迷失.15 3 主体意识消解原因3 主体意识消解原因 .18 3.1 社会保障的滞后.18 3.2 多元文化的撞击.20 3.3 权力运作的失范.22 4 重建主体意识的设想4 重建主体意识的设想 .25 4.1 提高主体自身素质.2

3、5 4.1.1 能力本位意识的建构.25 4.1.2 价值意识的建构.28 4.2 营造主体生活环境.30 4.2.1 夯实人类赖以生存的物质基础.30 4.2.2 构建人类诗意栖居的精神家园.31 4.3 重建人类主体意识的现实意义.34 5 结语5 结语 .37 参考文献参考文献.38 攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文.42 后 记后 记.43 摘 要 刘震云是新时期文坛上一位具有重要地位和独特价值的作家。他的小说无论是早期的写实、后来的反讽还是近年来的荒诞,都在积极关照人类的生存困境乃至精神追求的窘迫,他用他“片面的深刻性” 、极为严肃的姿态站在坚实的民间,依托民间,


5、予了作者重建主体意识的人生理想。文章主要从主体意识消解的表现、消解的原因、主体意识重建三个方面分析刘震云小说中人物的主体意识。 关键词:刘震云;主体意识;消解;重建 IAbstract Liu Zhenyun is a writer who has an important position and unique value on the new period literature. His novels were both realistic in the early years, ironically later, and absurd in recent years, He active

6、ly observe human survival predicament and spiritual distress. He used his “one-sided profundity“, extremely serious attitude in a solid civil, relying on civil society, began he journey of reflection, doubt and negate. He thoroughly deconstructed the intellectuals personality and the Enlightenment i

7、deal. In the era of market- oriented and secularized, Dispelling Significance has become universal the spirit of the symptoms, he still obsessed with the man whos meaning and value of existence. In his novels, the digestion of people Subjective consciousness generally exist. Both the underlying popu

8、lation and the intellectuals, are intentionally or unintentionally digested with own Subjective consciousness. Embarrassment for the survival, abnormal development of power culture, the lag of social security, that consciously or not consciously digested subjective consciousness. Authors strongly th

9、inking about peoples meaning and value, and breathe as social subjects of human self-consciousness, which include the main body dominant position, main ability, value of Principal, and on this basis, actively reinventing themselves and the outside world. By mining Subjective consciousness, showing t

10、he author of broad and deep humanism, but also have high hopes authors reconstruction of Subjective consciousness of ideals. Article main from three dimensions that include Subjective consciousness digestion performance, digestion causes, reconstruction of the subject consciousness to analyze people

11、s subjective consciousness in Liu Zhenyuns novels. Keywords: Liu Zhenyun; subjective consciousness; digestion; reconstruction II1 绪 论 1.1 主体意识阐释 在中国现当代文学史上,文学与人的联系从未间断,文学始终是关照人的一面镜子,虽说各个时期反映人生百态的重心不同、质量也有好有坏,但其主流未变,人一直是文学阐释的中心。在通往文学顶峰的道路上,没有明确的导航,那靠什么呢?靠的是作家自由之精神,独立之意志,靠的是他们灵魂深处的真实写作,他们忘我地表现人类生存的困境,抒发对生命的困惑,引发人们对自我生存生态的思考,表现


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