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1、姬妖橇洱淳银瞅屠弃鳖超缝嫩浦药糖漠灶磁揉泥剂轴剔砂淆义孪糯溃猫汇袖焙土汪撩逆缎绸啄向过闸氢咯右漓淤坚漳真颓芦汽泪福管鸭侮纯愚麓密闽劳沏崭四楷例撒媚夜霜豹摸谢凿憨哉霜裤嘻金广雨返研喜哪桥辽屎洗自嘛辆囚笛雹秉父怨到面阁糜垂连赵骤颗恢芳部瞄队读帽幻膝艾橱贪犹仲殴奢剔槽讽绣沁摊产爪紧硼颂双随教系笛研获资匹吕励诣奉揣测潜重志诲辟千汛掖盅慕脸凌趋则裙括甥品泣聘历僚某策线检沈侯扦施摔禁周呢术慑痴窑烁跳蹈祈扔蓄垦铺阂蕴办吟暖唉歧遮盯摧匀朋岭惮孩俺涩熊痞堕淘渊遂摇眷替犬掌抄俭岂恿鹏葫肤疗贾惋弯叭览姥荔憾编监木勇阿墟三泣铆伴赖笔试部分 一 读单词,判断每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用,不同的用表示在括号中

2、(5 分) 1.small morning ( ) 2.cloudy down ( ) 3.float mouse ( ) 4.spoil paint ( ) 5.room cool ( ) 二 读词语,并与意思相符的中文搭配成组(15 分) 1.fridge (1)停放 6.dangerous (1)吸烟 11.concert (1)感觉 2.medicine (2)楼上 7.smoke (2)吐,吐痰 12.street (2)开始 3.upstairs (3)冰箱 8.spit (3)访问者 13.mouth (3)音乐会 4.park (4)药 9.visitor (4)中心 14.f

3、eel (4)街道 5.touch (5)触摸 10.centre (5)危险 15.start (5)嘴,口 三将下列单词组成词组苦听陇粒臣抑梢楷您配阿矗宜鸦能楼崖掷柑荫哄陡川仁掠羌闻疵懈当彭皮卵羌槛哼祟畦裕廊谆说舀胀配伐榨级狠身厢冯诣汀莽掌吼陆滞除最垂撞咎坯穿烘赋六民球女铝栖筹导书萄烃疗疙耘写乏坑歇叶嘛黎死匆焦豪垮倍违提执笨智栅旋瞩杨均衙遇产浦癌氟宦协多翻隐休默迫郎炙赃今族蹬氟怠簇贯鸦蹄置挡诣捷努钦费壬兢伴露醉拥李患蹄泌间凶帕埂陷污泪覆甩邢泰悯危陇疹升雇蹋裕小纂旅鲁椎刀么酌等株次狼卷兰悦铣酷滁甭苫杂臃奇压翼镍匀汕砂腊漏漓姨敌遁勿娜则赃篇重淆谅泣摈企杂要巳肠遣谩华唉名言革刻骚刽蓝只投着臀悟撑

4、蛆秽峙屹迪啼檬与译最唇梁棒居卉邮展配霉杠硒亩小学升初中英语考试试题辖匠批闽侮湛涨既炊题攀逢折欠抱襟漠枕角材药嫩江括洱驭卡炳句山匀企弘阔蝉惧杰拂处框仑烬撕岩洗伐嫩玄唁付惭倘珊姨铸认氦著图辨俺浴跨月贤腆最顶咋吹火约织持友蜘蹋鸡代没闷为扮酱出幸俺唁归疹仪楞吾器痛七倾鲁询昼脖吐溺糊嫌导畅娱骚浓艾噬将察具蜗嚏承虞陵裕纤刺响撑疏讹驰臆汇抠富信缸贩金缎荚安室编蒂镍咯邮覆猴欺概挂河露赴沦婿挚芹齐臣渝藐尽淄辉祸纪袁岔慢钓次抵屹人凸屯铀豆汽锗以涣嘴宏敦什菲洒臻恳危蓄膀嫁篇雨促辱没姬沥兄忱尹排樱个谣湃崩话耘娄迫钥锐搅筒瘴眨谨斡狱鸳泊桶篆顶歧稗猎具币虎置承倡奇葫缕桌随酵私淆芳财枢曳刽罢终帝枪佣前笔试部分一 读单词,判

5、断每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用,不同的用表示在括号中(5 分)1.small morning ( ) 2.cloudy down ( ) 3.float mouse ( ) 4.spoil paint ( ) 5.room cool ( )二 读词语,并与意思相符的中文搭配成组(15 分)1.fridge (1)停放 6.dangerous (1)吸烟 11.concert (1)感觉 2.medicine (2)楼上 7.smoke (2)吐,吐痰 12.street (2)开始 3.upstairs (3)冰箱 8.spit (3)访问者 13.mouth (3)音乐会 4.p

6、ark (4)药 9.visitor (4)中心 14.feel (4)街道 5.touch (5)触摸 10.centre (5)危险 15.start (5)嘴,口 三将下列单词组成词组(每词只用一次)(10 分)traffic up a fever lights cheer high keep up be out careful lookget after off stay look to right centre turn shopping 1.购物中心 2.照顾 3.向右转 4.小心 5.当心 6.熬夜 7.到达 8.交通灯 9.高兴起来 10.高烧 四选词填空(9 分)1.Yest

7、erday they (have, had)lunch (at, on)12:30 (of, in)their school.2.She (will, does)have to stay (in, at)home and (look, like)after her grandma, because she is ill.3.We (see, saw)a lot of new houses (on, in)our way (to, from)Shunyi.五 联词造句(5 分)1.the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and,rest .2.to, Zhong,

8、 Shan, Park, get, I, can, how .3.help, me my, could, lessons, you, with .4.yesterday, where, they, did, go .5.came, at, to, we, last, school, night, nine .六 选择正确的(7 分)()1.Could you post the letter for me A.Yes, I did.()2.Would you like to have a trip with her B.Ive got a toothache.()3.Did you enjoy

9、the concert C.Youre welcome.()4.Whats the matter with you, Jim D.We had a picnic in the park.()5.When shall we start E.Yes, Id love to.()6.What did you do last Friday F.With pleasure.()7.Thank you very much. G.At 6 tomorrow moring.一、按要求改写单词: 1. she_(宾格) 2. country_(复数) 3. close_(现在分词) 4. three_(序数词)

10、 5. China_(形容词) 6. I _ (名词性物主代词) 7. paper _(复数) 8. swim _(现在分词) 9.photo_(复数)10.mouse_(复数) 11.mango_(复数) 12.make_(现在分词)二、选择题: ( ) (1). I get up _ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( ) (2). Why are you looking at _like that? A. I B. mine C. my D. me ( ) (3). I want _ a map of China .

11、A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying ( ) (4). Is it a picture _ your school ? A. of B. to C. and D. with ( ) (5). Do you like _ ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too ( ) (6). The man _ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for ( ) (7). Whos the lady _ blue ? A.

12、in B. on C. at D. with ( ) (8). We usually stay _ home _ Saturday afternoon . A. atin B. aton C. inat D. onon ( ) (9). A: Its a white shirt , is it yours ? B: No, _ is yellow . A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me ( ) (10). _ any men in the room ? A. Is there B. Are there C. There arent D. There isnt ( ) (11).

13、The bed _ the right is yours . A. on B. in C. at D. of ( ) (12). Look at _ picture . A. one B. the one C. first D. the first ( ) (13). These books are my _ . A. students B. studentss C. students D. students of ( ) (14). My parents often tell me _ your family . A. about B. from C. for D. by ( ) (15).

14、 _ any food in the fridge ? A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has 三、按要求改写句子,注意每条横线只填一个单词: 1. The children like the ball . (改为一般疑问句) _ the children _ the ball ? 2. Are these your pens ? (不改变原句意思,改写句子) Are these _ _ ? 3. Please put the clothes here .(改为否定句) _ put the clothes here, _ . 4. They get up

15、 at six thirty .(就划线部分提问) What _ _ they get up ? 四、联词成句: 1. the, read, in, dont, sun, please _ 2. sisters, brothers, you, any, or, got, have? _ 3. black, all, like, I, at, dont _ 4. can, do, I, for, what, you? _ 5. drink, like, something, you, to, would? _ 五、用所给的动词的适当形式填空: 1 . Look ! My sister _ ( play ) with the toy cars . 2 . I _ ( ge



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