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1、太陽能試驗規範列表太陽能試驗規範列表作者:江志宏作者:江志宏 太陽能試驗規範列表整理太陽能試驗規範列表整理標準號標準號標準名稱標準名稱2PDG 1169-2007關於太陽能系統用電纜的測試要求ANSI/ASTM E424-2002片材的太陽能量傳輸性和反射性(陸地上)的試驗方法(Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials ) ANSI/ASAE S 423-1993太陽能環境加熱器的熱性能試驗(Thermal Performance Testing of

2、 Solar Ambient Air Heaters) ANSI/ASHRAE 109-1986測定含有沸液的平板太陽能收集器的熱性能的測試方法(Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors Containing a Boiling Liquid) ANSI/ASHRAE 93-1986測定太陽能採集器熱性能的試驗方法(Solar Collectors, Method of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of

3、) ANSI/ASHRAE 96-1980測定無釉平板液體型太陽能收集器的熱性能的試驗方法(Unglazed, Flat-Plate, Liquid-Type Solar Collectors, Methods of Testing to Determine Thermal Performance of)ANSIZ97-1984用作建築物外牆或建築物玻璃AK 411.2.3-2008光伏電纜ASTM D 3667-1985平板太陽能集熱器用橡膠密封件(Rubber Seals Used in Flat-Plate Solar Collectors) ASTM D 3771-2003聚集型太陽能

4、加熱器用橡膠密封件的標準規範(Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Concentrating Solar Collectors) ASTM D 3832-1979太陽能系統中同液體接觸的橡膠密封件規格(Rubber Seals Contacting Liquids in Solar Energy Systems) ASTM D 3903-2003太陽能系統的熱空氣傳遞用橡膠密封件的標準規範(Standard Specification for Rubber Seals Used in Air-Heat Transport of Sol

5、ar Energy Systems) ASTM D 3952-1987太陽能系統用橡膠軟管(Rubber Hose Used in Solar Energy Systems) ASTM E 1056-1985一家和兩家住房用太陽能家用熱水設備的安裝和維護(Installation and Service of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings) ASTM E 1084-1986用陽光測試薄板材料的太陽能傳遞性(地面上)的試驗方法(Test Method for Solar Transmi

6、ttance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight) ASTM E 1089-1986均勻的靜氣壓差下平板太陽能收集器的透水性的試驗方法(Test Method for Water Penetration of Flat Plate Solar Collectors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference) ASTM E 1160-1987太陽能家用熱水系統的現場檢查和操作驗證(On-Site Inspection and Verification of Operation of Solar

7、Domestic Hot Water Systems) ASTM E 1175-1987用大直經積分球測定材料的太陽能或光反射性,透明性和吸收性的試驗方法(Test Method for Determining Solar or Photopic Reflectance, Transmittance and Absorptance of Materials Using a Large Diameter Integrating Sphere) ASTM E 1328-2003與光電太陽能轉換相關的標準術語(Standard Terminology Relating to Photovoltaic

8、 Solar Energy Conversion) ASTM E 424-1971簿板材料的太陽能傳播和反射的試驗方法(Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials) ASTM E 490a-2000標準太陽能常數和氣團起始陽光能光譜輻照表(Standard Solar Constant and Zero Air Mass Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables) ASTM E 683-1991 一家和兩家住房用太陽能空間加熱系統

9、的安裝和維護(Installation and Service of Solar Space Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings) ASTM E 712-1980太陽能加熱和製冷系統中貯存液體用金屬容器材料的實驗室遮蔽(Laboratory Screening of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Liquids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems) ASTM E 744-1985加熱設備用太陽能吸收材料的評定(Evaluating So

10、lar Absorptive Materials for Thermal Applications) ASTM E 745-1980太陽能加熱和製冷系統中用傳熱液體的金屬容器材料的腐蝕類比維護試驗(Simulated Service Testing for Corrosion of Metallic Containment Materials for Use with Heat-Transfer Fluids in Solar Heating and Cooling Systems) ASTM E 772-1987有關太陽能轉換的標準術語(Standard Terminology Relati

11、ng to Solar Energy Conversion) ASTM E 781-1986暴露在有蓋板的太陽能收集器中類比滯流的條件下太陽能記憶體材料的吸收性評定(Evaluating Absorptive Solar Receiver Materials When Exposed to Conditions Simulating Stagnation in Solar Collectors with Cover Plates) ASTM E 782-1995在類比操作模式下暴露于自然氣候中的太陽能收集器覆蓋材料的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Exposure o

12、f Cover Materials for Solar Collectors to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Operational Mode) ASTM E 822-1992用發射冰球法測定太陽能收集器覆蓋材料對冰雹衝擊抗力的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Determining Resistance of Solar Collector Covers to Hail by Impact With Propelled Ice Balls) ASTM E 823-1981太陽能收集器非操作暴露和檢驗(

13、Nonoperational Exposure and Inspection of a Solar Collector) ASTM E 861-1994太陽能收集器用絕熱材料評定的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Evaluating Thermal Insulation Materials for Use in Solar Collectors) ASTM E 881-1992在類比滯留模式下暴露于自然氣候下的太陽能收集器擋蓋材料的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Exposure of Solar Collector Cover Materi

14、als to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Stagnation Mode) ASTM E 904-1987太陽能收集器用全天熱性能資料的形成(Generating All-Day Thermal Performance Data for Solar Collectors) ASTM E 905-1987追蹤強化太陽能收集器熱性能的試驗方法(Test Method for Determining Thermal Performance of Tracking Concentrating Solar Collectors) ASTM

15、 E 971-1988材料對太陽能輻射的光度透射比及反射比計算的標準實施規程(Standard Practice for Calculation of Photometric Transmittance and Reflectance of Materials to Solar Radiation) ASTM E 972-1996用陽光對薄板材料的太陽能光度透設比的測試方法(Standard Test Method for Solar Photometric Transmittance of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight) BS 5918-1989家用熱水太陽能

16、加熱系統的實用規程(Code of practice for solar heating systems for domestic hot water) BS 6785-1986游泳池用太陽能加熱裝置實用規程(Code of practice for solar heating systems for swimming pools) BS 6912-22.6-1996土方機械安全.第 22 部分:操作者的密封環境.第 6 節:操作者用密封駕駛室太陽能加熱效果的測定(Safety of earth-moving machinery - Operator enclosure environment - Determination of the effect of solar heating on the operator enclosure) BS 7431-1991太陽能熱水器評定法.篩檢程式、連接管和配件用彈性材料(Method for assessing solar water heaters - Elastomeric



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