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1、国际商务英语作业英语函电写作21 世纪高职高专新概念(财经类)系列教材 Chapter II Establishing Business Relations Lesson One Exercises I. Translate the following expressions: 1.cotton piece goods 6. 另函 2.state-operated corporation . 供你方参考 3.import and export 8. 商务参赞处 4.business lines 9. 盼望 5.establish business relations 10. 最新的商品目录 I

2、I. Translating the following into English: 1.We are informed that _(你公司是经营化工产品 的国营公司). 2.We shall let you know our comments_(一俟收到你方的 报价). 3.We are _(专门从事中国工艺品出口). 4.We hope to _(与你们建立贸易关系). 5._(兹航寄) three sample books. 6._(我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的 商号建立了关系) on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchang

3、e of needed goods. III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1.We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export business of canned goods, and express our desire to enter into business relations you. 2.Our company is one of the import a

4、nd export corporations in Shanghai commercial circle authorized by the Ministry for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. We have enjoyed a good reputation in the world market for a long time. 3.We are one of the leading exporters of first class cotton and rayon goods and are enjoying an excellent

5、 reputation through fifty years business experience. 4.Through the courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo, we have learned that you have been supplying the best quality foods all over the world. 5.We are desirous of enlarging our trade in various agricultural products, but unfortunately have h

6、ad no good connections in the southern part of Russia. Therefore we shall be obliged if you kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers. IV. Translate the following sentences into English : 1.承蒙外国商会介绍得知你公司的名称地址。2.我们将会航空邮寄样品一份。3.我们对你方样本里的彩笔很感兴趣,请寄报价单来4.现借此机会向贵公司介绍,我们是国营公司,专

7、门经营工艺品。5.我们是中国轻工产品的主要出口商之一,愿与你公司建立业务关系。6.一俟获得新的供货,我们马上告知你方。Key to Lesson One I. Translate the following expressions into Chinese: 1. 棉布业务 6.under separate cover 2. 国营公司 7.for your reference 3 进出口 8. commercial counselors office 4 业务范围 9. look forward to 5 建立业务关系 10. latest catalogue II. Translating

8、the following into English: 1. you are a state-owned corporation dealing in chemicals. 2. upon receipt of your quotation 3. specializing in arts and crafts. 4. establish business relations with you. 5. We are airmailing you 6. We have established business relations with the firms of more than 100 co

9、untries in the world III. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1. 我们很乐意向你自我介绍, 我们是一家国营公司专门经营罐头食品出口业务,我们渴望 和 你们建立业务关系。 2. 我们是国家对外贸易经济合作部批准成立的上海商业系统的进出口公司。我们在世界上 一直享有很高的声誉。 3. 我们是一流棉布与人造丝业务的主要出口商之一,由于有五十年的业务经验使我们享有 极佳的声誉。 4. 承蒙东京商会介绍,我们了解贵公司在世界各地供应高品质的食品。 5.我们渴望扩大各种各样的农产品范围,但遗憾的是我们在俄罗斯南部没有顾

10、客,因此若 能介绍该地区的一些最可靠的进口商将不胜感激。 IV. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. We owe your name and address to the chambers of commerce abroad. 2. We will send you a copy of sample book by airmail. 3. We are interested in the colorful pens in your sample. Please kindly send your quotations to u

11、s. 4. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to introduce you as a state-operated corporation specializing in arts and crafts. 5. We are one of the leading exporters of Chinese industrial products and are desirous of entering into business relations you. 6. We will let you know upon receipt of new s

12、upplies.LessonTwo Exercises I. Translate the following expressions: 1.fall within the scope of our business activities 6. 销售代表 2.sister corporation 7. 信汇 3.open an account 8. 轻工产品 4.business background 9. 客观资料 5.refer to 10.商品交易会 II. Complete the following sentences in English: 1.We are interested i

13、n _(各种中国自行车). Please send us your pricelist for the goods. 2._(现随函寄去关于的出口清单)of our chemicals. 3._(欢迎你方对的询盘) for cotton piece goods. 4.Your letter may addressed to our liaison office in Alexander _(已转 交我们办复). 5.To acquaint you with the sewing machines we export now,_ (我们寄两本目录册). III. Choose the best

14、answer: ( ) 1. We shall be glad to send you our lowest quotation _ receipt of your detailed requirements. a. on b. with c. in d. as soon as ( ) 2. We are a corporation,_ both the import and export of textiles. a. handling in b. trading c specializing d. dealing in ( ) 3. If your price is reasonable, we shall _ an order _ you. a. place/with b. make/



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