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1、1高考英语阅读词汇新要求及应对策略高考英语阅读词汇新要求及应对策略2014-05-13 高考直通车 近年来高考英语阅读理解试题中出现了大量生词,这些生词不再像以前高考那样加注汉语意思,而 是要求考生结合语境进行合理猜测,或要求考生利用应有的知识面解题。具体地讲高考英语阅读题 对考生词汇的掌握提出了六大新要求。笔者现结合 2005 年高考英语阅读理解题,就如何应对这六 大新要求谈谈自己的看法,供同学们复习时参考。(下面所有例题都保留原题号以便大家更详细地 对照阅读) 一、要求考生具有利用语境推断生词含义的能力一、要求考生具有利用语境推断生词含义的能力 应对技巧一应对技巧一 : “定义解释定义解释

2、 + + 语境语境”法法 例 1:(2005,北京)The animals are kept togetherin small spaces, with no privacy and little opportunity f or mentaland physical exercise. This results in unusual and self- destructivebehavior called zoochosis. A worldwide study of zoos found thatzoochosis iscommon among animals kept in small

3、spaces or cages 65. In the state of zoochosis, animals _. A. remain in cages B. behave strangely C. attack other animals D. enjoy moving around 【解析】:This results in unusual and self-destructive behaviorcalled zoochosis 前面 unusual and self-destructive behavior“不正常和自残的特征”就是对 zoochosis 的解释。故 答案为 B。定义解释

4、形式多样,有定语从句、同位语从句、并列句等,或由 is,or, that is (to say), in other words, be called 等词汇或破折号来表示出。应对技巧二:应对技巧二: “同位关系同位关系 + + 语境语境”法法 例 2:(2005,辽宁)However, home builders use thefact that heat rises. This natural law can be used in bu ildinghouses in these areas. 58The underlined words “natural law”in the third

5、 paragraphrefer to the fact that _. Aheat raises the temperature in the houses Bheat goes in the upward direction Cheat goes up if temperature is raised Dheat increases the temperature of rocks 【解析】:答案 B。这里 This natural law 就是指的是 the fact that heatrises,他们是同位关 系,说的一个意思。再如: 例 3:(,重庆)It is true that l

6、ighthouseswere built in out-of-the-way places. But on pleasant sunny summerday, this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people willlove to experience. 68The underlined phrase “out-of-the-way“ inParagraph 4 meansA.far-away B.dangerous C.ancient D. secret 【解析】:由第二句中的关键词 thisisolation“孤立,偏僻之

7、处”可确定 out-of-the-way 是同 位关系。最佳答案是 A。2应对技巧三:应对技巧三: “并列关系并列关系+ + 语境语境”法法 例 4:(,江苏) William Shakespeare said, “Theweb of our life is of a mingled yarn (纱线),good and ill74.The underlined word “mingled“ in the last paragraph mostprobably means_. A.simple B.mixed C.sad D. happy 【解析】:答案是 B。莎士比亚说,“我们生活之网是由善

8、良和邪恶编织成的。good and ill 好与 坏,善良和邪恶,与 mingled 之间是并列的关系。mingled 在这里意为“混合的”。应对技巧四:应对技巧四: “对比关系对比关系+ + 语境语境”法法例 5:(广东)Being considered a leader in oursociety is indeed of high praise. Leadership means pow er, commandsrespect and, most important, encourages achievement. Unlike vitaminC, lead ership skills

9、cant be easily swallowed down. They must becarefully cultivated. 60. The underlined word “cultivated“ (paragraph 1) roughly means_. A. encouraged B. compared C. examined D. developed 【解析】:答案是 D。领导才能的培养过程能够像吞食维生素 C 一样轻而易举吗?不,这种能力的 获得是通过逐渐培养而获得的。“unlike”起了对比转折的作用。既然领导才能的培养过程不是像 吞食维生素 C 那么容易,那么就是一件很难的事

10、,当然就只有逐渐培养达到。 cultivated(=developed)。能够体现对比关系的词汇很多,主要有表转折关系的 but,while, however, on the one h andon the other hand, for onethingfor another 和众多反义词。应对技巧五:应对技巧五: “因果关系因果关系+ + 语境语境”法法例 6:(2005,广东)I thought to myself that weadults usually make a big “to do“ over the younger one beca useshes the one who

11、seems more easily hurt. We do it with the best ofintentions. 56. The underlined expression make a big “to do“ over(paragraph 4) means _. A. show much concernabout B. have a special effecton C. list jobs to be donefor D. do good things for 【解析】:答案是 A.,此句要抓住 because 这个关键词,because 后给出了划线部分 make a big “

12、to do“over 的原因。上文作者交代了他有两个小女儿 “Kristen is seven years old and Kelly isfour”。因为较小的那一个容易受到伤害,所以父 母常常给予了比大点的孩子更多关爱。 因果关系的语境通常由 because, sothat, so/suchthat等连词体现。再如: 例 7:(年,江西)The tea gardens in Sri Lankaare actually large estates(种植 园). The plants are about onemetre apart. The plant is often pruned so

13、that it remains only 60to 90 centimetres high. Pruning is important because it encouragesthe growth oftender shoots, or young leaves. 68In the first paragraph ,the word “pruning” means .3Aregular cutting of the plants Bfrequent watering Cregular use of chemicals Dgrowing the plants high in the mount

14、ain 【解析】:答案为 A。这是由 because 引出的因果关系。修剪茶树“pruning”是必要的,因为有 助于嫩芽或嫩叶的长出。从“果”可以推出“因”,猜出词义。 例 8:(2005,上海)“But,”said Kim, “I feel thatsince you are my superior, it would be presumptuous of me to t ellyou what to do.” 70. The word “presumptuous” in the middle of the passage isclosest in meaning to “_ _”. A.

15、 full ofrespect B. tooconfident and rude C. lacking in experience D.too shy and quiet 【解析】:答案为 B。这是由 since 引出的因果关系。“因为我觉得你是我的上级(superior), 当然对上级不能自信或傲慢无理(confidentand rude)。应对技巧六:应对技巧六: “同类关系同类关系+ + 语境语境”法法例 9:(2005,湖南)“Weve collected foreign coinsfor years since our families went on holiday to Tene

16、rife.“ sheexplains. “That was before the Eu ro, so we put pesetas in.“ 60. The underlined word “pesetas“ in Paragraph 2 is a kind of_. A.story B.collection C.inspiration D. foreign coin 【解析】: 答案是 D. theEuro(欧元)是一中货币,结合语境可知 pesetas 与之同类在没有出现 这种货币之前,我们就把西班牙币(pesetas)投入到盒子中去。同类关系的内容通常由 suchas/like, for example/instance 等连词列举同类词汇来体现。应对技巧七:应对技巧七:“生活常识生活常识+ + 语境语境”法法 例 10:(2005,福建)Rai



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