中考复习题 (10)

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《中考复习题 (10)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考复习题 (10)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中考复习题中考复习题 (10)(10)一、选择题(2010?湖北省荆州市,25,1) When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会) come to a close? Itll close at the end of _. ASeptember BOctober CNovember DDecember【答案】B(2010?湖北省武汉市,35,1)Why are you still waiting in line?-Ive missed my _ . 全品中考网 A. place B. order C. turn D. time【答案】C(2010?河南省,27,1)( )

2、It was very hard for me to make abut J decided to leave my jobA suggestion B decision C plan D speech【答案】B(2010?湖北省黄冈市,42,1)Good news.We will have a _holiday.-Ive heard of it.But its coming in_.A.three days;three days timeB.three days;three daysC.three-day;three daysD.three days;three-day time【答案】C(

3、2010.四川省内江市 24. 1)Oh,youre reading a newspaper .Is there _in it?-I dont know. I read it just now.A.new somethingB.anything newC.something new【答案】B(2010.四川省内江市 25. 1)Who is Mr Xu?-He is_teacher and he teaches _P.E.A.our;usB.our;ourC.ours;our【答案】A(2010.四川省自贡市 28. 1)Would you like to go to the concert

4、with me tonight?-Id love to ,but _of us couple has tickets.Do you have some?A.bothB.neitherC.none【答案】B(2010?山东省菏泽市,21,1)Please pick up the _. Dont keep it on the floor.A. water B. paper C. books D. bottles【答案】B(2010?黑龙江省哈尔滨市,22,1)( ) A low-carbon(低碳) lifestyle has _ effect on our daily life. People

5、are paying more and more attention to saving _ these days.A. the, energies B. a, energy C. an, energy【答案】C(2010 福建三明 22. 1)What a fine day! Shall we go hiking ,Bob?-Id love to.But iss not the right _.I am busy now.A.placeB.momentC.weather【答案】B(2010?天津市,31,1)If you work hard,youll get good _.A.grades

6、全品中考网 B.notesC.lessonsD.answers【答案】A(2010?广西省梧州市,32,1)Im from England ,and _name is Jacky.A.herB.hisC.yourD.my【答案】D(2010?新疆省阜康市,34,1)( )There are only_new words in the passage,but I know _of them.A.some;allB.a few;noneC.lots of;a fewD.few;none【答案】D(2010?新疆省阜康市,35,1)( )Your tea,please.-There must be_

7、in the tea.I like this kind of tea with sugar.A.nothing sweetB.something sweetC.sweet somethingD.sweet nothing【答案】B(2010?山东省聊城市,29,1)-Hi!A purse is on the ground.Whose is it?-Theres a girl over there.Maybe its _.A.herB.hersC.sheD.herself【答案】B二、词汇题(2010 .河北省卷 . 词语运用,计 5 分)81. Its a good habit to brus

8、h our teeth t a day.82. We need eleven (play) for our soccer team.83. What a (sun) day it is today! Lets go to the park. 全品中考网 84. Steven (参加) the school dancing club last year.85. How can you type and talk (同时)?【答案】81,twice 82 players 83 sunny 84 joined 85 simultaneously三、完型填空 (2010?湖北省荆门市,二,8)BYea

9、rs ago, a farmer owned some land along the Atlantic coast. He often advertised for assistants, but he got no reply as most people feared the terrible storms across the Atlantic coast.Finally, a short, thin man came to the farmer. “Well, I can sleep when the wind 43 ,” said the little man.Although pu

10、zzled by this answer, the farmer, badly in need of help, hired him. The little man worked well around the farm and the farmer felt 44 with the mans work.Then one night the wind blew loudly in from the shore. Jumping out of bed, the farmer caught a lantern (提灯) and 45 next door to the little man. He

11、shook the little man and shouted, “Get up! A storm is coming! Tie things down 46 they are blown away!”The little man rolled over in bed and said firmly, “No, Sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.”The farmer was very 47 and hurried outside to prepare for the storm himself. 48, he discover

12、ed everything was tied down. The farmer then 49 what his hired man had said. When youre prepared, you have 50 to fear. Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life?43. A. blows B. flies C. flows D. moves44. A. excited B. satisfied C. amazed D. worried45. A. broke B. rushed C. fled D. knocked4

13、6. A. before B. after C. as D. when 47. A. upset B. angry C. calm D. confident48. A. To his surprise B. To his sorrow C. To his joy D. To his disappointment49. A. explained B. remembered C. added D. understood50. A. something B. nobody C. nothing D. anything【答案】ABB ABADC四、阅读理解(2010?江苏省扬州市,三,10)CAmer

14、ica is a mobile society.Friendships between Americans can be close and real,yet disappear soon.They dont feel hurt.If the same two people meet again,even years later,they pick up the friendship .This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand .Friendships between us develop more slowly but

15、may become lifelong feelings,extending(延伸)deeply into both families.There is another difficult point for us to understand .Although Americans treat friends warmly in their personal everyday lives,they dont show their politeness to them if it requires a great deal of time.But in China ,we are usually generous with our time.We,as hosts,will appear at an



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