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1、第 1 页 共 13 页目 录摘 要.3 ABSTRACT .4 前 言.6 1 我的工作.71.1 对学生71.2 其他工作72 自身尚存在的问题.72.1 课堂教学72.2 角色转换72.3 知识积累82.4 适应环境82.5 小结83 工作感言.8 4 生活经历.9 5 意见和建议.95.1 接受学校的问题95.1.1 学生承担的课程教学与所学专业完全不符或不完全相符95.1.2 支教生在接收学校闲置,或授课不足95.1.3 部分接收学校对支教还存在理解上的偏差105.2 对未来支教工作的建议105.2.1 加强学院、教育局、接收学校和支教生四者之间的沟通与协调105.2.2 改进措施以

2、提高院派指导教师的工作质量和工作效率105.2.3 加强学生教学实践能力的前期培育10结 论.11第 2 页 共 13 页参考文献.12 致 谢.13第 3 页 共 13 页摘摘 要要在职大的学习生活就要接近尾声了,自己感触良多。特别是支教实习的半年, 让自己体会到了浓缩的生活的滋味。我想通过这篇毕业论文,纪念在三年职大,特 别是实习生活中感动过自己的点点滴滴,并提出自己意识到的关于支教的一些问题 和自己的几点改进建议,以我的亲身经验为学院及所有要去支教的同学做一点事情。 这篇论文是按照总分总的结构布局,以支教为主线谋篇的,由本次支教的概况描述, 到分析自身在支教中取得的成绩及尚存在的问题,最

3、后再从支教大局着眼,提出我 在此次支教中注意到的几点问题和我通过此次支教活动的亲身体验得到的最终成果 对把支教工作做得更好的几点建议。总得来说,这次支教活动无论对支教生自 身还是对社会都是很有意义的,但是在支教中的组织和协调等具体工作的计划和实 施上,仍存在很多不足,尚有许多值得商榷和改进的地方。我在这里拿出自己的一 点经验和体会,希望能够为支教大业尽一点自己的绵薄之力。最后,祝支教工作越 做越好!关键词:支教;经验;建议第 4 页 共 13 页ABSTRACTThe end of my studying in the Urumuqi Vocational University is comi

4、ng. At the special moment, a kind of complicated feeling flows in my heart which probably contains some kind of not willing to leave because of loving to here, some memories of the past happiness and tears, some hope and worries to the future, and the tiring and bothering confusion at the last perio

5、d of my campus life. Particularly, in the half year I practising as a student teacher in the Kashi at the southern part of Xinjiang Province, I touched the essence of life that life is not only so complicated and exhausting that you can not even struggle to a bit smile, but also sometimes make you b

6、urst into laughing with tears all over your face, maybe even in your dreams. Through this graduation thesis, I will memorize all large and small things which impressed me in the past three years university life, especially in my practice in Kashi. Meanwhile, I want to put forward some problems I rea

7、lized about my practice and give some improvement proposals, to do something for our college as well as all my school fellows who are going to practise as student teachers in future with my own experience. The thesis is constructed with a structure of general to part to general, a major clue of my p

8、ractice in which I state from a general description of our practice this time to the analysis on my achievements and the remaining problems in the practice of myself, at last, propose the advices in general which is the most valuable wealth I gained from the practice. At the beginning of my thesis i

9、s a general view of practice, then, my achievements in teaching and contributions to Kashis local primary school, after that is some problems exposed in my working process. After all, in all the teachers, Im really a freshmen, so although theres so many problems in my ability of having all the pupil

10、s attention on me in the classes that even I can not bear myself, but I have full confidence to do a better and better job in the future. At the last general part of my thesis, in the first half, I analyse the perennial problems on the aspect of schools we practised in which has been existing for such a long time. In this part, the expos



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