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1、初中英语教案学 校班 级Classes7.8 Grade_7_日 期201 1 -3- 7授课 教师课 题Unit2 period2复备区域知识点(语音、词汇、 语法等方面)Words: just straight turn left down right on the right open market clean quiet dirty house sentences: Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Where s the bank? Is there a post office in the neighborhood?Is there

2、 a pay phone in the neighborhood? Where s the bank? Is there a post office in the neighborhood?重点、难点(知识、技 能两个方面)1. Listening for the information of the names of the neighborhood Read the tour guide and an e-mail from a friend youre going to visit. Write the dialogues about asking the way and giving

3、directions. 2. Where questions. Affirmative statements Prepositions of place Listening for the information of the names of the neighborhood 分析知识点与知识系统 的关系Where 引导的特殊疑问句及其答语备课 标与 教材分析确立重难点的依据东西方对于问路以及方位表示法的不 同学生已具备的知识与技 能The students have learned where- questions They can try to read the new words th

4、emselves according to the phonetics.They can try to read the new words themselves according to the phonetics.学生的学习兴趣(对教 师、教学法的兴趣)We can use a map to show some places, and ask the students to find out the nearest way there. Through this way ,the students can learn how to ask and give directions on th

5、e street .We can use a map to show some places, and ask the students to find out the nearest way there. 备学 情学生的差异性这一部分内容在实用性很强,所以, 不论是哪类学生,都要尽量使其学会 询问和给出方位的方法。根据实际情 况可以给与不同层次的要求。知识与技能目标(分层) 1st.they can read and write words and the sentence ,and use more words to make new sentences and dialogues 2nd

6、. They can speak ,read and write them correctly 3rd. they can speak, read correctly ,frequently 过程与方法目标Let the students learn how to ask and give directions on the street.情感态度目标使学生学会与人为善,能够助人为乐, 在进行问路时有礼貌,会使用礼貌用 语和表示客气的句型。备教 学目 标创新支点通过让学生自由的想象出一个理想的 居住地,合理的安排周边的环境。然 后让他们展示出来的形式,激发学生 的学习兴趣,同时练习所学习的知识

7、 点。备教 学方 法与 媒体Methods: report, role play, listening and speaking Multi-media: PPT, tape教学 流程Step 1. Free talk Give the students some time to prepare their own conversations, then before class, ask some pairs to show in fronts of the class. In this way ,we can practice the ability of their speaking a

8、nd communication. Of course, we can give them help . Step2. Warming up Practice dialogues, using the new words and phrases. Step3. PresentationActivity 2a match the sentences with the picturesPractice the sentences learned. Step 4. Pair work Call attention to the conversation in the picture. Then as

9、k the students to work in pairs and take turns asking each other questions about the things on the list of phrases in activity 2b on page 8. Step 5 Listening Ask the students to listen to the tape and fill the blanks in 2b. Say: Now please listen to the tape again, then repeat. Play the recording. P

10、lay the recording again. Step6. Pair work Ask the students to work in pairs talking about asking the ways.ask some pairs to show in fronts of the class. In this way ,we can practice the ability of their speaking and communication. Of course, we can give them help .Then ask some pairs to present thei

11、r dialogues to the class. Ask the students to work in pairs, draw a map of their own neighborhood and practice asking and answering questions about the places they live in. Step7.homework 1.Write a tour guide for your neighborhood. 2.Tell your partner about where you live. Your partner listens and draws a picture of where you live.Write a tour guide foryour neighborhood.教学 反思



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