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1、1人教修订版高二英语上人教修订版高二英语上 UnitUnit 2 2 NewsNews mediamediaPeriodPeriod 1 1 教案教案Teaching content: Inversion Date of teaching: Type of class: Comprehensive class Teaching aim: 1.Enunciate the concept and types of inversion;2.Teach various cases of inversion;3.Train students ability of expressing themselve

2、s in diversified ways Teaching emphasis: various cases of inversion Teaching aids: slide projector and some slides Teaching methods: enunciating method; demonstrating method, drilling method Blackboard planning:InversionA part Partial inversionConcept Types The whole Full inversion Partial inversion

3、: 1. am/is/are/was/were+主语+表语 2. do/does/did+主语+动词原形3. am/is/are/was/were+主语+现在分词 4. will/shall+主语+动词原形5.have/has/had+主语+过去分词 Cases of inversion: 1. general question of tenses (半) 2.Here/There+动词+主语(名词) (全) 3. so+助/系/情态动词+主语 4.neither/nor+助/系/情态动词+主语 5.Off/Away/Up/Down/In/Out+动词+主语(名词) (全)6.There+动词

4、(存在/运动) +主语+其 它 7.现在分词/过去分词+be 的适当形式+主语(名词) 8.So+形容词+助/系/情态动词+主语+其它(半)9.Such+(a/an+形容词+)名词+助/系/情态动词+主语+其它(半)10.含否定意义的介词短语/副词+助/系/情态动词+主语+其它(半)11.Only+其它状语+助/系/情态动词+主语+其它(半)12.引语的全部或一部分+引述动词+主语(名词)(+其它引语部分)(全)13.表示地点的介词短语+动词+主语(名词) (全)Teaching process: I. Propaedeutic activities:Deliver the following

5、 sentences to ellicit the teaching content:The door opened and in came Miss PorterInstruct students to tentatively say what linguistic phenomenon the suggested Sentence is of and the teacher give the definitive conclusion, to wit, inversion. II. Embarkation on the teaching content:i. Write the topic

6、 Inversion on the top of the blackboard and say its Chinese heteromym.2ii. Enunciate the concept of inversion to students, namely, a part or the whole of predicate of a sentence is transferred ahead of subject, and in the meanwhile write the key words involved abreast vertically on the blackboard.ii

7、i. Tell students the former case is called partial inversion and the letter full inversion and then write the two terms abreast vertically on the upper right corner of the blackboard. Use two arrows to mark their corresponding relationship.Iv .Explain partial inversion, to wit, the helping verb or t

8、he first of the helping verbs is transferred before subject and the rest part of predicate is still detained after subject in the appropriate form. Instantiate that by questioning and then writing the interrogative forms of various tenses on the blackboard.v. Explain to students full inversion, to w

9、it, the whole of predicate is transferred ahead of subject no matter how many words predicate contains. Exemplify that as follows(by projecting a slide):Inside the lecture hall was laid some equipment just now.(The underlined part is predicate consisting of two words which is transferred ahead of su

10、bject.)vi. Write on the blackboard “Cases of inversion” and then project slides in a row which contain the following sentences:1.What nationality did Albert Einstein take then?2.There goes the bell.3.This physician speaks British English, so does that surgeon.4.That native hasnt eaten his breakfast,

11、 neither/nor have these foreigners.5.Off jumped that huge monster.6.There flies a hawk in the sky.7.Linking a modem to the CPU is that young technician.8.Covered with snow is that downhill slope.9.So promising is that graduate that several companies want to employ him.10.Such an valuable cultural re

12、lic did that archaeologist find that a museum took it over immediately.11.Not any French words has that secretary typed on the computer.12.Seldom does that comedian act as a Japanese in plays13.Not only will that geographer go abroad, but also his family will follow him.14.Only on account of SARS di

13、d those medical workers experience such an unforgettable period.15. “It is creativity,” said this manager, “that makes this special economic zone attracts so many pioneers.”16.In front of the stadium are standing six flag poles.vi. Get students to apprehend the above sentences on the projected slide

14、s and educe the knowledge concerned by virtue of comprehension of them. Give explanations as follows and in the meanwhile write the items of knowledge on the blackboard:1.Interrogative sentences are normally partially inverted except ones whose subjects are interrogative pronouns.2.in brief colloqui

15、al sentences initiated with “Here” or “There” the finite verb and its subject functioned as by noun are normally fully inverted.3.When we mean somebody or something is of the same characteristic as somebody or 3something stated in the previous sentence, we employ “so+ helping verb + subject ”or “neither/nor +helping verb + subject ”.The tense of the helping verb agrees with that of the finite verb in the previous sentence while its person and number agrees with its own postponed subject. The former sentence pattern comes after an affirmative declarative


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