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1、湖南大学硕士学位论文中国民生银行北京分行员工激励体系设计姓名:许强申请学位级别:硕士专业:高级管理人员工商管理指导教师:姚艳虹20081228高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 II摘 要 中国加入世贸组织以后,外资银行开展人民币业务的地域和客户服务限制将逐步取消,银行业的所有业务将彻底放开。这样,中国的银行业将不可避免地面临国外银行的竞争,它既包括业务上的竞争,又包括人才上的竞争。国内股份制商业银行在未来发展中面临着严峻的挑战。一方面,科技革命和世界银行业的创新潮流要求提高银行从业人员的素质,另一方面,大量优秀的人才流失到外资银行的现象严重,而激励问题成为这场人才争夺战的关键所在。因此,如何构

2、建员工激励机制有效地提高员工的工作水平、工作能力以及对企业的认同和忠诚,已经成为我国股份制商业银行发展过程中必须要解决的关键问题。 本文以中国民生银行北京分行为例,对我国股份制商业银行的激励机制构建进行探讨。全文共分四个主要部分。第一部分阐述了研究的背景和研究问题所在,通过对国内银行业人力资源管理面临的挑战的分析,引出激励问题是亟待解决的关键核心问题。同时,在这一部分作者对以往关于员工激励的理论和实证研究进行了回顾,总结形成构建激励机制的理论基础。第二部分,作者对民生银行北京分行的发展现状以及员工激励的现状进行了介绍,并采用问卷调查、公司资料分析和深度访谈的方式对民生银行北京分行的激励现状进行

3、了定量的调查,在此基础上提出民生银行北京分行在员工激励方面存在三大主要问题,分别体现为:价值导向不清,薪酬体系不完善,激励手段单一。针对这一调查结果,作者在第三部分重点论述了如何构建民生银行北京分行独具特色的激励机制来对这些问题加以应对。作者提出民生银行北京分行的激励机制应该包括薪酬体系、评价体系、任职资格体系、贡献积分、员工退出、教育培训和荣誉激励等方面。在本文的第四部分,作者对民生银行北京分行激励机制的实施预期和保障措施进行了探讨。 关键词:中国民生银行北京分行;激励机制;雇员 中国民生银行北京分行员工激励体系设计 IIIAbstract After China entering into

4、 WTO, foreign capital banks may be permitted into China. Competition of financial talents is sharp. However, in the domestic bank, especially in the Joint-stock commercial banks, the rare talents who can deal with the international finance have flowed to the foreign banks in groups. On one side, the

5、 domestic banks are lack of the talents, but on the other side, the talents are running off. The heavy curtain of contending for the financial talents will be drawn down. Confronted with the serious phenomena, we find that the main reason of this problem is that the employees could not be motivated

6、effectively. The best solution of this problem is to establish a useful system to motive and obtain the talents. This article has select Branch of Peking of China Mingsheng Banking Group as the study sample to explore the motivating system of Chinese joint-stock commercial banks. The whole passage i

7、s divided into four sections: In the first section, the current study analyses the current talents competition between the foreign capital banks and domestic banks. The author claims that the main reason why the talents flaw into the foreign capital banks is the absence ness of motivating system. Th

8、erefore, in this article, the author aims to explore how to establish an effective motivating system for domestic joint-stock commercial banks. Literature review has been made in this section. The second section mainly talks about the status quo of motivation system in Branch of Peking of China Mins

9、heng Banking Group. The author combines the quantitative and qualitative research methods, such as questionnaire survey, deep interview and material analysis to investigate the whole profile of the motivation system and employees attitude towards the Mingsheng Bank. Three main motivation problems ha

10、ve been identified and the reasons of these problems have also been analyzed. And in the third section, current research brings about a new motivating system of Mingsheng Bank, including compensation system, appraisal system, competency system, cumulative contribution system, employee withdrawal sys

11、tem, training and development system, and honor award system. In the forth section, the author discusses the potential problems in the implementation of this motivating system. Some measures have also been proposed to facilitate this system. Key words: Branch of Peking of China Mingsheng Banking Gro

12、up; motivating system; employee 高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位论文 VI插图索引 图 1.1 激励过程图 .4 图 1.2 Herzberg 双因素理论图示.8 图 1.3 弗卢姆的期望理论图示.9 图 1.4 动机作用理论图示 .9 图 1.5 Robbins 整合激励理论模式.10 图 1.6 本研究的技术路线 .11 图 2.1 激励机制总体调查得分.15 图 3.1 民生银行薪酬激励体系框架 .24 图 3.2 薪酬支付的基础.25 图 4.1 民生银行北京分行激励机制实施安排.35 中国民生银行北京分行员工激励体系设计 VII附表索引 表 1.1 国外学者关于激励的定义.3 表 2.1 民生银行北京分行各维度得分与行业平均值比较.17 表 2.2 各类别方差分析结果 .18 表 3.1 职位评价要素构成 .26 表 3.2 各评价维度权重列表 .28 表 3.3 各职位绩效奖金比例 .28 表 3.4 绩效考核基本框架 .



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