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1、 图表作文图表是科学文献中常用的一种表达手段。四六级图表作文利用图形(figure) 、表格 (table) 、曲线图(graph) 、柱状图(pie chart)和饼状图(pie chart)等作为写作提 示,并以此为依据要求用简洁生动的语言把图标中所给出的信息完整而准确地表达出来。 这一类作文通常前半部分说明图标所表达的信息,后半部分进行议论,不论以何种方 式出现,图标作文还是遵循一定的模式。最常见的模式是:第一段:描述现状。简要地描最常见的模式是:第一段:描述现状。简要地描 述图表,概括图表所表现的社会问题。述图表,概括图表所表现的社会问题。 第二段:分析原因。第二段:分析原因。剖析图表

2、所反映的深层次问题。 用图表来论证第一段提出的主题, 或者分析各个数据产生的原因。第三段:结论和启示。第三段:结论和启示。 从图表中所体现的现象获得结论或者启示,或者对图标所表现的趋势加以预测。图表作文模式As is shown/depicted/described in the picture/chart, 概括图表内容。 For one thing, 支持这一内容的一个方面。 For another, 支持这一内容的另外一个方面。It is obvious that 图表所反映的内容。Many remarkable factors contribute to 主题。 First of al

3、l, 理由一。In addition, 理由二。Thirdly,理由三。Considering all these, I believe that 我的看法或偏好。First of all, 个人看法的依据一。Furthermore, 个人看法的依据二。Therefore, 个人的结论或文章的结论。Example As is shown in the chart, the number of Chinese people traveling abroad increased gradually. For one thing, in 2001, the number of people trav

4、eling abroad was seven point five million, which was increased to ten million in 2002. For another, in 2003, there were twelve point one million Chinese people traveling abroad. It is obvious that China is witnessing an ever prosperous overseas tourism. The reasons of the increase lie in several asp

5、ects. First of all, with the implementation of Chinas reform and opening policy, chinas economy has been growing rapidly and steadily. In addition, peoples income has increased tremendously, so more and more people are now eager to see the outside world with their own eyes. Thirdly, the Chinese gove

6、rnment has been simplifying the formalities of traveling abroad and has opened more overseas tourist destinations.As I understand, more and more Chinese people want to travel abroad. One the one hand, at present most people can afford the fees traveling abroad. On the other hand, youngsters especial

7、ly young couples treat traveling abroad as a new fashion. In conclusion, in light of the development trend of the Chinese economy, the number of outbound travelers in the future will keep increasing.描写图表和数据的句型1. 篇首As we can see from the chart/ As is shown in the table/ According to the table, the pr

8、ice of oil increased dramatically.The figures in the chart reflect that/ The statistics show that/The numbers in the graph reveal that peoples income has been increasing steadily. The graph suggests/shows/indicates/illustrates that there has been a sharp decline/rise in the population in this region

9、.Its clear/apparent that the output of this type of products is rising/dropping.2. 数据变化常用句型数据的增长The number of .has grown steadily /has risen from / climbed / went sharply up /soared/ tends to go up / tends to increase.There was a rapid/sharp /dramatic/gradual/slow increase/rise in the number of stud

10、ents.The number of students is on the rise/on the increase.数据的降低The number of dropped steadily from / declined suddenly / fell/ tends to go down/ shows a tendency to decrease.There is a sharp fall/ gradual decrease/ sudden reduction / slow decline / drop .in the number of .in 2006.数据的持平In 2006, the

11、number of remain the same /steady /stable / constant /level.There was little change/hardly any change in the number of between and /There was a slight fluctuation in the number of . from to表示比较级、倍数、比例关系be in direct ratio to/with 成正比 be in inverse ratio to/with 成反比have the largest percentage /proport

12、ion of 占最大比例the number of . makes up /takes up / accounts for fifty percent of the total.占总量的 50%Compared with, has a higher / lower percentage与。 。 。相比, 。 。 所占的百分比较大、较小。. is twice/ three times as .as / that of Double Treble The situation reached a peak at 于。 。 。 达到最高值3. 结论From the analysis above / F

13、rom the data we gathered from the above graph, we can conclude that/ we can draw / come to the conclusion that.According to the information gathered above, we may reach the conclusion that. We can make a conclusion from the above that.Homework Please write a composition on the topic: Annual Expenses

14、 on Learning English. You should write at least 150 words, and based your composition on the chart and the outline given below in Chinese:某城市大学生购买英语资料比例图3 33 3% %6 67 7% %3 33 3% % t ta ap pe es s6 67 7% % r re ef fe er re en nc ce e b bo oo ok ks s该城市大学生购买英语资料的年人均投入时 间 90 年 代 初 2006 年年 平 均 投 入 60 元 170 元1) 上图为某城市 90 年代初和 2006 年大学生购买英语资料的变化图,请描述图表内容。2) 解释发生以上变化的原因。3) 我的看法。



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