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1、美联英语提供:外贸英语:布置、参加展会小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/ Excuse me.sir! Could you tell me where the service desk is located?A:先生,您好!请问服务台在哪里?B: It is just right over there.B:就在那里。A: Hello! lm Jack from France. Do you know where I can find my booth?A:你好,我是来自法国的杰克,请问我的展位在哪里?C: Let me see. Youre in booth number 2

2、22. Heres a mao of the exhibition hall.and here we are at the service desk.C:嗯,让我看看。您的展位是 222 号,这是会场布 置图,请看,这是我们现在的位置服务台。A:Okay.and where exactly is our booth? Oh.there it is. Thanks for your help. Pardon me.sir. Our goods were sent from Beijing more than ten days ago.and theyre riot in our booth !A

3、:好的那我的展位究竟在哪里呢?哦,找到了!对不起,先生,我们的参展品十多天前就从北京寄来,可是怎么还没有摆到展位上?C:Ah.hold on.let me check our records. Oh yes.your goods arrived late yesterday evening,so we havent had the time to bring your goods to your booth.C:哦,您等会儿,我查一下资料,有了,你们的货昨天晚 上很晚才到,所以我们还来不及搬到您的展位上。A:When can I expect them.J I really need to s

4、et up before the exhibition !A:什么时候能够搬过来?我一定得在展览开始 布置好!C:You dont have to worry; I promise youII have your goods before2 pm.C:别着急,我保证您的货会在下午 2 点前布置好.A:En,that makes me feel better. Do you mind if I could check onmy goods now?A:嗯,这样我就放心多了.我现在能不能看一看那 些货呢?C:Of course.C:当然可以。A:Thank you.l just want to b

5、e sure that everything is here and in working condition.A:谢谢,我只是想确定一下每样东西都在这里,完 好无损。C: lts no trouble at all.C:没问题。外贸英语:参加商展A;Good morning ,My name is Cindy I come from America .A:早上好,我是辛迪,来自美国。B:Its a great pleasure to meet you ,My name is Liu Hui.B:很高兴见到您,我是刘辉。A;Please to meet you ,too,Here is my

6、business card.A:我也很高兴见到您。这是我的名片。B;Thank you .B:谢谢。A;Have you ever been to the Chinese Exporrt Commodities Fair in Guangzhou before.A:你以前参加过中国广州出口商品交易会吗?B;Its so fresh to me.B:没有啊,这里的一切对我来说都很新鲜。A:The Fair is a bag gathering ,Tens of thousands of foreign businessmen from more than 150 coutries and reg

7、ions are here to trade with China.A:这是一次盛大的聚会。来自 150 多个国家和地区的成千上万的商人,聚集在这里和中国进行贸易。B:Its really a big party ,Iam excited to be a part of them.B:真是一场盛大的聚会。我能够成为其中一员,我感到很兴奋.A;There are exhibition in the Fair ,where new products are on display.A:交易会设有展览厅,新产品陈列在那里.B;Yes,when I enter the main hall .I saw

8、many beautiful extiles and light industrial products on show ,They were very attrative ,Could we go to see the show now?B:是的。刚才进入大厅时我看到陈列着许多漂亮的纺织品和轻工产品。展品很吸引人。我们现在可以过去看看吗?A;Of coure,Lets go.A:当然可以,我们走吧.外贸英语:台展搭建A: Jo the organizers build the stands?A:摊位是由组织者建造吗?B:Generally, organizers provide basic

9、shells or modules and then the exhibitors complete themselve And also the exhibitors can design and build their own stands from scratch ,We are doing in this case.B: -般来说,组织者提供基本的摊位外壳和单元, 参展单位自己布置完成。当然参展单位也可以自己从头开始设计建造 我们这一次就这么干。A:Oh,no.I am afraid we can not construct the stands ourselves.A:不,恐怕我们自

10、己不能动手亲自建吧。B;Of course,We will employ a firm of contractor ho specializes in stand construction and discuss the design of our stand with them in detail tomorrow.B:当然。我们准备雇用一家专业公司作为摊 位建筑承包商。明天和他们详谈摊位的设计问题。A:Thats a good idea.A:不错的主意 。B:We have many things to be takes into our consideration range of pr

11、oducts to be displayed amenities to be provided the number of staff on duty and so on,See to it that the estimate of the amount of space should be accounted.B:我们有很多方面需要考虑:参展的产品范围、提供的服务设施、值班的人数等等.务必确保面积估计的准确 .A:When will the contracor produce the design?A:承包商什么时候设计啊?B:After we book our space through

12、the organizer.B:在我们向组织者预订位置之后了。外贸英语:产品介绍A:This is first visited to the Fair Everything is new to me,so many people and so many showrooms,Mr Ding would you please give me some information ?A 我第一次参加广交会,觉得一切都很新鲜,这么多人,这么多展厅。丁先生,你能给我介绍一下吗?B:The Fair is a big gathering Tens of thousands of foreign busines

13、smen from more than 150 country and regions are here to trade with China.B 这是一盛大的聚会。来自 150 多个国家和 ,地区的成千上万的商人,聚集在这里和中国进行贸易。A:What about your company?A.你们公司的情况如何?B;Ours is a company specializing in exporting leather products and what are yours?B:我们公司主要经营皮质产品出口的。你们公 司呢?A;My shoes marketing company has

14、high standing in my country.My bank is the Commercial Bank,China .You may refer to it for my references.A:我公司是国内信誉很高的皮鞋销售公司,我的开户银行是中国商业银行,你可以向该银行了解我公司的情况。B:I have heard about your company ,We appreciate your interests in our company very much,We can produce goods modeled after the fashion of different markets.Of course ,we can produce shoes modeled after your samples.B:我听说过贵公司。非常感谢你对本公司的产 品感兴趣。我们能按照不同市场的流行款式 制作不同的产品。当然,我们也可以按贵方样品鞋生产产品。A;Thats great.A:太好了。B:I think we reach an agreement and have a promising cooperative prospect.B:我想我们能达成协议,拥有很好的合作前景。美联英语:美联英语:


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