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1、五年级下册复习备课一五年级下册复习备课一Unit 1 This is my day.单元内容总览及四会单词单元内容总览及四会单词本单元重点学习一天中不同时间段内学习和生活起居情况的表达,尤其是学会使用频度副词(频率由低到高:频率由低到高:sometimesoftenusually)谈论日常生活。需重点掌握四会短语:吃早饭(吃早饭(eat breakfast) 、吃晚饭(、吃晚饭(eat dinner) 、晨练(、晨练(do morning exercises) 、上、上课(课(haveclass) 、做运动(、做运动(play sports) 、爬山(爬山(climb mountains) 、

2、购物(、购物(go shopping) 、弹钢琴(、弹钢琴(play the piano) 、看望外祖父母(、看望外祖父母(visit grandparents) 、去远足(、去远足(go hiking) 。重点掌握问答作息时间的句型:“When do you get up/?”及问答周末活动安排的句型:“What do you do on the weekend?”四会句子:四会句子:A:When do you eat dinner?B:I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.A:When do you get up?B:I usually get up at

3、 12:00 noon.A:What do you do on the weekend?B:Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents.A:I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking.其余重点:其余重点:去上学:go to school 你呢?:And you?/What about you? 具体到时间点的时候,用介词 at 来表示。 请求别人帮忙或有事打扰别人时,需要说:Excuse me. 询问别人的职业:What do you do?音标部分:音

4、标部分:字母或字母组合发音例词 ai/ei/wait rain paint train ay/ei/say play today May gr/gr/great green grow grass gl/gl/glad glue glass glove练习:练习:1、I _ _ _(打扫房间)on Sundays. 2、What do you do _ _ _(在周末)? 3、_ (有时)I go hiking with Mike. 4、I often do homework in the evening. _ _ _?(你呢?) 5、This is _ _(迈克的周末). 6、你什么时候进行体

5、育活动?_ 7、我和艾米通常在假期去远足。_ 8、What do you do?_ AI am Chinese. B.I often go shopping. C. Im a student. 9、I like music. I often _ on the weekend. A. play football B. play sports C. play the piano10、补全对话:Chen: _ _. Can I ask you some questions?Mary: Sure. Chen: _.Mary: I am a teacher. Chen: _. Mary: I go to

6、 school at 8:00 in the morning. Chen: _. Mary: I go home at 5:00 in the afternoon.Chen: _. Mary: I often go hiking on the weekend.Chen: Thank you for telling me.Mary: You are welcome. A. When do you go to school? B. Excuse me. C. When do you go home.? D. What do you do? E. When do you go hiking?五年级下

7、册复习备课二五年级下册复习备课二Unit 2 My favourite season单元内容总览单元内容总览本单元教学重点是问答最喜欢哪个季节并进行描述,主要句型是:Which season do you like best?/Whats your favourite season? Why do you like summer/winter? Because I can本单元在内容上与四年级下册第四单元有相通之处,描述天气情况的形容词(cool/warm/ cold/hot/sunny/windy/cloudy/rainy/snowy)等单词皆已出现过。四会单词:四会单词:seasonspr

8、ingsummerfallwinter四会句子:四会句子:A:Which season do you like best?B:I like winter best.A:Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.天气特征及适宜的活动:cool(凉爽的)(凉爽的) warm(温暖(温暖的)的) cold(寒冷的)(寒冷的)hot(炎热的)(炎热的) sunny(晴朗(晴朗的)的) indy(多风的)(多风的)cloudy(多云的)(多云的) rainy(多雨(多雨的)的) snowy(多雪的)(多雪的) swim(游泳)(游泳) fly kit

9、es(放风筝)(放风筝)skate(滑冰)(滑冰)make a snowman(堆雪人)(堆雪人) plant trees(植树)(植树)A:Why do you like summer?B:Because I can swim in the lake.A:Why do you like winter?B:Because I can sleep a long time.其余重点:其余重点:询问别人最喜欢的季节:Whats your favourite season?或 Which season do you like best? 告诉别人自己最喜欢的季节:My favourite season

10、 is或 I likebest.或直接回直接回 答季节名称答季节名称 玩雪:play with snow 许多:a lot 醒来:wake up with 介词 1.与.一起,偕同,和.(例如:She lives with her son. 她和儿子住在一起。)2.带着.;有.的(例如:The girl with long hair is my classmate. 长头发的女孩是我同学)When its fall in China, its spring in Australia. When its winter in Beijing, its summer in Sydney. In Be

11、ijing, its spring from March to May. Summer is from June to August. Fall is September to November. Winter is December to February the next year. (P24 Good to know)音标部分:音标部分:字母或字母组合发音例词 air/air hair chair stairear/i/bear wear swear pear sp/sp/speak speed spell splash sk/sk/ski skate sky skirt 练习:练习:

12、1、你最喜欢哪个季节?_ 2、夏天是我最喜欢的季节_ 3、 “你为什么喜欢春天?” “因为我能放风筝。 ”_ _ _ like spring? Because I _ _ _. 4、Which season _ Zip like best?A. does B. is C. do 5、Its windy and cool. The leaves are yellow. Its _.A. summer B. fall C. winter 6、因为我可以睡很长时间。_ I can _ _ _ _.7、_ do you get up? 8、_ do you do on the weekend? 9、_

13、 season do you like best? 10、_ do you like summer?11、_ is your English teacher?五年级下册复习五年级下册复习备课三备课三Unit 3 My birthday单元内容总览及四会单词:单元内容总览及四会单词:本单元重点学习内容之一是 12 个月份的名称:January(Jan.)、February(Feb.)/March(Mar.)/April(Apr.)/May(May)/June(June)/July(July)/August(Aug.)/September(Sept.)/October(Oct.)/November

14、(Nov.)/December(Dec.)本单元词汇还涉及到序数词的教学。掌握一般规律(添加 th)后,需重点掌握第一(first/1st)第二(second/2nd)第三(third/3rd)本单元主题为“When is your birthday?”,内容拓展至:“When is Childrens Day?”等,涉及到生日、节日的日期或月份。四会句子:四会句子:A: When is your birthday?B: Its in May.My birthday is in June. Uncle Bills birthday is in June, too.A: Is her birthday in June?B: Yes.A: Whats the date?B: June 9th.其余重点:其余重点:A. What B. Which C. When D. Why E. WhoIs your birthday in February? 你


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