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1、第 1 页 共 9 页高一上学期必修 1-2 期末基础题复习Book 1 unit 1一 直接引语与间接引语的转换(每空一词)。1. “I am repairing my bike,“ Jack said. Jack said _ _ _ repairing _ bike.2. “Is your son going to Shanghai tomorrow?“ Tom asked me. Tom asked me _ _ _ _ going to Shanghai _ _ _. 3. “You have finished your homework, havent you?“ my mothe

2、r asked. My mother asked me _ _ _ finished my homework. 4. Mum said to me, “Youd better see your grandparents this afternoon.“Mum told me that I had better see _ grandparents _ _.5. He asked me what I was doing when Fred went in.He asked, “What _ _ _ when Fred _ _?“6. I told him that I had lost my p

3、urse and that I would try to find it.I said to him, “I _ _ my purse and I _ try to find it.“7. Susan asked her husband how much they had spent on food that year.“How much _ _ spent on food _ _?“Susan asked her husband.8. He told me that he had left for London before I had emailed him.He said to me,

4、“_ _ _ for London before _ _ _.“二选词填空。 face to face list concern about go through share reason suffer point habit add up 1. Every time he _ the figures, he gets a different answer. 2. They are _ with a new problem which they must solve at once. 3. I am not in the _ of going to see a film in the day.

5、 4. She _ all the things she had to buy. 5. What are the _ to look for when you are buying a new computer. 6. She just suddenly left without giving any_. 7. We _ the cost of the meal. 8. Mr. Zhang _ heavy loses in the accident. 9. She has _ an unhappy time recently. 10. She thinks only of herself, s

6、he never _ other people.Book 1 Unit 2 一语法填空 1. Our friendship is based _ trust and honesty. 2. Miss Dent speaks English_(fluent). 3. An embarrassed _ (express) appeared on his face. 4. He requested me _ (write) a letter of recommendation. 5. He requested that I _(write) a letter of recommendation.第

7、2 页 共 9 页6. She has _ very good command of the English language. 7. The boy is _ (gradual) recovering from his heart operation. 8. He came up _ a new suggestion at the meeting. 二句子考查 1. The students said to their teacher, “Would you please sing us a song?” The students _ their teacher _ sing _a song

8、. 2. The mother said to her child, “Turn down the radio!”. The mother _ her child _turn down the radio. 3. _(信不信由你),there is no ghost in the world. 4. I wouldnt lose heart _ (即使) I fail. 5. Many beautiful fish are fast disappearing _ (因为) the severe pollution. 6. The Internet resources should be _(充

9、分利用). 7. China is _(扮演着重要的角色) in the world today.Book 1 Unit 3 Travel journal 一、用本单元的知识点造句。 1. imagine +v-ing 我难以想象我与那种女子结婚后的情形。 _ 2. have no choice but to do sth. 除了干某事别无选择 她没有选择,只能跑开了。 _ 3. persuade sb. to do 爱丽丝信任你,只有你可以说服她放弃那个愚蠢的想法。 _ 4. insist +that (should)+句子 我坚持认为应该立刻派人去请医生。 _ 5. be determin

10、ed to do 决心做 她坚定不移要上大学。 _ 6. make fun of 取笑 取笑别人是一件愚蠢的事情。 _ 7 awake 清醒的 他整晚躺着睡不着。 _ 8. give in 屈服、投降、让步 当这对年轻夫妻之间发生争吵的时候,总是丈夫先让步。 _第 3 页 共 9 页9. for one thingfor another 首先一则 一则她受过良好的教育,二则她很漂亮。 _ 10. care about 关心;在乎 _ 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. After graduating from college, we _ (final) got the chance to

11、take a bike trip. 2. Do you think _ (shop) online will take the place of shopping in stores? 3. It was my sister who first _ (have) the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. 4. Sean has formed the habit of _ (jog) the tree-lined avenue for two hours every

12、 day. 5. I _ (be) fond of my sister but she has one serious shortcoming. 6. We were both _ (surprise) to learn that half of the river is in China. 7.She gave me a _ (determine) look- the kind that said she wouldnt change her mind. 8. He _ (strong) urged me to go abroad for further education, and finally he persuaded me. 9. The number of _ (dead) from heart


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