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1、智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料智课教育GMAT综合推理详解(二)-智课教育Weight-for-age-standards The graph shows the percentile distribution of weight, in kilograms, for heights from 80 cm to 120 cm, for boys ages 2 through 5, according to the WHO model. In a model population, for n=3, 15, 50, 85, and 97, the nth percentile in w

2、eight among boys of that height that is greater than or equal to n percent, and less than or equal to (100-n) percent, of weight of boys of that age. Weight Percentiles for Height for Boys 2-5 Years 13、 B is a boy aged 4 years 3 monthsl1 whose height is 110 cm l2 and whose weight is 19 kgl3 . For ea

3、ch of the following statements, select Yes if, based on the given information, it must be true of B relative to a model population. Otherwise, select No. 13A No Approximately 50% of boys at the same weight are shorter than Bl4 13B Yes No more than 15% l5 of boys at this age are taller than B13C Yes

4、Bs height is greater than or equal to that of 50% l6 of boys aged 5 years 0 months. l1对应表1:4:3 l2表1:109.5-113.1之间 l3对应表1纵坐标“19” l4表2中( 13A ) l5表1:85th和4:3 l6表1:中5:00和110.0cm 14、 For each of the following statements, select Yes if the statement must be true of a boy selected at random from a model po

5、pulation. Otherwise, select No.14A Yes If his age is greater than 3 years 3 months, the probability that his height is at least 98.0 cm is greater than 50%l1 . 14B Yes If he is at least 105 cm tall, the probability that his weight is 14.0 kg is no greater than 3%l2 . 14C No If he is 114cm tall, he i

6、s taller than at least 85%l3 of boys his age. l1如表1:(红色箭头)所示 l2表2:14B所示 l3表1:14C所示,并不知道年龄,所以无法得出比例 15、 Consider an individual boy from a model population. Suppose that from age 2 through age 5, this boys weight is at the 50th percentile for his height and his height is at the 50th percentile for his

7、 age. Which of the following statements must be true of the boy at age 5 years 0 months? A. His age is at the 50th percentile for his heightl1 B. His weight is at the 50th percentile for his agel2 C. His height is at the 50th percentile for his weightl3D. His weight is approximately 150% of his weig

8、ht at age 2 years 0 months.l4 E. His weight is approximately 200% of his weight at age 2 years 0 months.l5 l1没有“年龄-高度”的坐标 l2没有“年龄-体重”的坐标 l3没有“体重-高度”的坐标 l4表1和表2 “15题” “蓝色虚线图标” l5表1和表2 “15题” “蓝色虚线图标” 16、B is a boy aged 4 years 3 months whose height is 110cm and whose weight is 19kg. for each of the fo

9、llowing statements, selected Yes if, based on the given information, it must be true of B relative to a model population. Otherwise, select No. 16A Yes At least 15%l1 of boys at the same height have a weight that is less than or equal to that of B 16B Yes At least 80%l2 of boys at this age have heig

10、hts within 10% of Bs height 16C No Bs height is less than that of at most 3% of boys at age 4 years 0 monthsl3 . l1根据表2:110cm 根据表1 15th-100.5; 97th-113.1cm “within”=97-15=82 l3根据表1 “107.7cm-85th” “111.2cm-97th” B的身高是110cm百分之九十七的人是111.2(大于110),所以只有百分之三的小于11 1.2 而B是110,应该是小于百分之三。 17、 For each of the f

11、ollowing statements, select Yes if the statement must be true of a boy selected at random from a model population. Otherwise, select No. 17A No If his age is exactly 4 years 0 months, the probability that his height is at exactly 99.0 cm is 15%l1 17B Yes If he is 81cm tall, he is shorter than at lea

12、st 95%l2 of boys his age17C No If he is 120cm tall, he weighs more than 97%l3 of boys age 2 years 6 months. l1根据表1:15th percentile是99cm,那么15%的小孩的身高会 小于等于99cm,而小于99cm的3%,所以应该是15%-3%=12% l2根据表1:在2岁有3rd 的percentile是81.4cm 81cm小于81.4cm 所以是小于97% l32.6岁身高在85.5-98.3cm 体重在10-16kg之间 120cm,体重在19-26kg之间 18、 Co

13、nsider an individual boy from a model population. Suppose that from age 2 though age 5, this boys weight is at the 97th percentile for his height and his weight is at the 97th percentile for his age. Which one of following statements must be true of the boy at age 5 years 0 month? A. His age is at t

14、he 97thl1 percentile for his height B. His weight is at the 97th percentilel2 for his age C. His height is at the 97th percentile for his weightl3D. His weight is approximately 116% of his weight at age 2 years 0 monthsl4 E. His weight is approximately 197% of his weight at age 2 years 0 months. l1没有age的百分率 l2题干: this boys weight is at the 97th percentile for his height 不能算出和age的关系 l3算不出身高和体重的关系 l4 5岁: 根据表1:97percentile是118.7cm 根据表2:118.7cm-25kg2岁: 根据表1:97percentile是92.9cm 根据表2:92.9cm-16kg


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