亡灵岛(dead man’s island)英文读后感 中文翻译

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1、亡灵岛亡灵岛(Dead(Dead MansMans Island)Island)英文读后感英文读后感 中文翻译中文翻译亡灵岛(Dead Mans Island)英文读后感+中文翻译.txtThis afternoon I read a book entitiled DEAD MANS ISLAND, written by an English author named John Escott. The stor in this book is about a girl called Carol, who moves from Hong Kong to England with her moth

2、er in order to hide her ignominious past with drugs and bibulosity, walk out of the shadow of the death of her father and begin a new life. But when she works in a lonely island, she discovers a bigger secret of her employer Mr. Ross, who is also her favorite but dead pop star Jack Rasso. Through th

3、e words of Mr. Ross, Carol comes to know that Jack Rasso kills a fifteen-year old girl in a car accident and run away when he is drunk. But in order to keep his reputation as a public person he faked another car crash to “kill” minself and lived in such a loney island with his family by changed name

4、. Carol understands Jack Rossos secret and keeps it, living a happier life away from the dead mans island.Well, it is understandable that every one has his own private secrets. Maybe it might not be a place for you to cherish your sweet or painful memeories as Jack Rasso does, but there must be somw

5、herre in your heart keep something unknown to others, just as the saying says ” there is a deaths-head in clothespress of the person who has private secrets”.But is it all right to keep all kinds of secrets? If they were some sad memories, like the death of Carols father, it wold be O.K. too keep it

6、. Maybe time will bring away sadness as ocean takes the streams in. But, if it made bad efforts to others I argue that it is not wise to keep silent. Take Jack Rosso for example, perhaps he coule lead a peaceful life appearantly, but he thinks of the dead girl killed by him every day, the shadow of

7、that accident always coming into his mind. There is no happiness without resposibility. To this extent, keeping private secrets means being derelict of duty, both to others and himself; both to the dead girl and to his familywhy should they give up their own lives to live with a patsy in a lonely is

8、land?So it is better to face this kind of secret. In fact, it is responsibility as human beings no more than a private secret. It is likely to be painful when a ignominious past is opened. However, no pains no gains. What you gain is extrication from the shame of making mistakes and the real peace i

9、n mind.Here I remenber a popular message says: nothing is impossible for the youth. Yes, it is allowed to make mistakes within a legal range, to face the grey past and to have a new tomorrow. Because we are human beings.今天下午,我读了书 entitiled 死人岛,一个叫约翰埃斯科特一个英国作家写的。在这本书的 STOR 是关于一个叫卡罗尔女孩,谁动作从香港到英国与她的母亲,

10、为了隐瞒毒品和 bibulosity 她可耻的过去,走出了她的父亲去世的阴影中走出,开始新生活。但是,当她在一孤岛上的作品,她发现她的雇主 Ross 先生,谁是她最喜欢的,但也死明星杰克 Rasso 更大的秘密。通过对罗斯先生的话,卡罗尔得悉杰克 Rasso 杀死十五年的一场车祸岁女孩和逃跑时,他是喝醉了。但是,为了保持作为一个公众人物,他又伪造车祸“杀”minself 在这样一个与他的名字被改为家庭尼岛上住着他的声誉。卡罗尔理解杰克 Rosso 的秘密,并保持它,过着幸福的生活远离死者的岛屿。 嗯,这是可以理解的,每个人都有他自己的私人秘密。也许它可能不是一个地方让你珍惜你的甜蜜或痛苦 me

11、meories 杰克 Rasso不作为,但必须保持在你的心里 somwherre 不为人知的事情,正如俗话说“有一个 deaths 在衣橱头谁的人有“私人秘密。 但是,那都是有权保留各种秘密?如果他们是一些伤心的回忆像卡罗尔的父亲去世,它沃尔德是确定太保留。也许时间会带来了悲伤的海洋需要流英寸,但如果向别人,我认为这不是明智的做法保持沉默坏的努力。就拿杰克二队,也许他过上和平的生活承担责任:水灾 appearantly,但他的每一天他被杀死者女孩认为,该事故的阴影总是来了他的心里。世界上没有 resposibility 幸福。从这个意义上讲,保持私人秘密意味着没有失职,既对他人和自己,同时向死去的女孩和他的家人,他们为什么要放弃自己的生命与帕齐生活在一个孤岛上? 因此,最好是那种面对这样的秘密。事实上,这是因为没有比人类更私人秘密的责任。这很可能是痛苦的过去时,一个不光彩的打开。然而,一分耕耘,一分收获。你能得到从犯错误的耻辱和心灵真正的和平中解脱。 在这里,我 remenber 一个流行的消息说:没有什么是不可能的青年。是的,允许其在法律范围内作出的错误,面对灰色的过去,有一个新的明天。因为我们是人类。



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