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1、学校代码:10475 学 号:104753080716研研究究生生硕硕士士学学位位论论文文职场活力与创新行为:组织认同的中介作用职场活力与创新行为:组织认同的中介作用Vigor and Innovation Behavior in the Workplace:the Mediating Effect of Organizational Identification专 业 名 称: 应用心理学 专 业 代 码: 077103 研 究 方 向: 管理心理学与人力资源管理 年 级: 2008 级 研 究 生 姓 名: 杜常贺 导师姓名、职称: 王明辉 副教授 完 成 日 期: 2011 年 2 月

2、II论 文 主 题 词: 活力/创新行为/组织认同 I中文摘要中文摘要职场活力是在工作场所中员工与重要的人或职业事件发生交互时,所产生的一种积极情感反应,其中包括对体力、情绪能量和认知活力等的感觉。在职场中,活力可以提高员工问题解决以及应对压力的能力,从而改善员工的身心状态。本研究采用文献分析法、问卷调查法等研究方法探讨了我国企业员工职场活力的相关问题。通过对全国六个城市七家企业中的 400 多名员工进行调查,并采用探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析、结构方程模型和回归分析等多种统计分析技术,得到以下一些结论:第一,我国企业员工职场活力的结构包括三个维度:体力、情绪能量和认知活力。问卷的信度和效度

3、都达到了心理测量学的要求。第二,在员工职场活力对其创新行为的影响研究中,职场活力的各个维度对创新行为的各个维度都有着显著的影响。第三,在组织认同对职场活力影响效果的中介效应研究中,组织认同在职场活力创新行为之间的关系起到了部分中介的作用。第四,不同性别、年龄、工作年限和教育水平的员工,在活力的不同维度上存在着显著的差异。最后,阐述了本研究存在的不足,并指出未来研究有待解决的问题。关键词:关键词:活力;创新行为;组织认同IIAbstractVigor represents a positive affective response to ones ongoing interactions wit

4、h significant elements in ones job and work environment that comprises the interconnected feelings of physical strength, emotional energy, and cognitive liveliness. In the workplace, the high levels vigor can improve employee problem solving and the ability to cope with stress, so that improving emp

5、loyee physical and mental state. This essay adopts literature analysis, questionnaires and other research methods to explore the vigorous issues related to corporation employees in the workplace. through investigating more than 400 employees in seven companies of six cities in our country, during th

6、e carefully survey, this article mainly takes the exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis , structural equation model , regression analysis and other statistical analysis technique .draw on the following conclusions:First of all, the construct of employees vigor in the workplace in

7、cluded three dimensions: physical strength, emotional energy and cognitive liveliness. Secondly, in the study of the employees workplaces vigor had an effect on innovation behavior, it could come to an agreement, and the three dimensions played a significant role on innovation behavior.Thirdly, this

8、 study examined the mediating effect of organizational identification by stepwise regression analysis. Organizational identification played an important role between the workplace vigor and innovative behavior.Fourthly, the research examined the demographical variables effects on the contents of vig

9、or. The demographical variables included sex, age, working age and educational status. The results had drawn a conclusion that the demographical variables had certain significant effects on the contents of vigor.IIIIn the end, the research discussed the current limitations and future research orientation.Keywords: vigor; innovative behavior; organizational identificationi目录目录中文摘要 .I Abstract .II 1 引言.1 1.1 研究背景.1 1.2 研究意义.2 1.3 本文结构.3 2 文献综述.4 2.1 职场活力的概念.4 2.2 职场活力的测量.4 2.3 职场活力相关概念的辨析.5 2.4 职场活力的相关研究.7 3 研究内容及总体设计.10 3.1 研究的总体构想.10 3.2 研究内容与假设.10 3.3 本研究对职场活力的界定.11 3.4 研究方法和研究过程.



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