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1、广西师范学院初等教育学院小学教育专业英语方向 高级英语高级英语 (一)(一) 、 (二)课程教学大纲(二)课程教学大纲课程编号课程编号:311ZX0501C-502C课程名称课程名称:高级英语(Advanced English)(1) (2) 课程类别课程类别:专业选修课授课学时授课学时:122 学分学分 7课程的性质课程的性质:本课程是普通高等师范院校小学教育专业英语方向的一门专业选修课程,融听、说、读、写、译为一体,其目的是通过不同话题的听说训练、不同体裁的英语作品的阅读、语言操练以及系统的语言知识传授,综合训练学生综合语言技能,提高语言实际运用能力;通过学习方法指导,提高学生的自主学习能

2、力;通过综合语言实践活动,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神,帮助学生了解世界和中西方文化的差异,拓展视野, 提高文化意识,形成健康的人生观,综合提高学生从事中小学英语教育教学工作所需要的知识、能力、态度和意识等专业素质。课程目标课程目标: 知识知识: 语音: 学生应掌握正确的语音和语调,在朗读和听说中有基本的节奏感和语调感。 词汇: 认知词汇 4,000 个左右,熟练掌握 2,000-3,000 个及其基本搭配词汇,能在会话和写作中正确运用。 表达: 掌握交流时如何用不同句式表达功能意念。 语法: 掌握系统的英语语法,并能在综合运用中做到概念清楚,形式正确。 阅读: 掌握文章的主

3、旨, 准确领会作者的写作意图, 读懂不同题材的文章,并保证一定的阅读速度。能力与技能:能力与技能: 学生能就某一社会问题、文化习俗或生活细节,进行从词汇、单句到语段等各个方面的综合训练,灵活地完成所规定的各种语言交际任务。 分析理解文章中出现的复杂句子的表层含义和深层含义,以及句子所用的不同的修饰方法。 能够借助工具书完成扩展性训练部分提供的各训练项目。 能领会文章所传达的思想,复述故事情节,还必须能够用自己的话来简明扼要地归纳课文大意。态度与情感:态度与情感:排除不敢开口,羞怯与害怕的心理。增强对英语各项语言技能使用的信心,进一步激发运用英语进行交际的兴趣,获得学英语,说英语的乐趣。先修后续

4、课程先修后续课程:修读本课程前,先系统学习公共必修课程大学英语 (一) 、 (二) 、(三) 。课程内容课程内容:Unit 1 My Father【目的要求目的要求】1. Familiarizing the students with basic vocabulary for this unit2. Understanding how brothers or sisters relate to each other and the ways to hurt and to improve relations.3. Giving the students an opportunity to dev

5、elop people skills by practicing speaking based on the given cues in short discourse of two or three turns in conversation4. Learning to understand and talk about family relationships through reading, discussion, and task-based activities5. Learning the usage of the vocabulary and structures about t

6、he topic of this unit.【重点与难点重点与难点】1. Developing people skills by practicing speaking based on the given cues in short discourse of two or three turns in conversation2. Learning to understand and talk about family relationships through reading, discussion, and task-based activities【主要内容主要内容】理论与实践教学内容

7、(理论与实践教学内容(8 学时)学时)1. Listening activities: I have a brother2. Speaking activities: understanding different values and generation gap3. Reading comprehension: My father 【作业与思考作业与思考】1. Reading: My Daughter2. Writing : Write a descriptive paragraph about your father or mother by giving your subjective

8、 judgement first to be followed by fragmented memories.Unit 2 Why My Great-uncle Gave Up the Ministry【目的要求目的要求】1. Familiarizing the students with basic vocabulary for describing general impressions of a person, someones emotional changes, behavior, social positions, titles and commenting on personal

9、ities2. Learning to understand the life of the grey-haired people and the ways to make them feel loved and cared for 3. Learning to describe people in the following aspects: a. address, b. facial expression, c. appearance, d. manner, e. language, f. special deeds and actions / behavior etc4. Learnin

10、g to understand and talk about the humor in life through reading, discussion and task-based activities5. Learning expressions and grammatical items set forth in this unit【重点与难点重点与难点】1. Learning to describe people in the following aspects: a. address, b. facial expression, c. appearance, d. manner, e

11、. language, f. special deeds and actions / behavior etc2. Learning to understand and talk about the humor in life through reading, discussion and task-based activities3. Learning expressions and grammatical items set forth in the objectives of this unit【主要内容主要内容】理论与实践教学内容(理论与实践教学内容(8 学时)学时)1. Listen

12、ing activities: Telling a story2. Speaking activities: Describing people3. Reading comprehension: Why my Great-uncle Gave Up the Ministry【作业与思考作业与思考】Thinking and listing : List the follies that you have committed in your life. And then describe your feelings and emotions as afterthought. The follies

13、 that I committed once (a story)My feelings or emotions as afterthoughtGive your story here: Describe your feelings then and now: Unit 3 Saved by His Mistakes【目的要求目的要求】1. Familiarizing the students with words and expressions for describing difficult or problematic situations, fear, solving problems,

14、 and rescue work.2. Learning to understand ways to describe a critical situation and the feeling one has when a stated danger is near. Learning how to manage and solve the problems in the guided listening activity.3. Developing the ability to talk about survival skills and related expressions throug

15、h bringing information gaps in pair work.4. Learning to describe peoples adventure by reading the story about the boys adventurous hunting trip and working on the related activities.5. Learning the vocabulary and grammar points in this unit.【重点与难点重点与难点】1. Learning to understand ways to describe a cr

16、itical situation and the feeling one has when a stated danger is near. Learning how to manage and solve the problems in the guided listening activity.2. Learning to describe peoples adventure by reading the story about the boys adventurous hunting trip and working on the related activities.【主要内容主要内容】理论与实践教学内容(理论与实践教学内容(8 学时)学时)1. Listening activities: An Unforgettable Experience2. Speaking activities: Dealing with difficult or dangerous



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