江西省鄱阳县八年级英语上册 Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation(第五课时)Review导学案

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1、1UnitUnit 3 3 WhatWhat areare youyou doingdoing forfor vacationvacation(第五课时)(第五课时)ReviewReview 导导学案学案课课 题题Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?课课 型型Review class教学目标教学目标熟练运用本单元短语、句型谈论假期打算。.重重 点点The useful expression.难难 点点谈论假期计划。总总 课课 时时教具准备教具准备CAI备课时间备课时间主主 备备 人人审审 核核 人人学习目标 1、掌握两个单词:Thailand,tour

2、ist 2、掌握词组: leave for, leave A for B, take sth with sb, the Great Wall. 3、掌握句型: (1) I want to ask you about places to visit in China. (2) Im planning my vacation to Italy this weekend. (3) Where are you leaving from? 4、复习巩固本单元所学的单词、短语、句型 快乐自学1、I can read: 学习目标中的单词、短语、句型我会大声朗读并熟记。2、I can write: 我能写出:

3、长城 启程往前 向某人打听某事 离开 A 地前往 B 地 筹划一次假日 3、我很棒,我能用所给出的 5 个单词的适当形式完成任务 1,并能用这 5 个单词 造出我自己的句子: leave: hear: plan: ask: hope: 4、I can read and write: 我会阅读 Part2 的问题,并根据这些问题设计出我 这个周末的计划安排,并能将我的计划安排清楚地写在 Part2 的日程安排表中。合作探究 1、Pairwork: 咱俩核对一下 Part 1 的答案吧! 2、Pairwork: 咱俩互享彼此造的新句子吧,看谁的更好。 3、Groupwork: 咱们比比看,谁制订的

4、日程安排更精彩,更合理。 4、讨论 leave 与 away 的区别。5.讨论 hear, hope 等词的用法。备注:2课堂小结 In this class, Ive learned: 1、Words and Phrases:2、Sentences:3、本单元重点词组: (1) go camping 去野营 (2)vacation plans 假日计划 (3)go hiking 去徒步旅行(4)in the mountains 在山区 (5)send sb sth = sed sth to sb 送某物给某人 (6)show sb sth = show sth to sb 把某物给某人看 (

5、7)go bike riding 去骑单车 (8)go sightseeing 去游览观 光 (9)take walks 散步 (10)go fishing 去钓鱼 (11)rent videos 租录影碟 (12)be famous for 因而著名 (13)think about doing sth 考虑干某事 (14)decide to do sth 决定做 某事 (15)take a vacation 度假 (16)plan to do sth 计划做某事 (17)forget to do sth 忘了要做某事 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 (18)cant wait

6、 to do sth 等不及要做某事 (19)finish doing sth 做完某事(20)leave A for B 离开 A 地前往 B 地 4、本单元重点句型: (1) What are you/they doing for vacation? (2) What is he/she doing for vacation? (3) Who are you going with? (4) How long are you/is he (she) staying? (5) Im/Hes staying for a week. (6) I dont like going away for t

7、oo long. (7) Have a good time. (祝你玩得开心) (8) I love nature. (9) What should tourists take with them? (10) Hows the weather=Whats the weather like? (11) I ask her about her plans. 达标测试 一、根据句意完成句子。二、用所给词的适当形式填空1、They (leave) for Italy next Wednesday and (stay) there for 2 months. 2、The (excite) vacation made the students feel (excite). 3、Listen, can you hear someone (sing) in the next room?34、The little child hopes (be) an actor when he grows up. 5、They (visit) their friends next weekend. H. 作业布置 1.预习 P19 的单词。 2.完成基训 period4(P61)反思:


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