人教版英语高一必修一Unit 2 English around the world期末知识梳理(含测试及答案)

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人教版英语高一必修一Unit 2 English around the world期末知识梳理(含测试及答案)_第1页
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《人教版英语高一必修一Unit 2 English around the world期末知识梳理(含测试及答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语高一必修一Unit 2 English around the world期末知识梳理(含测试及答案)(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教新课标版高一必修一 Unit 2 English around the world 期末知识梳理一、训练导入一、训练导入I.考纲单词考纲单词写出下列考纲词汇的词性和汉义(如果不止一个词性学生自行增补词性及相应汉义)1.official ( )2. base( )3. gradually( )4. fluently( )5. frequent( )6. command( )7. expression( )8. recognize( )9. contain( )10. direct( )11. native( )12. block( )13. identity( )14. direction(

2、 )15. actually( )II.核心短语核心短语1. _ of 由于,因为2. at _ 现在,目前3. such _ 例如4. more _ 不仅仅是, 不只是5. communicate _ sb. 与交流/交际6. the _ of 的数量7. _ it or not 信不信由你8. come _ 走进,上来9. make _ of 利用,使用10. play a _ in 扮演一个角色,参与11. leave _ 动身去某地12. _ space 在太空13. hold _ 稍候, 别挂断14. turn _ 关掉15. _ sea 乘轮船16. feel _ 感到高兴17.

3、_ the corner 即将来临18. take note _ 注意19. build _ 增强20. make _ 有意义二、知识精讲二、知识精讲I.重点词汇重点词汇 1. present n. 礼物 adj. 在场的;目前的 vt. 赠送 典例 1). The mountain bike is a birthday present from my parents.这辆山地自行车是父母给我的生日礼物。2). I am afraid I cant help you at present. 恐怕现在我没法帮助你。3). Were you present when the decision wa

4、s announced? 宣布那项决定时你在场吗?4). In the present case, I advise you to wait. 按照目前的情况,我建议你等等。5). May I present my new assistant to you? 请允许我向你介绍我的新助手。重点用法make sb. a present of sth.将某物赠送给某人at present/ at the present time 目前be present at 出席present-day attitudes/fashion 现在的态度/流行款式present sb.with sth = presen

5、t sth. to sb.把某物送给某人2. command n. 经(某人之)要求: on request 一经要求: request sth (from/of sb)要求, (尤指)请求某人做某事: 4. recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认典例 1). I recognized her by her red hat. 我根据她的红色帽子认出了她。2). Everyone recognized him to be the lawful heir/as the lawful heir. 大家都承认他为合法继承人。重点用法recognizeby sth 认出或识别某人/某事物 rec

6、ognizeas sth 承认某人/某事物是recognizeto be 承认是5. straight adj.笔直的;正直的 adv. 直接;挺直典例 1). This is a straight road. 这是一条直路。2). She went straight from school to university. 她中学一毕业就马上进了大学。6. block vt. 堵塞;阻碍 n. 街区;木块;石块典例 1). He lives three blocks away from here. 他住的地方与此处相隔三条街. 2). A large crowd blocked the corr

7、idors and exits. 人群把走廊和出口都堵死了重点用法a block of 一大块block out 堵住block off 封锁;封闭block up 堵塞;阻碍II.重点词组重点词组 1. present n. 礼物 adj. 在场的;目前的 vt. 赠送 典例 1). The mountain bike is a birthday present from my parents.这辆山地自行车是父母给我的生日礼物。2). I am afraid I cant help you at present. 恐怕现在我没法帮助你。3). Were you present when t

8、he decision was announced? 宣布那项决定时你在场吗?4). In the present case, I advise you to wait. 按照目前的情况,我建议你等等。5). May I present my new assistant to you? 请允许我向你介绍我的新助手。重点用法make sb. a present of sth.将某物赠送给某人at present/ at the present time 目前be present at 出席present-day attitudes/fashion 现在的态度/流行款式present sb.wit

9、h sth = present sth. to sb.把某物送给某人2. command n. 经(某人之)要求: on request 一经要求: request sth (from/of sb)要求, (尤指)请求某人做某事: 4. recognize vt. 辨认出;承认;公认典例 1). I recognized her by her red hat. 我根据她的红色帽子认出了她。2). Everyone recognized him to be the lawful heir/as the lawful heir. 大家都承认他为合法继承人。重点用法recognizeby sth 认

10、出或识别某人/某事物 recognizeas sth 承认某人/某事物是recognizeto be 承认是5. straight adj.笔直的;正直的 adv. 直接;挺直典例 1). This is a straight road. 这是一条直路。2). She went straight from school to university. 她中学一毕业就马上进了大学。6. block vt. 堵塞;阻碍 n. 街区;木块;石块典例 1). He lives three blocks away from here. 他住的地方与此处相隔三条街. 2). A large crowd bl

11、ocked the corridors and exits. 人群把走廊和出口都堵死了重点用法a block of 一大块block out 堵住block off 封锁;封闭block up 堵塞;阻碍III.重点句型重点句型 1. Which country do you think has the most English learners?解释do you think/believe/expect/ find/know/suppose 作为插入语,放在特殊疑问词后,其它内容紧跟其后并用陈述语序。 What time do you expect we will come and pick

12、 you up?你希望我们几点来接你?What do you suppose he will do after he hears about the good news?你认为他听到那个好消息后会做什么呢?Why do you think their team could win the football match? 你认为他们队为什么能赢得那场足球赛呢?2. Today, more people speak English as their first, second or a foreign language than ever before.解释 than ever before 常与

13、比较级连用,意为“比以往任何时候更”。如:The stars were shining brightly in the dark sky, and the night was more beautiful than ever before. 繁星点缀在夜空里,夜晚比以往更美。三、语法突破三、语法突破直接引语和间接引语(二)直接引语和间接引语(二)引述或转述别人的话称为“引语”。直接引用别人的原话,两边用引号“ “标出,叫做直接引语;用自己的语言转述别人的话,不需要引号这叫做间接引语,实际上间接引语大都是宾语从句(其中由祈使句转换的间接引语除外,其转换后是不定式)。那么直接引语为陈述句、一般疑问

14、句、特殊疑问句和祈使句,转换为间接引语时,句子的结构,人称、时态、时间状语和地点状语等都要有变化,如何变化呢?1、人称的转变1)直接引语中的第一人称,一般转换为第三人称,如:He said,“I am very sorry.” He said that he was very sorry.2)直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对转述人说的,转换为第一人称,如: “You should be more careful next time,” my father told me.My father told me that I should be more careful the next tim

15、e. 3)直接引语中的第二人称,如果原话是针对第三人称说的,转换成第三人称。如: She said to her son, “Ill check your homework tonight.” She said to her son that she would check his homework that night.4)人称的转换包括人称代词、物主代词和名词性物主代词等,如: He asked me, “Will you go to the station with me to meet a friend of mine this afternoon?” He asked me whether I would go to the station with him to meet a friend of his that afternoon.总之,人称的转换不是固定的,具体情况,具体对待,要符合逻辑。 2、时态的转换直接引语改为间接引语时,主句中的谓语动词如果是过去时,从句(即间接引语部分)的谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化,变成过去时范畴的各种时态(


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