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1、【双语双语】UN2015】UN2015 年终回顾年终回顾( (英文版英文版) )【双语】联合国 2015 年终回顾(英文版)United Nations Year in Review 2015联合国2015 年终回顾2015 In another year of extraordinary challenges for the world community, the United Nations turned 70 A time to look back at its founding document, the Charter and to create a new vision of a

2、 future in peace and dignity for everyone, everywhere.2015 是联合国成立 70 周年,也是又一个充满严峻挑战的年份。值此,我们要重温联合国宪章这一开创联合国的文件,并为世界各国和所有人创建一个和平和有尊严未来。“We have reached a defining moment in human history.”“我们面临人类历史上的一个决定性时刻。 ”In September, member states united to adopt Agenda 2030 promising they would act on a transf

3、ormative vision by setting 17 Sustainable Development Goals, that span education to gender equality to good governance and sustainable energy for all. The Mission is to end extreme poverty in all its forms over the next 15 years. Historic Moment in Paris: World Leaders adopted an unprecedented clima

4、te change agreement.9 月,全体会员国一致通过了 2030 年可持续发展议程,承诺通过制定 17 项“可持续发展目标”采取行动。这些变革性的目标涉及教育、性别平等、善政以及“人人享有可持续能源”等内容,其使命是在今后 15 年内消除所有形式的极端贫穷。巴黎迎来了一个历史性的时刻,世界领导人在此通过了一项史无前例的气候变化协议。Earlier in the year, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for an urgent change in priorities:2015 年早些时候,联合国秘书长潘基文呼吁各国刻不容缓地改

5、变其优先事项:Ban Ki Moon:潘基文:“The world continues to squander trillions in wasteful military spending. Why is it easier to find the money to destroy people and planet than it is to protect them?”“全世界继续将数万亿美元浪费在军费开支上。为什么拿钱毁灭人类和地球,要比保护人类和地球容易得多呢?”Turmoil in Yemen, Syria, Libya, South Sudan and many other pl

6、aces brought suffering to new heights. At least 60 million people have fled their homes the highest number of displaced since World War Two. On their perilous journey across the seas, more than 3500 refugees have died or are missing including a little boy, whose image moved the world. The survivors

7、a mass movement seeking refuge are often met by fences instead.也门、叙利亚、利比亚以及南苏丹等国家和地区的动乱使民众遭受的苦难达到了一个新高度。至少有 6000 万人被迫逃离家园,这是二战以来,流离失所者人数的最高纪录。他们漂洋过海的避难旅程充满危险,3500 多名难民在途中死亡或失踪,其中一名遇难小男孩的照片让全世界为之震撼。幸存者为寻求庇护形成了一个席卷欧洲各地、史无前例的移徙浪潮,但他们常常被挡在围墙之外。UN agencies, like the World Food Program, have seen growing

8、funding gaps, prompting them to cut back on food and cash aid to refugees. The humanitarian system is stretched to the limits.世界粮食计划署等联合国机构的资金缺口日益扩大,这些机构被迫削减对难民的食物和现金救助。人道主义系统的应对能力已迫近极限。German Chancellor Angela Merkel:德国总理安格拉默克尔:“In the end there can be but one solution: we must tackle the causes of

9、 flight and expulsion.”“最终,只有一个解决方案:我们必须解决难民出逃和排斥难民问题的根源。 ”The reign of terror by fanatical groups like ISIL or Daesh not only sent millions of people in the Middle East running for their lives their franchises spread fear throughout the world. In Kenya, 147 students died in a militant attack on Gar

10、issa University a Russian passenger plane was brought down over the Sinai bomb attacks in Beirut killed over 40 people in a busy shopping mall Paris lost more than a hundred people in a night of mass shootings and terror. Some of the suicide bombers were only teenagers.伊黎伊斯兰国,也就是达伊沙等极端组织的恐怖主义行径不仅迫使中

11、东地区数以百万计的民众逃离家园,也在全世界散播恐惧。在肯尼亚,发生在加里萨大学的袭击事件导致 147 名学生死亡;一架俄罗斯客机被炸毁在西奈半岛;发生在贝鲁特一个繁忙的商场里的一起爆炸袭击,导致 40 多人死亡;在巴黎,经过一个持续发生枪击和恐怖袭击的夜晚之后,100 多人失去了生命。自杀式爆炸的袭击者中,有些还只是年仅十几岁的青少年。Earlier in the year, the UN Security Council discussed the role of youth in countering violent extremism, presided over by Crown Pr

12、ince Hussein of Jordan, the youngest person ever to chair the Security Council.今年早些时候,联合国安理会就青年在打击暴力极端主义方面的作用问题举行了辩论,会议由约旦王储侯赛因主持,他是安理会有史以来最年轻的轮值主席。Prince:王储:“We have to fill this vacuum being exploited by enemies of humanity by building on the potential of youth and empowering them to achieve their

13、 ambitions.”“我们必须通过发挥青年的潜力,增强其实现抱负的权能来填补这一正在被人类公敌利用的真空地带。 ”In September, World Leaders converged on the UN and took up the fight against terrorism.9 月,世界各国领导人齐聚联合国,开始着手打击恐怖主义。Ban Ki-moon:潘基文:“We know violent extremism flourishes when human rights are violated, aspirations for inclusion are ignored,

14、and too many people especially the worlds young with their hopes and dreams lack prospects and meaning in their lives.”“我们知道,如果人权受到侵害,对包容的渴望被忽视,人们,尤其是全世界怀着希望和梦想的年轻人,看不到生活的目标和生命的意义,暴力极端主义就会滋生。 ”Ending the five-year old Syria conflict was seen as intricately linked to all other measures.结束五年之久的叙利亚冲突与其

15、他打击恐怖主义的措施之间有着错综复杂的联系。US President Barack Obama:美国总统巴拉克奥巴马:“Defeating ISIL requires I believe a new leader and an inclusive government that unites the Syrian people in the fight against terrorist groups. We are prepared to work with all countries, including Russia and Iran, to find a political mecha

16、nism in which it is possible to begin a transition process.”“我认为,要打败伊黎伊斯兰国,叙利亚需要一个能将该国民众团结起来共同抗击恐怖组织的新领导人和包容性政府。我们准备好与所有国家合作,包括俄罗斯和伊朗,共同致力于寻求一种政治机制,在这一机制下,叙利亚将可启动过渡进程。 ”Russian President Vladimir Putin shared a different vision with the General Assembly:俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京在联合国大会上表达了不同的看法:“We think it is an enormous mistake to refuse to cooperate with the Syrian government and its armed forces, who are valiantly fighting terrorism face to face. We should finall


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