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1、1新目标英语九年级单元考点讲义Unit13 Rainy days make me sad.一、一、单元考点归纳单元考点归纳 (一) 考点词: tense,owner,light,serve,pink,knowledge,design ,smoke,shiny,silky,skin,aim,useful,careful,le ad,product,instance,compare (二) 考点短语辨析: 1. therefore,= 2. for instance,= ,= 3. however,= 4. to start with= 5. maybe= may be: 6. be annoye

2、d with sb.= 7. leave for = 8. bring sth with sb= 9. at times= 10. so that: so+adj.+that such+n.+that 11.sound: sound like: 12. would rather do(than do)= 13. How do you feel about sb/sth? = 14. compare A with B: compare A to B: (三) 语法:宾语补足语二、二、细节解析:细节解析: (一) 语法 1:宾语补足语宾语补足语 1、什么是宾语补足语:即对宾语进行补充说明的一种 句

3、子成分。 如:Rainy days make me sad. 主语 谓语 宾语 宾语补足 2、可作宾语补足语的成分有:形容词、不定式、不带 to 的不定式、现在分词、过去分词等。 形容词作宾补: e.g. You must keep the classroom clean. 你们必须保持教室干净。(考点:考点:keep, find, make, think, consider + it + adj.) 不定式作宾补: e.g. I want you to show me your picture. 我想让你把图片给我看一看。(考点:考点:want/ask/tell/allow/invite/e

4、ncourage sb. to do 等等) 不带 to 的不定式作宾补 e.g. He often makes us laugh. (考点:考点:have/let/ make sb. do sth.) 现在分词作宾补:e.g. I saw him playing basketball (考点:(考点:find/see/watch/hear/notice +宾语宾语+ doing sth.强强 调动作的进行调动作的进行) 附:hear/see/watch后用to do 还是doing, 其区别在于to do强调事情的经过或动作已完成,而doing则 强调当时某事或动作正在进行。 【例】I of

5、ten hear her sing./ I heard her singing last night. 过去分词作宾补: eg: You should have your hair cut. 你应该理发了。 (考点:(考点:let/have/make sth. done)语法 2:make 的用法小结的用法小结 (1). make + n. make food/money/noise/ mistakes/decisions/sentences (2). make sb./sth. + adj. 使某人/物(感到),使处于某 种状态, 常用到的形容词有:(un)happy/ surprised/

6、 angry/annoyed/sad/upset/worried/anxious/ stressed out/tense/scared/pleased/excited/relaxed 等 (3).(主动语态)make sb. / sth. + do 使某人/物做某 事(make=let=have)(被动语态)sb. / sth. be made to do 某人/物被 迫做某事 The boss all night. 那个老板使我们整夜都在工作。We work all night by the boss.我们被迫一整夜都在工作。 (4). sth. be made of sth. 某物由某物制

7、(作)成 The chair is made of wood.(从成品中看得出原材料)sth. be made from sth. 某物由某物制(作)成The paper is made from trees. (从成品中看不出原材料)sth. be made in+地点地点 sth. 某物产自/于某地Sony is made in Japan. 索尼产于日本。 sth. be made up of sth. 由组成Our class is made up of boys and girls. (5).含含 make 的短语小结:的短语小结: make meals 做饭 make coffee

8、 煮咖啡 make tea 沏茶 make a milk shake 制作一份奶昔 make a model plane 做2一个飞机模型 make the bed 铺床 make money 赚钱 make mistakes(in)= 犯错误 make a decision(to do)= 下决心 make up ones mind (to do) make up: make it(习惯用语)及时赶到,到达目的地 如:I just made it to my class.(U9)我恰好及时赶到班里。 (made it =arrived in time) 练习练习1. Mr. Lee told

9、 us an interesting story yesterday .It made all of us A laugh B. to laugh C. laughed D. laughing 2. Though he had often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by his little sister. A. cry; to cry B. crying; crying C. cry; cry D. to cry; cry 3. -Do you want to go to the concert tonight? -Im so

10、rry, I cannot, my mother will not _ me to go out in the evening. A. let B. allow C. offer D. ask 4. In winter, I like days because they make me . A. snow: excited B. snowy: exciting C. snow: exciting D. snowy: excited 5. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _. A.

11、 not to B. not to do C. not do D. do not to 6. You had better get yourcar _. A. wash B. washing C. washed D. to wash 7. Going to South Africa for the World Cup makes me , for I am a football fan.(10 年昆明市中考题) A. relaxed B. relaxing C. excited D. excited 8. Chinese athletes did a great job in the Wint

12、er Olympics in Canada. It can encourage post-90s (90 后) _(10 年昆明市中考题)A. work harder B. worked harder C. working harder D. to work harder 9. I think necessary for students to take an interest in all subjects. (11 年昆明市中考题) A. that B. this C. it D. one (二) 重点词汇重点词汇 1. lead vi 带路带路;领路领路;指引指引 lead sb to

13、sp e.g. Ill lead you to the room. 相关词组:lead sb. to do:引导引导/领导某人做某事领导某人做某事 2. serve vt. 招待招待;服务服务 service n. be at your service 随时效劳 servant n. 仆人仆人 3.product cn 产品产品 produce v. 生产;制造(相当于 make) 4. endangered adj 濒临灭绝的濒临灭绝的 endangered animals 知识拓展 be in danger: 深陷困境深陷困境 be out of danger: 脱离危险脱离危险 dang

14、erous: adj. 危险的危险的5. hard adj. 坚硬的坚硬的 The stone is very hard. 困难的困难的=difficult Its hard/difficult/not easy for sb to do sth. 艰苦的,艰辛的艰苦的,艰辛的 hard work / hard life adv. 努力地努力地 e.g. He works very hard. 小结:hard 既是形容词也是副词,如: hard work/work hard 区别区别 hardly: adv. 几乎不几乎不 He can hardly swim. 6. mysterious: adj.神秘的神秘的 e.g. I like something mysterious. 拓展拓展 mystery n 谜,神秘 The mystery is o



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