2014年春学期七年级英语下册Unit 8单元周测测试题

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1、12014 年春学期七年级英语下册年春学期七年级英语下册 Unit 8 单元周测测试题单元周测测试题题号题号一一二二三三四四五五总分总分得分得分请同学们把选择题请同学们把选择题 1-35 小题的答案写在表格里。谢谢!小题的答案写在表格里。谢谢!一一单项选择(单项选择(40 分)分)1234567891011121314151617181920二完形填空(二完形填空(20 分)分)21222324252627282930三阅读理解(三阅读理解( 分分 )3132333435一单项选择( 40 分)1. Can you swim _ the river ?A. near B. between C.

2、 from D. across22._ , where is the park?A. Hi B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Excuse3. The hotel is _ the bank.A across B. from C. across form D. next 4. We _ a big family.A. are B. have C. has D. there are5.There isnt a restaurant _ here. A . in B. near C. from D. on6.-Thank you very much. -_A. Youre welc

3、ome. B. Really? C. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you, too.7.-Is there a library in your school? -_.A. Yes ,it is. B. No ,it isnt. C. Yes, there is. D. No ,there arent.8.-_ is the park? -Its on the right of the school.A. Where B. What C. Why D. How9. _ any books on the desk?A. There is B. There are C. I

4、s there D. Are there10. .There _some water in the glass.A. is B. are C .be D. has11.Thank you for your help ._.A No, thanks. B Youre welcome C Dont say it D All right .12.-What class are they having ? 3Math. Their math teacher is _the classroom.A in the front of B in front of C on D behind 13. Laura

5、 enjoys _ storybooks.Me, too.A reading B read C to read D reads 14. Li Chen likes to _ much time on TV show.A take B taking C spend D spending15. Could you tell me the way to the cinema, please ?-Yes, walk along the street . Youll see it _ your left.A on B in C for D over 16. That is an old hotel, _

6、 it is very clean and quiet.A because B or C but D and 17.Go straight and turn _.The bank is _.A. left; left B .left ;on the left C. on the left D .left; to left18.Its relaxing _ out with our friends on weekends .A to go B going C for going D going to 19- I sit _ Linda. She is just on my left.A next

7、 to B in front of C behind D opposite 20. You dont have to help him .He can do the thing _.A quickly B hard C easily D happily 二完形填空 (20 分)This is my bedroom. I can see _ 21 _ pictures on the wall. The light is _ 22 _ the desk. The football is _23 _ the chair. _ 24 _ is the bed? Its near the table.

8、My father and _ 25 _ bedroom is near my bedroom. _ 26 _ flowers and a bed _ 27 _ in their room. Some 4windows are _ 28 _ the wall. A yellow door is in the wall, _ 29 _. I like my bedroom and they like _ 30 _.21. A. a B. one C. an D. some 22. A. under B. on C. in D. behind 23. A. on B. under C. to D.

9、 for 24. A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where 25. A. sister B. mother C. mothers D. sisters 26. A. The B. the C. Some D. some 27. A. is B. are C. isnt D. am 28. A. on B. behind C. in D. under 29. A. also B. there C. here D. too 30. A. also B. theirs C. them D. their room 三阅读理解 ( A )Johnson likes swimmin

10、g in a small river near his house. But then his father goes to work in a big city and Johnson goes with his family . Their new house has a garden , but the garden is very small Johnson is not very happy. “Is there a river near the house ?” he asks his father on the first morning .” No, there isnt .

11、But there is a big park near here. And theres a pool in it”. “ We are going there this afternoon”. says his father. Johnson is happy. Johnson and his father go to the park in the afternoon. Johnson wants to walk near the pool. but he sees a sign . His father 5reads it to him: “Warning(警告) : This poo

12、l is dangerous. 365 people fell into it. “Johnson looks into the pool carefully , then he says , “I cant see them.” 31. There is a _ near Johnsons new house. A. small river B. big park C. small garden D. big pool 32. John isnt very happy because _. A. there isnt a big park B. theres a pool C. his fa

13、ther goes to work in a big city D. there isnt a river near the new house. 33. There is a _ near the pool. A. sign B. river C. garden D. tree 34 .The warning tells people _ near the pool. A to look into it B. not to swim C. to be careful D. not to look into it 35. Which isnt right ?A. There isnt a sm

14、all river near Johnsons house. B. Johnsons father gets a new job in a big city. C. Johnson is afraid to walk near the pool D. Johnson goes to the big city with his father. 四根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 ( 20 分)1. Can you go to the p_ office to a send(寄) a letter for me?2. Tom is ill in h_.3. We often buy a lot of things in the s_ on Sundays.64. You should put the money in the _(银行).5. The children e _playing soccer after class. 6. I s_ much time speaking English every morning,7. I can find the ho


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