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1、ADVANCED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SEMINARSADVANCED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SEMINARSADVANCED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SEMINARS ADVANCED INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY SEMINARS Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett orinvention; or (2) the claimed invention was described in a patent issued under section 151, or in an a

2、pplication for patent published or deemed published under section 122(b), in which the patent or application, as the case may be, names another inventor and was effectively filed before the effective filing date of the claimed invention.申请人应当取得专利,除非 (1) 在所主张发明的有效申请日之前,所主张发明已经授予了专利,在印刷 出版物中予以了描述或投入了公

3、开使用进入了销售或另行提供给公众8出版物中予以了描述,或投入了公开使用,进入了销售,或另行提供给公众; 或 (2) 所主张发明已经在按照151条的规定所授予的专利中或者在按照第122(b)款 所公布或据信已公布的专利申请中予以了描述,而已公布或据信已公布的专 利申请按照具体情况,列出了另一发明人并且在所主张发明的有效申请日之 前已经有效提交。 Significant Changes Effective filing dateProposed Section 102(a) 拟议条款拟议条款102(a)g No geographical limitations No antedating 重大变更

4、 有效申请日 没有地理限制9 没有地理限制 不再提早日期Effective Filing Date 有效申请日有效申请日 The actual filing date of the patent or the application for the patent containing a claim to the invention; or The filing date of the earliest application for which the patent or application is entitled, as to such invention, to a right of

5、 priority under Sections 119, 365(a), or 365(b) or to the benefit of an earlier filing date under Sections 120, 121, or 365(c) 专利的实际申请日或专利申请包含有对发明所提出的权利要 求;或 享有专利或申请权的最早申请提交日根据119365( )和10 享有专利或申请权的最早申请提交日,根据119、365(a)和 365(b)将获得发明权的优先权,或根据120、121、或365(c)将获 得较早提交日权益Scenario 1 情形情形1App. A filed Jan.

6、8, 2013 2013年1月8日提交申请AApp. A published July 8, 2014 2014年7月8日公布申请A Current Regime: B could antedate New Regime: B cannot antedateApp. B filed July 1, 2013 2013年7月1提交申请B11 New Regime: B cannot antedate 当前体制:B可能提早日期 新体制: B不能提早日期Scenario 2 情形情形2Steve sells “X” in Europe Jan. 8, 2013 2013年1月8日, Steve 在欧

7、洲销售 “X” Current Regime: Sale of “X” not prior art New Regime: Sale of “X” is prior artParker files application on “X” July 8, 2014 2014年7月8日,Parker 提交了 “X”的申请12New Regime: Sale of X is prior art 当前体制:在欧洲销售 “X” 不构成在先技术 新体制:在欧洲销售 “X”构成在先技术Scenario 3 情形情形3Steve independently and publicly used “X” in Ke

8、ntucky Apr. 8, 2013 2013年4月8日,Steve在肯塔基独立和公开使用了 “X” Current Regime: Use of “X” is prior art but can antedateParker files application on “X” Oct. 8, 2013 2013年10月8日,Parker提交了 “X”的申请Parker invents “X” Jan. 8, 2013 2013年1月8日是, Parker 发明了“X”13gp New Regime: Use of “X” is prior art 当前体制:使用 “X”构成在先技术,但可以提

9、早日期 新体制:使用 “X”构成在先技术Proposed Section 102(b) 拟议条款拟议条款102(b) Grace period: Disclosure made 1 year or less before effective filing date is not prior art if: Made by inventor or another who obtained subject matter from inventor, or Subject matter was previously disclosed by inventor or another who obtai

10、ned subject matter from inventor 宽限期:在以下情况下,在有效申请前一年或更短时间内所进行 的披露,不构成在先技术: 发明人或从发明人那里取得标的物的人所进行的披露14 发明人或从发明人那里取得标的物的人所进行的披露 标的物由发明人或从发明人那里取得的标的物的人进行了 提前披露Proposed Section 102(b) 拟议条款拟议条款102(b) Disclosure in application or patent not prior art if Disclosure obtained from inventor, Disclosure made pu

11、blic by inventor before effective filing date of application/patent, orapplication/patent, or Disclosure and claimed invention commonly owned by effective filing date of claimed invention “Commonly Owned” exception no longer limited to obviousness 在以下情况下,申请或专利中的披露不构成在先技术: 从发明人那里取得的披露 发明人在有效申请/专利提交日之

12、前进行了公开披露或15 发明人在有效申请/专利提交日之前进行了公开披露;或 截止所主张发明的有效申请日,对所主张的共同所有发明的 披露 “共同所有”例外不再限于显而易见性Why First-Inventor-To-File v. First-To-File? 为什么第一发明人先为什么第一发明人先申请申请 v.先发明先发明? Relief for true inventors against derivation Derivation proceedings in PTO and District Court Time limit: Imposes obligation to monitor p

13、ublications or risk losing pgpg patent to a deriving “inventor” 依据源头,提供给真实发明人的救济 专利商标局和地区法院中的源头程序 期限:规定义务,进行监控出版物或冒着源头“发明人” 丧失专利的风险16Interference and Derivation Proceedings 抵触和源头程序抵触和源头程序 Interference: First to Invent Compare conception and reduction to practice dates Derivation: First to Conceive a

14、nd communicate to another 源头胜利者:先构思并传达 Possible diligence consideration 抵触胜利者:先发明 比较构思和付诸实施日期 可能的勤勉考量源头胜利者:先构思并传达 给另一人17Derivation Proceedings in PTO 专利商标局的源头程序专利商标局的源头程序Proposed 35 U.S.C. 135 provides: Petition to institute a derivation proceeding at Board Substantial evidence of derivation Earlier

15、 application filed without authorization Withi 1 ft fi t bliti f l i t th b tti ll th Within 1 year after first publication of a claim to the same or substantially the same subject matter Director may institute a derivation proceeding Directors determination is final and nonappealable House: Board m

16、ay correct the naming of the inventor拟议专利法(美国法典第35编)第135条规定: 在委员会启动源头程序的请求,需要具备 实质的源头证据18 实质的源头证据 未经授权提交更早的申请 在首次公布对相同或实际相同标的物所提出的权利要求后一年以内 局长可以启动源头程序 局长的裁定是终局的并且不可上诉 众议院:委员会可以更改发明人姓名Derivation Proceedings in District Court 地区法院的源头程序地区法院的源头程序 Proposed 35 U.S.C. 291 provides: A may sue B if: Bs patent claims the same inventi


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