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1、 淄川实验中学初一英语教案淄川实验中学初一英语教案 签字签字 No.授课内容授课内容 Unit4 What time do you go to school? 授课人授课人:课型课型New备课时间备课时间Mar.10上课时间上课时间Mar.12主备人主备人Feng Ailian二次备课二次备课 Step I Learning goals 1. Learn the key words: play the drums/piano/ trumpet/violin(I) 2. Can practice tell others what somebodycan do.(D) Step II Prepar

2、ation before the class To know the following phrases: 1. the school concert 学校音乐会学校音乐会 2. the instruments 乐器乐器 3. play the guitar 弹吉它弹吉它 4. play the drums 打鼓打鼓 5. play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴StepIIIDuring the class(课堂展示课堂展示)I. Enjoying the songs (Can you swim?)and then free talk. II. Listenig part 1. Liste

3、n to the tape and fill in the blanks according to the tape. 1)Teacher:I want some students for the school concert.What can you do, Bill? _ you _?(唱歌唱歌) Bill: No, I _ (不能不能).But I can play the guitar. 2)Teacher: You can play the guitar. Good! OK, _ _ you do, Jennifer?(你能做什么你能做什么) Jennifer: I can sing

4、 and I _ _ _.(打鼓打鼓) 3)Teacher:You can! Great, Jennifer. _ _ _ _ piano?(你能弹你能弹) Jennifer: No, I cant. Victor can play the piano. 4)Teacher: Victor, can you play the piano? Victor: Yeah, I _ _ _ _.(不能唱和跳不能唱和跳), but I can play the piano. 2. Listen again and fill in the blanks III. Practice the conversa

5、tions in pairs. Practice like this:Can Bill play the guitar? Yes, he can, but he cant sing. IV. Group work Make a survey and practice in groups, then report it. namecancantYou can report like this: We have four students (in our group), Bill can play the piano, but he cant sing well. V. Do some exerc

6、isesGroup A 翻译短语翻译短语1. 弹吉他弹吉他_ 2. 弹钢琴弹钢琴_ 3. 打鼓打鼓_ 4. 吹喇叭吹喇叭 _ 5. 拉小提琴拉小提琴_Group B 1) 首字母填空首字母填空 1. My sister can play the v_.2. Tom cant play the d_,3. W_ can you do?4. His brother cant sing but he can play the t_.5. He can play the g_ but he cant play chess. 2) 单向选择单向选择1. _ you play the guitar? Ye

7、s, I can. A. Are B. Do C. Can D. Is2. Lin Fei cant sing _ dance. A. and B. or C. with D. but3. My cousin can play _ but he cant play _.A. the chess; the piano B. the guitar; the chessC. the violin; chess D. the baseball; trumpet4. She often _ on weekends.A. plays the drums B. play the drum C. plays

8、soccer D. play sports5. They can play basketball but they cant play it _.A. good B. well C. ok D. but 3).根据要求完成句子根据要求完成句子1. I can play the guitar.(就划线部分提问就划线部分提问) _2. My father can play chess.(改成一般疑问句改成一般疑问句) _3. I can sing and dance.(改成否定句改成否定句) _4. 你会做什么?你会做什么?_ _ you _? 5. 我会弹吉他。我会弹吉他。I can _ _ _. 4) 写作写作: 完成你小组的报告,可以以下列格式开始:完成你小组的报告,可以以下列格式开始: We have four students (in our group), Bill can play the piano, but he cant sing well._ _ _ Step IV Homework 1) Learn the sentences by heart 2) Finish off the exercises Step V Notes for teaching_


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