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1、用心 爱心 专心高一英语议论文写作高一英语议论文写作【本讲主要内容本讲主要内容】议论文写作【知识总结归纳知识总结归纳】 一一. 议论文(argumentative passage )概念是作者对某个问题或某件事进行分析,评论,表明自己的观点,立场,态度,看法, 主张的一种文体。写议论文要把握三性和三要素。三性指准确性、鲜明性、和生动性。三要素指论点,论据和论证。论点的基本要求:1. 观点正确, 2.认真概括,3.见解新鲜,4.有实际意义 5.恰当地综合运用各种表达方 式。论据的基本要求:1.真实可靠 2. 充分典型论证的基本要求:1.推理必须合乎逻辑, 2. 论证要讲究顺序 3. 论证要符合正

2、确的 推理性式。写议论文多用被动语态和虚拟语气。二. 议论文写作方式分别有以下几种形式1.1. 比较性议论文:比较性议论文用于在两种或两种以上的事物或观点之间作出比较时,比较性议论文:比较性议论文用于在两种或两种以上的事物或观点之间作出比较时, 一定要找出它们的异同点,在对两事物进行比较和对照之后,要明确提出自己的见解或认一定要找出它们的异同点,在对两事物进行比较和对照之后,要明确提出自己的见解或认 识。识。例例 1 1:ChineseChinese traditionaltraditional musicmusic versusversus ChineseChinese ModernMode

3、rn musicmusicBoth traditional music and modern music are popular now, but there are still some differences between them. Traditional music stands for a countrys culture, which represents national features, while modern music stands for a period. Traditional musics melody is different from modern mus

4、ics melody. Traditional musics melody is always gentle, graceful and lyric. But the modern musics melody is cheerful and fast because of the quick pace in modern life. The contents between the traditional music and the modern music are different. The traditional music often describes a fairy tale, l

5、ove. For example, everybody knows the classical music “Er Quan Yin Yue”. But the modern music always talks about love, money and all kinds of peoples feelings. The musical instruments to play the music are also different. The musical instruments of the traditional music are Pipa, dulcimer, bamboo fl

6、ute and so on, which come from tool in daily life. These instruments make people feel comfortable and quiet. The musical instruments of the modern music are violin, piano and some electrical equipment, which are from western countries. They make people excited, cool and happy.用心 爱心 专心I think people

7、who like modern music are far more than those who like traditional music nowadays. Maybe this is the trend of developing in modern world. They are all important in our life. Lets enjoy both traditional music and modern music.此篇作文比较现代音乐与传统音乐的差异,在文章第一段划线部分作者已明确点明主 题。第二段,第三段,第四段分别从音乐的旋律,内容,乐器进行不同比较,每段都

8、有明 确的主题并能基本围绕主题句进行议论,因此达到说服力较强的效果. 目的明确的比较了它 们之间的差异。文章结构组织安排合理,层次明朗,语言也较流畅。但局部比较有点牵强 附会,如第三段有点狭义。文章第一段写的比较成功,分别用了 “stand for, represent” ,不同的词却表示了同一意思并用“while”过渡。第四段比较合理具有科学性,第五段谈到自己的见解。2. 驳斥性议论文 (pro-and-con essay ) 。 驳斥性议论文主要就有争议的观点发表自 己的议论。在写此类作文时,要注意从正反两个方面对这些具有争议的观点进行分析,然 后再明确地提出自己的观点。例例 2.2. I

9、sIs TVTV a a goodgood thing?thing?I dont think TV is a good thing. ItIt hashas a a lotlot ofof disadvantages.disadvantages.(提出中心 论点)FirstFirst ofof all,all, watching TV is a waste of time. People often spend much of their spare time on TV. AlsoAlso, TV makes people lazy and become fat. They dont hav

10、e to use their head when watching TV and they seldom go out to have sports. Finally,Finally, some programs are harmful to children. They are often full of violence and sex.(通过按顺序把自己观点谈论得十分清楚) Someone thinks that watching TV can get some knowledge. ButBut we will learn more if we use this time to rea

11、d.(谈论别人的观点及自己的反驳 ) InIn conclusion,conclusion, TV plays a negative part in our life. People should turn their TV off.(通过论证得出了自己对看电视的合理见解)此片文章结构基本符合要求,作者观点十分明确。但此篇文章文字,句子结构偏于简 单反驳内容也偏少,不适合高考学生仿写。3. 阐述性议论文。阐述性议论文主要就某一问题正面阐述自己的观点,说明自己的理由例例 3.3. TheThe valuevalue ofof timetime此篇可以从以下几个方面思考时间就是金钱(Time is

12、 precious) 浪费时间是有害的(Waste of time can mean disasters)应充分利用时间做有益的事(We should devoted most of our time to useful activities)TimeTime isis precious.precious. A famous Chinese saying goes like this: “A second of time can not be bought with an ounce of gold.” Time is so valuable that nothing can buy it.

13、The lost time will never come back. Therefore, we should value time.WasteWaste ofof timetime cancan meanmean disasters.disasters. Many people have been wasting their time all the time. Some high school students squander almost all their time watching T V, playing video games, singing pop songs, idol

14、izing pop stars, and so on. As a result, they fail to pass the university entrance examinations or the job interview.用心 爱心 专心WeWe shouldshould devotedevote mostmost ofof ourour timetime toto usefuluseful activities.activities. For example, students can use the early morning for physical exercise or

15、read English in campus instead o flying in bed, looking at the ceiling. In the classroom we should concentration what the teacher presents and take quick notes. Concentration in class can save a lot of time after class. In short, if we spend our time wisely, we shall benefit a great deal.有时为了使自己的观点更

16、有说服力,可以运用名人或谚语文章第一段就运用“A second of time can not be bought with an ounce of gold.” ,因此同学们在平时的学 习积累过程中多背一些有关生活, 学习,健康等名人之言。三. 用于比较性和驳斥性议论文常用句型1. The advantages of A are much greater than A.2. Wonderful as A is, however, it has its own disadvantages too.3. Contrary to widely accepted views, I believe.4. It would be reasonable to take the view that5. The danger/problem/fact/truth/ point is that6



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