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1、 桥梁论文:汶川地震桥梁震害模糊综合评估方法研究桥梁论文:汶川地震桥梁震害模糊综合评估方法研究【中文摘要】近年来全球进入了地震高发期,相当多的大地震造成了惨重的人员伤亡和经济损失。大地震对交通设施造成了严重毁坏,特别是桥梁结构的损坏较为严重。桥梁的破坏严重阻碍了抗震救灾工作的进行,从而造成更严重的损失。过去我国桥梁的抗震设防标准偏低,已建的大部分桥梁的抗震能力较低。桥梁震后评估和易损性分析可为灾后加固重建工作提供必要依据,是防震救灾的基础工作之一“5.12”汶川大地震造成大量交通生命线工程破坏,交通设施的损失就达 670 亿元,其中桥梁损毁最为严重。本文以汶川大地震为背景,对部分线路中破坏明显

2、的桥梁进行分析。在调查资料的基础上对桥梁的震后评估方法展开研究,并提出桥梁模糊易损性分析方法。通过对汶川地震中部分线路上受损桥梁震害资料的分析,总结了灾区桥梁的抗震性能、桥梁抗震设计存在的问题。详细介绍模糊理论方法以及多层次模糊综合评判方法,考虑到震害资料的特点,基于模糊数学理论建立桥梁震后多层次模糊综合评估的评估模型,并开发相应的Matlab 程序。在模糊综合评估的基础上提出桥梁震后修复费用的计算方法,从直接损失和间接损失两方面计算出桥梁震后修复模糊费用。从传统的经验方法和理论计算方法简述桥梁地震易损性分析理论,总结出传统方法的优缺点以及存在的问题。基于模糊综合评估理论、模糊概率和可能性概率

3、分布理论,提出简支梁桥地震模糊易损性分析方法。对收集的桥梁震害资料分别进行模糊综合评估,将评估结果分类统计分析,从墩台形式、桥梁跨数、桥梁主跨跨度和桥址基本烈度四个方面得到桥梁的模糊易损性曲线。模糊易损性考虑了地震易损性分析中无法避免的二维不确定性,即桥梁震害评估中存在的不确定性以及由于样本数据较小引起的不确定性,是一种计算过程简单明了、值得推广的桥梁地震易损性分析方法。【英文摘要】In recent years, the world entered a period of high frequency of earthquake happening. The earthquakes occu

4、rred in most countries have caused heavy casualties and economic losses. Traffic facilities are seriously damaged in the earthquakes, especially to the bridge structures. The destruction of bridges in earthquake is a serious impediment to the relief work after the disaster, thereby causing more dama

5、ges. In the past, bridge seismic standards are comparatively low, most of our bridges have been built in low seismic capacity. These studies, which are basic works in an earthquake, can provide theory references for post-disaster reconstruction and reinforcement work.”5.12” Wenchuan earthquake destr

6、oyed a large number of transport lifelines. The economic losses of transportation facilities amounted to 67 billion Yuan, in which the bridge damage is the most serious. Under this background, some significant damages on the part of the bridge circuit are investigated and studied in this paper. Base

7、d on the investigation, the method of post-earthquake bridge evaluation is researched and the method of bridge fuzzy-vulnerability is proposed.Through the analysis of damaged bridge in Wenchuan earthquake, the problems in bridge seismic design and seismic performance are clearly reflected. This pape

8、r mainly describes the methods of fuzzy theory and multi-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, in which the characteristics of seismic data are taken in to account. Based on fuzzy mathematics, the assessment model of damaged bridge in Wenchuan earthquake is built through multi-level fuzzy com

9、prehensive evaluation method and the Matlab program is developed. On the basis of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, the method for calculating the cost of repairing the bridge after the earthquake is proposed, which is considered from the direct and indirect losses.An introduction of bridge seismi

10、c vulnerability theory is made from the view of traditional experience method and theoretical calculation method, and the advantadges and diadvantage of traditional method are summarized. Based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, fuzzy probability and probability-possibility distribution theor

11、y, the method of the seismic fuzzy vulnerability analysis of simply supported girder bridge is proposed. The collected bridge damage data is analyzed through fuzzy comprehensive evaluation theory, respectively. Then statistical analysis of the evaluated results by classification of pier; the number

12、of bridge span, the bridge main span and the basic seismic intensity of bridge site the four sides to get the fuzzy bridge fragility curves. The two-dimensional uncertainty caused by the uncertainty of bridge damage evaluation and the small amount of sample data is considered in fuzzy vulnerability

13、theory, which is a very clear and worthy to be promoted bridge seismic vulnerability analysis method.【关键词】桥梁 震害调查 地震工程 模糊综合评估 模糊易损性【英文关键词】Bridge Damage Investigation Earthquake Engineering Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Fuzzy Vulnerability【目录】汶川地震桥梁震害模糊综合评估方法研究 摘要 6-7 Abstract 7-8 第 1 章 概述 11-21 1.1

14、 引言 11 1.2 国内外地震震害情况 11-14 1.3 桥梁模糊评估的研究现状 14-17 1.3.1 桥梁评估的方法 15 1.3.2 基于模糊理论的评估方法 15-17 1.4 桥梁易损性的研究现状 17-19 1.5 本文的研究思路 19-21 1.5.1 选题背景及意义 19 1.5.2 主要研究内容及研究思路 19-21 第 2 章 汶川地震桥梁震害调查与分析 21-36 2.1 引言 21 2.2 汶川地震桥梁震害调查情况 21-26 2.2.1 梁体移位 21-22 2.2.2 支座破坏 22-23 2.2.3 墩台破坏 23-25 2.2.4 其他破坏 25-26 2.2

15、.5 拱桥的破坏形式 26 2.3 汶川地震桥梁震害分析 26-36 2.3.1 地震烈度的影响 26-28 2.3.2 结构形式的影响 28 2.3.3 地质灾害的影响 28-36 本章小结 36 第 3 章 桥梁震后模糊综合评估 36-72 3.1 引言 37 3.2 模糊理论基础 37-45 3.2.1 模糊集合理论 37-42 3.2.2 隶属函数 42-44 3.2.3 模糊系统 44-45 3.3 钢筋混凝上梁桥模糊综合评估 45-54 3.3.1 钢筋混凝土梁桥的评估模型 46-47 3.3.2 多层次模糊综合评估的基本步骤 47-54 3.4 桥梁震后损伤评估等级及相应修复费用评估 54-64 3.4.1 桥梁震后损伤评估等级 54-57 3.4.2 基于模糊综合评判的桥梁震后修复总费用评估 57-64 3.5 模糊综合评估计算实例 64-71 3.5.1 工程概况 64-65 3.5.2 检测结果 65-66 3.5.3 检测数据的模糊化 66-67 3.5.4一级模糊综合评估 67-70 3.5.5 二级模糊综合评估 70-71 3.5.6 三级模糊综合评估



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