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1、智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料托福听力:细节题定位方法细节题是托福听力中的一个重要部分,细节题的考点非常多,比如 举例,强调,比较等。可以用定位法,就是标志词或者短句,下面我们 跟着TPO历年真题来看一下。 分类: 1、表达进一步解释说明 “which means.“,“that is (to say)“,“I mean“,“in other words“,诸多定语从句和指示代词 2、表达列举关系 “besides“,“and“,“plus“,“also“,“.as well“,“another point I want to mention“ 3、表达转折关系 “but“,“howeve

2、r“,“on the other hand“,“on the contrary“,“yet“ 4、表达强调关系 “so, that is.“,“it is. that.“,“he does do.“ 5、表达因果关系 “so“,“thus“,“because“,“which leads to“,“which results in“使用方法:需要熟悉这些短语或者句子,然后集中精力听取下文, 每天需要重复听取,最终使自己成为一种习惯,当听到这些词的时候, 第一反应是”下面就是重点了!“ 例题1:TPO-24 Biology 7. According to the professor, what a

3、re two functions of the sounds made by male alligators? Click 2 answers To frighten predators To attract mates To locate hatchlings To threaten other males And some of them are powerful enough to make the water vibrate. Thissends a strong, go-awaymessage to the other males.So the alligator can focus

4、 on sending her sound waves through the water, sound waves that you and I couldnt even hear since they are at such low frequency. Butthey do reach the femalealligator, who then goes to find and mate with the male. 因为this指代的是发出的声音,警告其他的雄性离开,所以第一个 功能是驱赶其他雄性鳄鱼,转折词but和后面的do reach都是强调这句 话的重要性,即为吸引雌性鳄鱼。而后

5、面的定语从句是进一步解释说明 。答案选择(BD) 第二类定位方法:极端词 在这里我将极端此分为以下几种: 1. 最高级如:best,most,worst等 2. 序数词如:the first,the last,the least 3. 表示情感的形容词:surprising,amazing,interesting等 4. 表示程度的副词:extremely,especially,really 5. 其他词汇:important,successful 当听到以上这些词汇的时候,也要进行反应。 例题2: TPO-24 Dance History 17. Why does the professor

6、 say this 重听题 To explain why Duncan was invited to perform in RussiaTo indicate that the Russian government strongly supported ballet To explain why there were more dance critics in Russia than in most other countries To help explain why Duncans style was not appreciated by some dance critics In 190

7、4, she opened a school of modern dance in Berlin. And the next year she performed in Russia. But the Russian critics were not really kind. Some said Duncans art form was closer to pantomime than to dance. But her style was a clear rebellion against ballet, and ballet is extremely importantin Russia.

8、 本题是围绕Russia舞蹈界的评论家展开的,他们不是特别友好(不接 受的潜台词),but提示后面是重点:Duncan的舞蹈风格强烈的与芭蕾舞相冲突(二者不一致),而且芭蕾舞对俄罗斯十分的重要。含义为:Du ncan的舞蹈有悖于芭蕾舞的精髓,遭到了当时俄罗斯舞蹈评论家的反对 。答案选择D 针对第二个问题:将相近选项进行汉译英之后进行同义转化理解, 就是用最简单的日常生活用语理解选项内容;与此同时,还要回忆本篇 讲座的中心思想,看选项是否与本文主旨一致。 例题3:TPO-20 Animal Behavior 13. According to the professor, what causes

9、the snowshoe hares fur to begin turning white? A. A decrease in the hours that the Sun is up each day. B. A sudden drop in temperature. C. The increasing amount of snow on the ground. D. The changing nature of the food supply. Timing is really important, butthe snowshoe hare doesnt always get it exa

10、ctly right. Its chances for survival are best if it turns white about the time of the first snowfall. Andits the amount of daylight that triggers the changing of the hares coat.首先根据it is. That 句型定位到the amount of daylight.,trig ger的原义指触发,但根据文章,跟后面的changing of coat译为使兔毛改变颜色(brown- white),因此理解为:日照长度引发兔毛颜色变化。 选项A的直译为:太阳日照的时间下降,但不管是下降也好还是增 加也罢,都可以认为是变化,故选此答案。 托福听力不仅仅考的是听力本身,更重要的是对于题目的理解,也 就是对选项和答案的理解,同义转换成自己容易理解的意思更加有助于 做题,这也是想考取听力25分以上的考生所要做的努力。在做听力的时 候,一定要把题目和答案看懂后理解为自己的语言,来进行作答。


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