新人教版pep小学英语学业水平模拟试卷及答案 (一)

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1、20152015 年河头中心小学六年级学业水平模拟考试年河头中心小学六年级学业水平模拟考试英英 语语 试试 卷卷 (一)(一)听力部分(35 分)一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。 (10 分)( )1、A、fell B、felt C、fish( )2、A、before B、better C、beach( )3、A、laugh B、loud C、lamp( )4、A、stay B、star C、smart ( )5、A、than B、tripped C、tall( )6、A、meter B、mule C、milkxKb 1 .Com ( )7、A、both B、bought C、become (

2、)8、A、hall B、had C、hurt( )9、A、grass B、glass C、laugh( )10、A、bigger B、big C、pig二、听音,选出你所听到的句子的正确答语。 (10 分( )1、A、Im 50 kilograms . B、Im 156 meters . C、Im 14years old .( )2、A、No , I dont . B、Yes , he does . C、I went boating .( )3、A、Its white . B、Size 8 . C、Its so tall .( )4、A、Im fine .B、I was fine . C、Im

3、 OK . http:/ www. ( )5、A、Yes , you can . B、Yes , I can . C、No , you arent .( )6、A、Im quite . B、Tell me about you . C、Yes ,Im OK .( )7、A、I saw a film . B、You are a student . C、I can see some books .( )8、A、I am happy . B、Im hungry . C、Hainan .( )9、A、How do you do ? B、Thank you . C、Im fine , too .( )10

4、、A、I went fishing last weekend . B、Im going to read books . C、I often go boating on weekends . 三、听音,补全句子。 (10 分)X|k | B| 1 . c |O |m1、My ruler is than yours . 2、I played last weekend .3、Tom good food in Turpan . 4、Did you do else ?5、Lets a puppet . 6、I go every day .7、How are you ? 8、We tea in the a

5、fternoom .9、It like a mule ! 10、 did you go ?四、听音,判断句子正(T)误(F) 。 (5 分)( )1、Tom is stronger than John .( )2、My sister is 1.54 meters .( )3、Saturday was a busy day for me .( )4、I didnt like winter before .( )5、Tell me about your school , please . 笔试部分(65 分)五、写出 26 个英文字母的大小写形式。 (13 分)六、选出与每组单词同类的一项。 (5

6、 分)A、shorter B、play C、room D、cleaned E、Monday ( )1、took rode ate ( )2、watch go read ( )3、bigger thinner longer( )4、hall school library ( )5、Sunday Friday Saturday 七、按要求写一写。 (10 分)1、black(对应词) 2、Let us(缩写形式) 3、werent(完整形式) 4、swim(ing 形式) 5、thin(比较级) 6、good(最高级) 7、present(同义词) 8、where(同音词) 9、ride(过去式)

7、 10、sheep(复数) 八、用所给单词适当形式填空。 (10 分)1、Did Sarah (go) to the park ?2、What you (do)last night ? 新 课 标 第 一 网3、I (take) pictures with my friend the day before yesterday .4、We (have) a farewell party next Saturday afternoon .5、His feet are (small) than yours .6、We (see)bears in the zoo last weekend .7、He

8、can (play) the piano . 8、How much (be) the apples ?15 yuan .9、Tom will (go) to Turpan tomorrow .10、My mum is (old) than me . 九、选择填空。 (10 分)( )1、I TV on Sunday evening .A、saw B、watched C、looked( )2、What did you yesterday .A、play B、playing C、played( )3、Wuli a book yesterday .A、reading B、readed C、read(

9、 )4、My brother is than me .A、tall B、taller C、tallest( )5、It a sunny day yesterday . X k B 1 . c o mA、was B、are C、is( )6、Hes taller and heavier me .A、many B、much C、than( )7、You can your friends .A、brought B、bring C、bring( )8、Its time go home .A、to B、for C、at ( )9、Sam is 10 . Jack is 9 . Sam is than J

10、ack .A、older B、younger C、smaller( )10、They like to music .A、listen B、listened C、listening十、连词成句。1、will , seven , I , in , Grade , be , ( . )2、is , me , news , it , for , sad ( . )3、answer , often , questions , I , maths ( . ) 4、buildings , more , more , are , and , there ( . ) http:/ www. 5、I , so ,

11、 am , now , why , slow ( ? )6、in , class , what , you , are ( ? )7、a , spaceship , comes , here ( . )十一、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10 分)Its time to leave our school . We are all going to middle school . So we will say goodbye to each other . We are going to have a farewell party . You can bring your friends . Pl

12、ace : gym Time: Sunday afternoonw W w .X k b 1.c O mActivities : We are going to sing songs . Play games and dance .We are going to have cake , candy and juice ,too . It will be great fun . See you at the party !( )1、It is time to .A、come to school B、get up C、leave our school ( )2、You can bring .A、your friends B、your bags C、your parents( )3、We are going to .A、study Englis


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