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1、1在职考研英语语法练习题及答案解析 581. Under no circumstances _ other countries. A. we should invade B. should we invade C. we invade D. should we not invade 82. Hardly _ the meeting room when the meeting began. A. had I entered B. I entered C. did I enter D. have I entered 83. _ had been expected, he opposed to th

2、e plan. A. Which B. As C. What D. That 84. _ you have been in this school for some time, please tell me what you think of it. A. Now that B. That C. Because D. That now 85. _ the boys demands are met soon he will cry. A. Lest B. Unless C. In case D. As long as 86. He is _ hard-working. Thats why he

3、failed in the test. A. nothing but B. anything but C. something but D. not all 87. Dont worry about your sons illness. What he really needs is _ a few days rest. A. nothing but B. thing but C. anything but D. everything but 88. _ that many of the big trees were damaged. A. The storm was such severe

4、B. So severe was the storm C. So the storm was severe D. Such was the storm severe 89. Neither Bill nor his parents _ at home. A. is B. are C. has D. was 90. Not only you but also I _ mistaken. A. are B. were C. have D. am81. 答案:B 解析:under no circumstances 作“决不”解。 82. 答案:A 解析:hardlywhen 为一个固定搭配,主句一般

5、用过去完成式,并要求部分倒 装。因此,A 为正确选择。 83. 答案:B 解析:根据内容推断,逗号前应为一个定语从句,且从句的先行词为后面的整 个句 子。在这种情况下,一般用 which 或 as 引导定语从句,因此可以排除 C 和 D。which 引导定语从句修饰整个句子时,一般不可置于句首。据此,可将 A 排除。正确选择为 B。 84. 答案:A 解析:题意为:既然你在这个学校有段时间了,请告诉我你觉得这个学校怎么 样。 85. 答案:B 2解析:显然,本题为一个主从复句。主句为 he will cry ,空当处缺少一个关 联词。unless 引导一个条件状语从句。题意为:除非这个小男孩的

6、要求很快得 到满足,否则他就会哭。 86. 答案:B 解析:注意前两项选择的意思区别:nothing but = 仅仅是;anything but = 一点也不。C 项选择如果是 not at all 也算对。题意为:他一点都不努力。 他测试不及格的原因就在于此。 87. 答案:A 解析:根据题中一句内容推知,空当处不应填入具有否定意义的词,因此,可 将 C 排除。B 和 D 都不合题意。A 为正确选择。nothing but 作“只、仅仅” 解,相当于 only。 88. 答案:B 解析:两个选择中都有 so,空当后又出现 that ,因此可推知,句中包括 sothat 的结构。在 so t

7、hat 结构中,so 作为程度副词,如放在句首, 句子要部分倒装,B 正好符合条件,因此 B 为正确选择。C 没倒装,可排除; A、D 语法不通,也可排除。题意:暴风雨如此猛烈,许多大树都被损坏了。 89. 答案:B 解析:neither nor 连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词一般与靠它 较近的一个成分取得一致。即采用就近一致原则。此题中,谓语动词应与 parents 取得一致,因此,A、C 和 D 可同时排除,得出正确选择 B。 90. 答案:D 解析:not only but also 连接两个并列成分作主语时,谓语动词的性 数采用就近一致原则,据此 A、B、C 均可排除,得出正确选择

8、 D。 更多十月在职的历年真题模拟试题请查看新阳光教育网站上 2012 年工程硕士模拟题 2012 年公共管理硕士模拟试题 2012 年在职英语模拟试题 2012 年教育硕士模拟试题 2012 年法律硕士模拟试题 2012 年公共卫生硕士模拟题91. Politics _ the art or science of government. A. is B. are C. be D. being 92. My friend was very unhappy for not _ to the concert. A. to be invited B. have been invited C. to

9、 have been invited D. inviting 93. The noise was caused by a dog _ a cat through the garden. A. chasing B. fighting C. running D. following 94. I must get up earlier tomorrow morning _ late again. A. not to be B. not being C. so as not to be D. for not being 395. Because of her peculiar characterist

10、ics, she has a lot of difficulty _ friends with her classmates. A. to make B. making C. of making D. for her to make 96. I consider _ more knowledge than his brother of biology. A. him having B. him to have had C. him to have D. his having had 97. Excuse me, but it is time to have your temperature _

11、. A. take B. taking C. to take D. taken 98. The stars are _ when there is no moon. A. brightest B. the brightest C. more brighter D. much brighter 99. The experts feel that there would be fewer problems underground than _ in case of an earthquake. A. on the surface B. surface C. the surface D. that

12、on the surface 100. The observation deck at the World Trade Center _ in New York. A. was highest than any other one B. was higher than any other one C. was highest that any other one D. was higher that any other one 91. 答案:A 解析:某些学科名称,虽然形式上是复数的,但谓语动词仍用单数,据此,可 将 B 排除。C 和 D 语法上不通。A 为正确选择。 92. 答案:C 解析:

13、不定式被动语态否定式表达方式。由于主句是过去时态,音乐会已经开 过,所以应该选择 C。 93. 答案:A 解析:现在分词短语表示伴随状况。本题的其他选项意思有误。 94. 答案:C 解析:不定式用作目的状语。 95. 答案:B 解析:have difficulty (in) + 动词 + -ing 是习惯用法,故选项 A、C、D 均可排 除。 96. 答案:C 解析:consider + n. + 动词不定式是 consider 一词的用法之一。consider 一词的 另一句型为 consider + 动词 + -ing 。全句的意思为:我认为他比他的兄弟具有 更多的有关生物学方面的知识。

14、97. 答案:D 解析:have something done 是固定词组。本句意思是 someone will take your temperature 。 98. 答案:D 解析:一般最高级需要有一个表示范围的短语予以限定,本题应是一个含有比 较级的句子,故选项 A 和 B 可以排除。选项 C 中 more 和 brighter 重叠,所 以也可以排除。 99. 答案:A 解析:在题中,两个相比对象为 problems underground 和 problems on the surface 所以选项 A 为正确答案,A 项中的 problems 被省略。选项 B 和 C 都 无法修饰 problems ,故可以排除。选项 D 中的 that 为指示代词,替代 problems ,但由于两者的数不统一,故也可以排除。4100. 答案:B 解析:本题的 A、C 和 D 选项都不对,其中选项 A 中最高级不能与 than 连用, C 和 D 中的 that any other one 语法作用不清。选项 B 是正确答案,形容词比 较级+ than + any + other one 表示最高级的含义。更多十月在职


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