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1、a speech scriptSuppose you are an American and an advocate of the civil rights movement in the U.S. You are now invited to speak for about three minutes to a group of overseas students about the movement. Do some research, and write a speech script which should cover the following points: 1.When wer

2、e the first black people brought to America? How were they treated in the new land? 2. What gave rise to the civil rights movement? Who was its leader? 3. What has the civil rights movement helped to bring about? 4. Why is it believed that much remains to be done before black Americans enjoy full eq

3、uality?1619 年 8 月,约 20 名黑人被一名荷兰船长带到了詹姆斯敦,这是史料记载的第一批到达新英格兰地区的黑人。从 1619 年第一批黑人踏上美国这片本该自由的土地上时,黑人就以奴隶的身份而受到了不平等的待遇。1. 罗莎 帕克斯 , 1913 年 2 月 4 日出生在亚拉巴马州的一个黑人家庭。1955 年 12 月 1 日,她因在公共汽车上拒绝给一位白人男子让座,拉开了美国现代民权运动的序幕。2.马丁 .路德 .金(1929 1968 ) ,美国的民权运动的领袖人物。 影响它不仅改变了美国黑人的命运,赋予了他们很大程度上的平等、自由和尊严,也深刻影响了所有美国人的生活与观念。具体

4、来说,民权运动推动联邦政府实行铲除种族隔离制的改革,最终消灭了公开的白人至上主义,为黑人赢得民权。它把美国从一个容忍种族主义、歧视黑人的社会转变为一个不管肤色与种族,承认每一个公民的平等权利的社会,从而深深改变了民众的思想。不仅如此,民权运动也激发了新时期美国社会的民主和自由斗争。现代妇女运动、反战运动、新左派运动和其他族裔争取权利的斗争等都受到民权运动的推动和影响。Hello everyone, I am very honored to do such a speech for everyone.As we all know, until today, blacks in the Unite

5、d States are still subjected to unequal treatment. According to history records, about 20 black was brought to James Donby a captain Holland on August 1619. And they were the first Negro in the new England region. From then on, being slaves, they were treated unfairly on the land of the free. The fi

6、rst civil rights movement was caused by a black woman who refused to give up her seat to a Caucasian. And this is the prelude of the modern civil rights movement in the United States of America. One of the Leaders of the civil rights movement is Martin Luther King who gave the speech -“I have a drea

7、m”. The civil rights movement not only changed the fate of American blacks, gave them largely equality, freedom and dignity, but also has a profound impact on the lives of all Americans and concept. It is believed that much remains to be done before black Americans enjoy full equality. The abolition

8、 of slavery and segregationeliminated the difference between black and white in the law.But in the culture and social psychology, American blacks still are a kind of special populations.The United States has a long history of discrimination against blacks, and it is hard to change people s concepts. When it comes to blacks, many black people feel inferior about their color of skin. Even Obama could ever feel inferior when he was a child. So, a lot of problems need to be solved before black Americans enjoy full equality. Thank you!



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