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1、Module1 买buy 打电话call 开车drive 享受enjoy 躺下Lie down 逛商店;购物Shops; shopping 获得;拿;抓Obtain; Get; catch 拍照photographed 讲;告诉Speak; tell 等etc 为;为了For; In order to 等待;等候Wait; Waiting for 明信片postcards 长城The Great Wall (表语气)真的吗(table tone) really 美好时光Good time 非常very 无论如何,反正Anyway, anyway 小汽车car 穿上Put on 事情;东西Thi

2、ngs; things 离开leave 工作work 在家At home 洒馆Sprinkled hall 饭馆restaurant 歌剧opera 芭蕾舞ballet 睡觉sleep 洗;洗涤Wash; washing 穿衣服Wear clothes 开始began 正午noon 热狗Hot dogs 咖啡coffee 探望;看见Visit. saw 问候;致意Greetings, regards 现在,此时Now, right now 看Look at. 立刻;不久Immediately; soon 爱;热爱Love; love 再见。Goodbye. 夜晚night 晚安(打招呼用语)G

3、ood night (greets expressions) 街道street Module2Module2 节目program 春节The Spring Festival 有准箭的A quasi arrow 为准备好For. ready 打扫;弄干净Clean; clean 做饭;烹饪Cooking; cooking 一餐,一顿饭A meal, a meal 学;学会Learn; learn 龙dragon 舞龙dragon 灯笼lanterns 元宵节Lantern Festival 打扫clean 扫去sweep 地板floor 发生happen 帮助help 在工作In the wor

4、k 传统traditional 坏的;不好的Bad; bad 运气luck 涂;绘域Tu; Draw domain 意思是;意味Mean; means 装饰adornment 装饰adornment 剪纸paper-cut 每个人;Each person; 理发haircut 给to 新年New Year 新年前夜New Years eve 饺子;团子Dumpling; dumplings 甜的sweet 布丁;甜点心Pudding; dessert (复)焰火(after) fireworks 小多,很少Small, very few 一些some 要;想要To; Want to 星期wee

5、k 圆的round 在周围around 一年到头All the year round 带来bring 颜色color 某事;某物Something; something 剪;切Cut; cut 圣诞节Christmas 长的long Module3Module3 计划;打算Plan; Going to 温习;复习Revision; review 温习;复习Revision; review 野餐picnic 吃野餐A picnic 测试;测验Testing; test 沿走;登上Along. Walk; boarded 向前forward 期待expect 女儿daughter (外)孙女(ou

6、ter) granddaughter 因为because 飞机plane 游览;观光Visit; sightseeing 游览tour 文化culture 海滨;海滩Seaside; beach 海;海洋The sea; Marine 妻子wife 炊事员;厨师The cook; cook 为什么why 术外国的Art foreign (从)到达(from.) arrived 去观光Go sightseeing 骑白行车By bike 去骑自行年To ride in itself 买东西;购物Shopping; shopping 去买东两;去购物To buy east 2; Go shoppi

7、ng 早early 出外;在外Out; outside 外出out Module4Module4 生活;生命Life; life 将来;未来The future; future 在将来;在未来In the future; In future 有线电视Cable TV 讣钟:器For Fu clock: 移动电话Mobile phone 粉笔chalk 纸paper 直尺straightedge 卫星电视Satellite TV 没有人;无人No man; unmanned 农场farm Module7Module7 假日;节日Holiday; festival 雨;雨水Rain; The ra

8、in 下雨rain 天气The weather 风The wind 因此;所以Therefore; so 便宜的cheap 燃料fuel 昂贵的expensive 短暂的;短的;矮自Short; Short; Short since 变得;得到;拿到Become; Get; get 变暖warming (海浪等)汹涌的(etc) stormy waves (气候)有暴风雨的(weather) a storm 舂天Water days 秋天autumn 大雨;暴雨Heavy rain; rainstorm 强烈的;强壮的;强大的Strong; Strong; powerful 舒适的;舒服的Co

9、mfortable; comfortable 加热heating 机器machine 单凋的;枯燥的Single conditioning; boring 工作work 自由的free 气候climate 科技;技术Technology; technology 运输transportation 容易的easy 有趣的interesting 困难的difficult 平静的;平稳的Calm; smooth 不舒服的uncomfortable 弱的weak 梦想dream Module5Module5 故乡;家乡Hometown; hometown 比than 东方的Oriental 东方Orie

10、ntal 南方的southern 南方south 千米;公Km; male 米meters 高的high 百万million 忙的;繁忙的Busy; busy 海岸coast 小山;丘陵The hills; hills 岛屿islands 人口population 回答answer 回答;答案Answer; The answer 问题question 提问;询问Questions; asked 北方north 北方的north 西方western .西方的. Western 河;江River; jiang 教堂church 著名的famous 首都;省会The capital; capital

11、 湖lake 低的low 山;山脉Mountain. mountains 大约;几乎About; almost 关于about 靠近;接近Near; Close to 村庄village 地区;区域Areas; area 宽的wide 事实;细节Facts; details Module6Module6 奥林匹克的The Olympic 激动人Excited people 心的活动;冒险Heart activities; adventure 更多的more 更more 危险的dangerous 体操gymnastics 滑雪skiing 流行的;受欢迎的Popular; popular 激动人

12、心的exciting 累人的tiring 不流行的,不受欢迎的Dont popular, not popular 令人厌烦的boring (使)放松(make) relax 放松的;轻松自在的Relax; At ease 安全的safe 擅长Good at 居住区;邻近地区;邻里关系Residential areas; Adjacent areas; neighbourhood 委员会committee 到达arrived 迟;晚于规定时刻Late; Late in specified time 迟的;晚的Late; late 后面;后部The back; and rear 可是;然而But;

13、 however 慢地Slowly, 大声地;吵闹土眭Loudly; Noisy soil Sui 清楚地clearly 游客;观光者Tourists; visitors 需要need 快地quickly 好地well 坏地;糟糕地Bad; bad 粗心地;马虎地Careless; Careless land 更好better 努力地hard 领(某人)四处参观Bring (someone) around the visit 盒式磁带Cassette tape 播放机players 词汇vocabulary 认真地seriously 安静地quietly 继续Continue to 直到时;到

14、为止Until. ; To. So far Module8Module8 过去(的)The past () 超过Over. 动词的过去式The past forms of verbs 出生Was born 出生于Was born in 创建者founder 科学家scientists 教授professor 严格的;严厉的Strict. stern 友好的;令人愉快的Friendly; pleasant 友好的friendly 淘气的naughty 初等的;初级的Elementary; primary 小学Elementary school 有礼貌的,循规蹈矩的Polite and organ

15、ized 嘿;喂Hey; hello 省;省份Province; provinces 夫人;太太Lady; wife 总统President 带有;和在一起With; And. together 商店shop 电影movie 棒球baseball 起居室Living room 厨房kitchen 浴室bathroom 卧室The bedroom 墙wall 招贴画;海报Poster; posters 花园garden 池塘pond 鱼;鱼肉Fish; fish 回(原处);向后Back (place); backward 回去back 某处;某个地方Somewhere; somewhere 不

16、友好的Dont friendly 搭档;同伴Partner; companion 性格character Module9Module9 曾经;一度Once; once 从前once 熊bear 开始began 决定decided 骑(马;车等)Ride (horse; car etc.) 去乘(骑)To take (ride.) 金黄色的golden 小的;矮小的Small; short 采摘picking 注意到notice 赶忙;匆忙Quickly; hurried 敲knock 没有人;无人No man; unmanned 推push 敞开的open 建立;开;打开Establish; Open; open 进人Into people 数number 碗bowl 捡起Picked up 全部的all 全部地entirely 饿的hungry 冲;奔Blunt; rush 尝试try 毁坏;破坏Destroy; damage 不高兴的unhappy 睡着的asleep 返回;归还Return; re



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