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1、 Jiahui Staff and Family Healthcare Benefit Plan - Outpatient 嘉会医疗员工及家属医疗福利计划 门诊 Annual Complimentary Benefits for Staff 员工年度免费保健福利 Service Items 服务项目 Staff Benefit 员工权益 Basic health management package (Appendix 1) 基础健康管理套餐 (附件 1) Free to staff once a year 员工每年免费 1 次 Adult Dental Care Package (Appen

2、dix 2) 成人口腔防护套餐 (附件 2) Eye Exam (Appendix 3) 眼科检查 (附件 3) Medical Benefits for Staff any non-covered expenses will be charged according to the benefit plan shown above. 如您或家人持有其它商业医疗保险,就诊时将优先以保险支付方式按原价收费;其它诊疗项目将按以上福利计划相应收费。 5. The discounted price list above applies to the current outpatient services

3、 at Jingan clinic only. For future services and program, discounts may vary. 以上员工及家属优惠价仅限静安诊所目前提供的门诊服务,新增项目的优惠折扣可能会有不同。 Complimentary Benefits 免费福利 Complimentary benefits are for Jiahui staff only. Jiahui offers family members a 40% discount on retail items with no further discount on package servic

4、es. 免费健康福利仅限员工使用,员工家属可享 6 折就诊优惠(套餐产品无额外折扣)。 To make an appointment for your staff complimentary benefits on health management, dental care and eye exam, please call: 2285 2800. 请致电静安诊所:2285 2800,提前预约您的健康管理、口腔保健和眼科检查等免费保健服务。 Medical Benefits 医疗福利 For more details about your staff insurance benefits p

5、rovided by Generali, Pingan and Sunshine, please see the coverage policy document accordingly. 更多有关嘉会员工的中意、平安和阳光保险福利信息,请参见相应保险产品条款。 Selective Care Benefits 特选服务优惠 During the summer promotion period, staff can offer the special once off trial to your family or friend. 暑期特惠期间,员工可向家属、朋友转让使用 6 折优惠权益,每位员

6、工享有 1 次使用机会。 No further staff & family discount on package services. 套餐产品无额外优惠折扣。 Appendix 1 附件 1: Basic Health Management Package 基础健康管理套餐 服务项目 Service Items Male 男性 Female 女性 健康评估 Health Assessment 全科医生健康评估门诊 Family Medicine Physician Consultation 体格检查 Physical Exam 基础体征检查 Basic Parameter Measurem

7、ent 皮肤 Skin 头部 Head 耳鼻喉 ENT 眼 Eye 甲状腺 Thyroid 心脏 Heart 肺部 Lungs 胸部 Breasts N/A 腹部 Abdomen 骨骼神经 Neuro Musculoskeletal 妇科内诊 Gynecological Exam N/A 子宫颈癌筛查 Cervical Cancer Screening 宫颈脱落细胞学检查 Pap smear (Thin Prep) N/A 检验科 Laboratory 尿常规 Urinalysis 静脉采血 Venipuncture 血常规 CBC 空腹血糖 GLU 丙氨酸氨基转移酶 ALT 血肌酸酐 Cr

8、促甲状腺激素 TSH 血脂 Lipid Panel: 总胆固醇 TC 甘油三脂 TG 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇 HDL-C 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇 LDL-C 放射科 Imaging 胸片 Chest X-ray 检后咨询 Post Checkup Consultation 全科医生报告咨询门诊 Family Medicine Physician Consultation Appendix 2 附件 2: Adult Dental Care Package 成人口腔防护套餐 牙科初诊 Dental Clinic-Initial Visit 成人洁牙 Adult teeth cleaning 全景牙片 Panoramic radiographic image 牙齿涂氟 Fluoride Treatment Appendix 3 附件 3: Eye Exam Service Items 眼科检查服务项目 视力检查 Vision check 外眼检查 External eye exam 瞳孔检查 Pupil exam 眼球运动检查 Motility exam 眼压 Intra-ocular pressure 裂隙灯检查 Slit lamp exam of the anterior segment 眼部神经检查 Examination of the optic nerve



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