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1、 .市市场场营营销销专专业业专专科科培培养养方方案案Junior College Program for Marketing一、培养目标一、培养目标 I. Educational Objectives本专业培养德智体美全面发展、具备工商管理、经济、法律方面知识和能力,掌握现代企业营销的基本方法和技能的高等技术应用型专门人才。学生毕业后,主要在企业从事市场营销业务,也可从事售后服务和营销策划以及其它管理工作。The program provides an all-round development education of practical high-level talents with kn

2、owledge and ability of business administration, economics and law, mastering the basic methods and skills of modern enterprise marketing. After graduation students are supposed primarily to engage in marketing, after-sales service, marketing planning, as well as other management.二、基本要求二、基本要求II. Skil

3、ls Profile As a student of this program, he/she is required to:1、热爱祖国,拥护中国共产党的领导,掌握马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、 “三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观的基本理论体系;有强烈的社会责任感、明确的职业理想和良好的职业道德,愿为社会主义现代化建设服务;具有敬业爱岗、艰苦奋斗、热爱劳动、遵纪守法、团结合作的品质。1. Love motherland, support the Chinese Communist Partys leadership and grasp the basic principles of Mar

4、xism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Represents” Thought and Scientific Outlook on Development; be willing to serve the socialist modernization drive and the masses; have a strong sense of responsibility and aspirations to endeavor for the country and nations prosperity; b

5、e conscientious and meticulous in work, observe disciplines and obey laws, and cherish team spirit; have good moral character, social morality and professional ethics.2、掌握本专业必需的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能,具有独立获取知识、.提出问题、分析解决问题的基本能力及开拓创新精神;以及具有较强的语言文字表达、人际沟通能力;并掌握财会、金融、经济信息管理的相关知识和具有较强的外语与计算机应用能力。2. Master necess

6、ary basic knowledge, theory and skills of the program, be with the independent access to knowledge and the capability to raise questions, analyze problems and solve them independently; have the pioneering spirit; be with strong expression of the spoken and written language, interpersonal communicati

7、on skills and master of accounting, financial and economic information management knowledge and strong foreign language and computer applications.3、掌握科学锻炼身体的基本知识和技能,养成良好的体育锻炼和卫生习惯,具备健全的心理和健康的体魄。3. Master the basic knowledge and skills to develop good exercise and health habits, have a sound psycholo

8、gical and physical health.三、学制三、学制III. Length of Schooling学制三年。3 years.四、主要课程四、主要课程IV. Curriculum Provision本专业课程结构:The Course Structure:本专业必修课分为公共基础课、专业基础课和专业课三大类,选修课分为专业选修课、公共选修课两类。The Compulsory Courses are classified into three categories of Public Basic Courses, Specialty Basic Courses and Speci

9、alty Courses, the Optional Courses are classified into two categories of Public Optional Courses and Specialty Optional Courses.本专业主干课程:Main Courses are :管理学、市场营销学、组织行为学、商务谈判、现代推销技术、营销调研、营销策划、广告策划、电子商务等。.Management, Marketing, Organization Behavior, Business Negotiation, Techniques of Modern Sales,

10、Marketing Research, Marketing Planning, Advertising Designing, E-Commerce, etc.五、实践教学五、实践教学V. Practical Teaching1、学生参加军事训练、入学教育及公益劳动,由学校统一安排。1. Students are required to participate in Military Training, National Defense Education, Enrollment Education and Labor for Public Benefits.2、在专业教师的指导下,按课程教学大

11、纲的要求,完成相应的案例分析。2. Under the guidance of teachers, students should complete the case study according to the curriculum syllabus.3、在专业教师的指导下,在有关实验室进行模拟网络营销、谈判、公关、推销等内容等。3. Under the guidance of teachers, students should practice laboratory simulation of network marketing, negotiations, public relation

12、s, sales and so on.4、在专业教师的指导下,在实验室进行本专业的技能训练:普通话训练,形体礼仪训练,交际舞训练,撰写广告、公关、营销策划及 CI 设计方案。4. Under the guidance of teachers, students should carry out the specialty skills training: Putonghua training, physical training in etiquette, ballroom dancing training, Designing advertisement, public relations,

13、 marketing planning and CI design in the laboratory.5、在专业教师的指导下,参加市场调研及企业的营销策划与实施活动。5. Under the guidance of teachers, students should participate in market research and business marketing planning and implementation activities.6、通过学校组织与自己联系相结合,在专业教师的指导下,在企业进行生产实习。6. Organized by the university or c

14、ontacting on their own, under the guidance of teachers, students should practice in the enterprise.7、在专业教师的指导下,完成毕业论文。7. Under the guidance of teachers, students should complete the Graduation Thesis. .六、毕业条件六、毕业条件VI. Graduation Requirements学生应按教学计划修满 152 学分,并通过毕业资格审核,方准予毕业。The students can be confe

15、rred graduation, after obtaining 152 Credits in accordance with the program requirements and meeting graduation qualification.七、教学进程表七、教学进程表VII. Tables of Teaching Schedule1、总周数分配表、总周数分配表1. Week-distribution Table第一学年 1st Year第二学年 2nd Year第三学年 3rd Year学年、学期Year / Semster教学环节Teaching Links第 1 学期 1st

16、Semester第 2 学期 2nd Semester第 3 学期 3rd Semester第 4 学期 4th Semester第 5 学期 5th Semester第 6 学期 6th Semester合计 Total课堂教学(含教学实践) Classroom Teaching (Including Practical Teaching)121616161676考试 Test2222210课堂教学 Classroom Teaching小计 Subtotal141818181886军训和国防教育 Military Training and National Defense Education33入学教育和毕业教育 Enrollment Education and Graduate Education112公益劳动 Labor for Public Benefits1113生产实习 Production Practice11114毕业实习 Graduation Internship1010毕业论文(设计) Graduat


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