美国名校教授告诉你如何与导师邮件互通 两篇哟

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1、美国名校教授告诉你如何与导师邮件互通 两篇哟原文地址:美国名校教授告诉你如何与导师邮件互通(两篇哟)作者:留学项目部小编写在前面的话:近来,很多学生将他们准备发给洋导师的信件发给我预览,让我给同学们提提建议,其实,看过了同学们的申请文书,我也有些小小心得,什么样的申请信件容易引起老师的注意,什么样的信件不够真诚,什么样的信件太多平庸,等等等等。除了给每个同学适合其自身建议之外,我想通过博客与大家分享一下每天都接收到来自世界各地不同申请者来信的名校教授们对申请者的提点(有英文原版的,我会尽量提供原版,一来方便同学们联系语言,另一方面也是为了更好地表达愿意,同学们,不妨试试看。)ABKGroup

2、Introduction for Prospective Students Andrew B.Kahng,December 22,2004 Welcome to ABKGroups introductory webpage for prospective students,draft version 3.The purpose of this webpage is to provide an overview of the group,and the personality/background you should have as anew member.Ideally,in this pa

3、ge you will find the contacts,suggestions,tools,and other information that will allow you to avoid wasting your time(if you and the group are not well-matched),or to hit the ground running(if you find amatch and begin working with us).Before You Apply Many inquiries arrive during the Summer and Fall

4、 quarters from prospective students,particularly students from India and the Peoples Republic of China.If possible,please do not send attachments by email,and do not send multiple copies of email.Please do not send any inquiries about the UCLA CS Ph.D.program;Professor Kahng no longer accepts studen

5、ts at UCLA.Your best course is to send alink to awebpage(URL)that contains your resume,application materials,publications,project writeups,etc.(Professor Kahng has afairly busy travel and research schedule,and averages around 200+emails per day.Thus,if you send an email and do not receive atimely re

6、ply,please accept apologies in advance.You might try contacting individual group members to learn more about the group,and to get your resume printed/read more quickly.)In your requests for joining the ABKGroup you should also describre your research character by answering the following questions:1.

7、Do you think of yourself as a?theorist?or an?experimentalist?Are you a?hacker?Do you like to prove things(e.g.,theorems)?Are you looking to become aprofessor,a researcher,or adeveloper/engineer in industry?Do you think of yourself as ahard worker?Do you feel aneed to carve out?weekends?or other bloc

8、ks of time to pursue non-research/non-school interests?2.Are you comfortable with the ideas of:(A)graduate school is the one time in your life when you will have the luxury of doing nothing but thinking and learning(albeit in a?research-directed?manner);and(B)the purpose of aPh.D.is to become the wo

9、rlds expert at something by the time you graduate?Some things you should know about ABKGroup and Professor Kahngs advising style,before you apply:1.An underlying precept is that aPh.D.student must develop all facets of his/her academic/scholarly persona,and that these facets encompass anumber ofbasi

10、c skills(technical toolkits,ability to synthesize/abstract,ability to communicate/teach,ability to work with others,etc.).2.New students build theirbasic skillsduring the first couple of years,then gradually focus on aspecific thesis topic.As anew student,you will touch lots of topics and lots of di

11、fferent activities-writing code,running computational experiments,doing literature searches,looking quickly at small/crisp problems,preparing talks,communicating with other researchers,etc.You will be helping more senior students.You will be put onto very short-term projects,asked to help critique t

12、alks or proofread papers or provide refereeing comments or draw figures or.Eventually,you are expected to be theworlds experton your thesis topic.3.Group members work hard.(It is not uncommon to graduate with 15+publications,meaningful fellowships/awards,and an overall resume that is competitive on

13、the academic job market.)As anew Ph.D.student,you should expect to be in the group for not less than four years,and not more than five years.At most one or two summers will be spent on internships.At most one quarter(depending on program requirements)will be spent as aTA.You should expect full RA su

14、pport during your Ph.D.studies(M.S.students are generally not supported,and there is limited interest in accepting new M.S.students).4.Communication and documentation of discussions/progress is by email and by web pages.We have manyremotecollaborations,and often dont see certain coauthors except at

15、conferences once or twice ayear.Thus,precise communication is akey element of life in ABKGroup.If you dont like to read or respond to email,if you need to be told things more than once,or if you are imprecise and sloppy in your communication,then you will not adapt well to the groups research style.

16、5.There is alot of context-switching,which is aconsequence of our interactive,fluid(free-form),collaborative style of investigation.6.Think carefully about whether you really are committed to Ph.D.studies,whether you enjoy(and are capable of)experimental/implementation-centric investigations,whether

17、 you are aproblem-solver,whether you are comfortable with formalisms and analysis,whether you want to be the best at what you do,etc.If you do not match up with the above traits,then there is likely to be friction,and you will not be happy in this group.If Youve Gotten This Far.If youve gotten this

18、far,the next step is an introduction to the people currently in ABKGroup.From the groups main page you can find Professor Kahngs homepage,and current student/staff webpages.Take aminute to browse through them.Regarding background:incoming students should get acopy of Cormen,Leiserson,Rives tand Stei

19、n,Introduction to Algorithms,and read it carefully.Other basic knowledge:computational geometry(e.g.,Preparata/Shamos),combinatorial algorithms and network flows(e.g.,Lawler,Ahuja/Magnanti/Orlin),combinatorial optimization(e.g.,Schrijver,Papadimitriou/Stieglitz),VLSI(e.g.,Weste/Eshragian 2nd edition

20、 and Bakoglu).These readings are recommended for all new group members.If you are accepted into the group and have trouble finding these references,contact us as soon as possible.Of course,you should read the various papers on our publications webpage.Regarding skills:you will need to begin developi

21、ng some skills before you arrive.One key skill is software development.We use C+almost exclusively.Whether youre new to the language or have years of experience,we highly recommend Stroustrups C+3rd Edition.If you dont already have this book,let us know and well send you one.In any case,get the book

22、 and read it carefully(perhaps twice).If youre new to C+programming,take alook at any of the following Intro to C+book C+FAQ-lite Sun WorkShop Compiler C+4.2 Documentation Draft Standards(very detailed,PS/PDF)Object Oriented programming launchpad(many good links)We also use STL extensively.SGI has g

23、ood online documentation.The more familiar you are with STL,the easier your transition to the group code infrastructure will be.Before You Arrive When you get your ABKGroup(abkguest)login,please log onto one of our machines and take alook around.We hope to see you on afew times,before you arrive.Qui

24、te likely,you will have already identified some research questions and will be engaged in dialogue with Professor Kahng and possibly other group members.Keep these conversations active.Finally,if you have any questions,please send email to Prof.Andrew Kahng.(以上内容转载自网络)坊间一直有个传闻,说哈佛大学最骄傲的是,每年拒绝2000名SA











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