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1、第 1 页六年级英语(上) 重难点复习六 (期末真题) 参考答案2016 一、把英文解释的字母编号写在相应单词前的括号内 BDAEFGC 二、按提示补全句子 1. field 2. noisy 3. stomachache 4. comfortable 5. angry 6. gave me a check-up 7. far away 8. all day 9. different to 10. put up三、选择适当的单词补全短文,把单词抄写在横线上。 1) years 2) was 3) had 40 took (5) is 60 buildings 7) first 8) swims

2、 9) plays 10) keep 四、选择适当的词语补全句子,把编号写在横线上。 (I) E A B C D (II) C E A B D 五、读绘本,做任务 (I)根据图片与上下文猜测绘本中划线单词的意思 ACB (II)判断句子是否符合故事意思,写 T(符合)或 F(不符合) TTT FFF T 六、读短文,做任务。 Title (题目): Festival in the UK (I)根据所读内容选择最合适的题目,抄写在短文上面的横线上。(II)根据短文内容连线。Dates in 2016FestivalsThings people do Feb. 8thEasermake and e

3、at pancakes Feb. 9thChristmasgive each other chocolate eggs Mar. 6thBoxing Dayhave a parade in London Mar. 27thPancake Dayeat the Christmas leftovers Dec. 25thMothers Dayhave a big meal with turkey Dec. 26th Chinese New Yearcook a meal for their mothers七、根据实际情况回答问题。1. I saw a film last weekend. 2. I

4、t was short / long. 1. What did you do last weekend?_ 2. Was your hair short two years ago?_ 3. How many students are there in your class?_ 4. Does your English teacher smile a lot?_ 5. What do people usually do on Dragon Boat Festival?_ 八、仿照例子,列出城市和乡村生活的优缺点。想想你更喜欢哪种生活,把标题补充完整, 写一段不少于 40 个单词的话,要求观点明

5、确,内容贴近表格,句子正确,表达连贯,语言得体,第 2 页书写工整。 LifeAdvantages (优点)Disadvantages (缺点)City lifemodern buildings, heavy traffic, Country lifefresh air, no cinema , I Like the _ Life _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2015 一、给单词找反义词,仿照例子把答案编号写在相应的括号里。 A. dirty G. dangerous M. countryside B. healthy H. sell N. finallyC. smile I. noisy

6、O. far away D. bad J. boring P. right E. show K. fat Q. wonderfulF. cheap L. lessModel: clean (A) 1. cry ( ) 2. ill ( ) 3. buy ( ) 4. city ( )5. thin ( ) 6. fast ( ) 7. left ( ) 8. safe ( )9. more ( ) 10. first ( ) 11. quiet ( ) 12. good ( )13. nearby ( ) 14. terrible ( ) 15. interesting ( ) 16. exp

7、ensive ( ) 二、按提示补全句子 1. I have a fever. The doctor asked me to take the m_ three times a day. 2. I have a t_. Maybe I ate too much candy last week. 3. The two dogs are d_. This one is black and that one is white. 4. I am very s_ to see a mouse running after a cat. 5. I feel tired. I think I _ (感冒).

8、6. Janet is my good friend. We often _ (互相帮助). 7. I _ (害怕) to drive in this city. The traffic is always heavy. 8. Spring Festival is coming. Children usually get some _ (压岁钱) from their parents. 三、选择适当的单词补全短文,把单词抄写在横线上。 Martin is my pen friend. He was born in London. But now he (1) _ (live, lives, l

9、iving) in New York. He is good at (2) _ (play, plays, playing) basketball. he often watches NBA in the evening. He (3) _ (play, plays, playing) basketball with his friends every Sunday. Last Sunday, martin (4) _ (have, has, had) a basketball match in City Sport Centre. He was vey excited (5) _ (so,

10、but, because) this was his first match in CSC. At the beginning of the match, Martin played vey well and he got many points (得分). Suddenly, he (6) _ (fall, fell, falling) down on the floor and couldnt stand up. Oh, my God! he had a broken leg. Then he had to (7) _ (leave, leaves, leaving) the Sport

11、Centre and went to the 第 3 页hospital. In the hospital, the doctor asked Martin (8) _ (stay, stays to stay) at home and have a good rest for a month. Poor Martin! He cant go to school for one (9) _ (a month, month, months)! And he cant play basketball fo thirty (10) _ (a day, day, days)! 四、选择适当的词语补全短文。 (I) A. boring B. new C. tired D. noisy E. fresh F. healthyTen years ago, frank was a farmer in a small village. There he lived in an old house. it w



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