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1、英语资料一英汉互译。在中国城市家庭只允许生个孩子。Every City famil is only allowed to have one child in China .那个男孩向警察询问去火车站怎么走。That boy asks the policeman the way to the station.学习外语没有任何捷可走。There is no stort cut in foreign larguages learning.这位老工人教育他的子女做人要诚实。The old worker teaches his children to be honest.他问老板那天他是否可以早点离开办

2、公室He asks his boss if he could leave office earlier。毕业时,他要求去西藏工作一年。He asks to work for a year in Tabit when he granduates from college.学习语言不同于学数学。Learning a languge deffers from learning math.汤姆心里非常难过。Tom was very sick at heart.自 1994 年以来,马丽一直在那家服装店工作。Mary has been working at the dress store since 1

3、994.我父亲是一位教授。My father is a professor.她用双手蒙住脸。She covered her face with her hands .我们好长时间没有看到她了.We havent seen her for a long time 我 1986 年隹在日本。Ilived in Japan in 1986.汤姆的父亲直到昨天才给家里写信。Tom s father didnt write home until yesterday.她坐在那里无所事事。She sat there doing nothing .趁热打铁。Strike while the iron is h

4、ot .隔墙有耳。Walls have ears.他会带你去医院。He will take you to the hospital.眼见为实。To see is be believe.公共场所不允许吸烟。Thank you for not smoking.他们来不来要看天气情况。Whether or not they will come depends on the weather.汤姆心里非常难过。Tom was very sad .那个英国人意大利语说得非常好。That English man can speak good Italian.请递给我一杯咖啡好吗?Would you pass

5、 me a cup of coffee ?昨晚她叫我在饭馆门口等她。She asked me to wait for her at the gate of the hotel yesterday evening.你今天早晨什么时候起床的?When do you get up this morning ?她经常教这些孩子唱英文歌曲。She often teaches the children English songs.这两种语言在许多方面都不一样。The two languages are not the same in every way .聋哑人既不会说也不能听。The deaf and

6、mute can not speak ,nor hear.她母亲生病了Her mother has fallen ill .飞机很快就起飞。The plane will take of soon .他们将飞往伦敦。They will fly to London。史密斯先生把他的车借给了我。Mr.Smith lent me his car.有人听到孩子们在唱那支歌The children were heard singing the song .她忽然听到有人敲门。She suddenly heard someone knocking at the door .如果天气好,我们就于星期三举行足球

7、比赛。Weather permitting ,the football match will be palyed on Wednesday .过马路时要小心。Be careful when crossing the street .站在门口的那位女士是谁?Who is the lady standing by the door .她决定下午三点离开旅馆.She decides to leave the hotel at 3pm .没有什么人需要照顾。He has no one to take care of .布郎太太留我在纽约多住了两周。Mrs.Brown made me stay in N

8、ew York for two more weeks。现在太晚了,什么事也干不了It is too late to do amything now .他计划在山里呆几天。His play is to spend a few days in the mountains .我喜欢在温暖的阳光下散步I like to go for walks in the warm sunshine . 你打算明天做什么?What do you plan to do tomorrow这位学生表现出勇气和技能。The student is brave and skiuful .我回去的时候大门已经关了.The doo

9、r was closed when I got back。据说他受伤很严重。It is said he is wounded badly .上次会议是在哪里召开的?Where was last meeting held ?蛋糕卖得很快。The cakes sell quickly.我们建议他练习说英语。We advised him to practice speaking English . 我们已派人请医生了。We have sent for the doctor 已派人请医生了。The doctor has been sent for .至今还没做出决定。No decision has b

10、een made so far这个组分成了两个。The group is divided into two since it is too big .她是一名教师,而她的哥哥是一名工程师。She is a teacher while her brother is an engineer .大多数人长大成人以后,不愿跟父母一起生活。Most people are unwilling to live with their parents when they grow up .第一次世界大战 1918 年结束。World War I ended in 1918.从今天早晨起马丽就一直在等你。Mary

11、 has waited for you the whole morning .这部电影你看过没有?我看过,我是在南京看的。Have you seen the film ? Yes ,I have ,I saw it in Nangjing .他告诉我火车将在三点开。He told me the train leaves at there .老人说他于 1933 年参加了红军。The old man said he joined the Red Army in 1993.她说他一直期期待着你的她消息。She said she had been expecting your good news.他

12、告诉我他教物理课已经二十多年了。He told me that he had been teaching physics for more than twenty years .这些孩子整个上午都在看电视。The children have been watching TV all morning .你去哪儿了?我一直在找你呢。Where have you been ? I have been looking for you everywhere .她自 1985 年以来一直在深圳工作。She has been working in Shenzhen since 1985.我相信到明天的这个时

13、候他就已经离开东京了。Im sure he will have left Tokyo by this time tomorrow .海伦给我打电话时我已睡觉了。Helen rang me up after I had gone to sleep . 我一直等到他干完活。I waited until he had finished his work .当我来到她房间时,她已经离开那里了。When I came to her room , she had already left .他说他已经给她写过信了。He said that he had written her a letter .自 19

14、11 年以来我就没有再见到她。I have not seen her since 1991.我们已经学习了五年多英语。We have studied English for more than five years .我母亲已经生病三天了。My mother has been ill for three days.晚饭后我将在旅馆等你。Ill be waiting for you at the hotel after supper .她问我是否第二天就动身。She asked me whether I was leaving the next day .他昨晚 10 点到 11 点在打长途电话

15、。He was making a long distance call from 10 to 11 last night. 我看到她时她正在上机。When I saw her , she was working at the computer .他明天要来看你。He is coming to see you tomorrow .我在洗衣服。Im washing .你现在在干什么?What are you doing ?我刚要出去,这时我的一个朋友来了。I am going to go out when a friend dropped in .他们打算开个会讨论那件事。They were go

16、ing to have a meeting to discuss the matter.我打电话告诉父亲,我下星期一回家。I rang up to tell my father that I should go home next Monday .我问他将在什么地方度假。I asked her where she would spend her holiday .他告诉我他要到车站给我送行。He told me that would see me off at the station.星期六要举行运动会。There is a sports meeting on Saturday.这些女孩下周该上学了。The girls are to go to school next week .我们要走了,所以没有时间去看她。We are about to leave ,so there is no time visit her now .今晚有税法问题的报告。There is going to be a report on tax laws tonight .你打算在这里逗



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