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1、剑桥少儿英语预备级下册剑桥少儿英语预备级下册本文由百合花开 210 贡献doc 文档可能在 WAP 端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择 TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。剑桥少儿英语预备级各单元重点 Pre-starters B (下册 下册) 下册 Unit 1 School is fun . (Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过活动激发学生在英语课上的学习兴趣。 复习和巩固前面出现过的学习用具等校园词汇。 学会简单的英语表达句式。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: What can

2、you see? I can see a big book. This is big. Its big. Welcome to our school. Please come with me. How many boys are there? 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: eraser, pencil-case, penicil, ruler, bag, blackboard, pen, book, playground, classroom, garden, swimming pool, Class One, boys, girls, teacher

3、s, doors, windows, TVs, fans.Unit 2 Classroom Olympics.(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,培养大家的竞赛意识及为集体增光的意识。 掌握一些运动用的交际词汇和句子。 通过游戏,进一步培养学生对英语的兴趣。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Hop to the blackboard. Jump to the window. Run to the door. Walk to the teacher. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key

4、 words and expressions: hop, paint, catch, count, run, bounce, draw, touch, football, badminton, baseball, basketball, jump and touch, catch and count, kick and stop.Unit 3 You and I(Pre-starters B)11.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习本单元,使学生正确地使用人称代词。 使学生进一步复习和巩固单复数的用法。 通过做相关的游戏,进一步培养学生的学习兴趣。

5、2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: You can draw and I can write. He can dance and she can read. We can skate and you can paint. It can talk and they can play. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: you, I, he, she, we, it, they.Unit 4 They are my friends.(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and de

6、mands: 通过学习,使学生能用英语简单介绍自己和朋友。 通过教学活动,加强学生之间的了解。 掌握一些常用的句型。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: They are my friends. Hello! Im Nick. Shes Pat and hes Tom. We are all friends. Welcome! Come and watch TV or you can play with toys. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: Nick, Pat, Tom, welcome, watch, pla

7、y, best, all.Unit 5 I like dogs.(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands:2通过学习,使学生进一步巩固和掌握名词单数概念。 学习和练习名词的附属形式及陈述句的形式。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Tell me please. What animals do you like? I like cats. Look! They are rabbits. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: parrot, cats, rabb

8、it, spider, dag, snake, turtle, mouse.Unit 6 Do you like oranges?(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 使学生进一步掌握名词的复数形式。 使学生能在名词复数基础上学会使用一般疑问句。 进一步培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Do you like oranges? Yes, I like. No, I dont. Where is the apple? How many can you see?

9、Take one, please. Thank you. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: banana, orange, peach, pear, apple, pineapple, lemon, mango, fruit, how, many, see, favourite, take.Unit 7 Whats Bobby doing?(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,使学生能掌握和理解简单句子的表达方式。3让学生在大量使用语言的同时掌握和熟记一些常用的短语。 学习和掌握

10、一些涉及到有关房间的单词。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Whats Bobby doing? Hes taking a bath. What time is it? Its 8pm. This is Bobbys house. You can see a bathroom. This is my bedroom. What do you do in the living-room? I watch TV in the living-room. Where do these things go? 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expr

11、essions: bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining-room, bedroom, door, window, wash, brush, sleep, meals, eat, watch, do, taking a bath, having supper, watch TV, doing his homework.Unit 8 Whats in the pizza?(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,使学生掌握一些常用的蔬菜及食物的语言名称。 鼓励学生在父母的指导下在家尝试

12、做自己想吃的比萨饼。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Whats in the pizza? I like to eat a pizza with some onions. What food are they? Whats in your bag? There is a pencil-case and some books. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: carrots, peas, onions, beans, potatoes, sausages.Unit 9 Dress for Childrens Da

13、y.(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,使学生喜欢过自己的节日。4让学生初步掌握一些有关服装的英语名称。 使学生能用英语表现自己的喜好与厌恶。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Its Childrens Day. What do you like to wear? I like skirts. I dont like trousers. You can put on the blue dress. Its beautiful. Id like to wear a pair

14、of shorts and a T-shirt. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: jacket, skirt, vest, shirt, socks, shorts, jeans, trousers, dress, T-shirt, caps, hats, shoes, glasses, handbag, mirror, beautiful, wear, like.Unit 10 What are they doing?(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,使学生进一步复习和巩

15、固现在进行时的用法。 帮助学生学会使用相应的动词短语。 使学生能表达和询问单,复数概念的句子。 2.交际用语 Expressions in communication: What are the pets doing in the house? I dont know. Lets ask our friend. Who can tell us? What are the cows doing? They are eating grass. 3.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions: cow, elephants, dogs, cats, snakes, bees,

16、chicks, giraffes, pandas, turtles, fish, tigers, ducks, horse, sheep, roosters, lions, goats, mice, rabbits, parrots, spiders, brush teeth, read books, take a bath, play a game, have breakfast, watch TV, tell a story, play hide-and-seek, climb the trees, play football.Unit 11 Where are you going?(Pre-starters B)1.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands: 通过学习,使学生学会用英语表达有关交通工具。 学会了解一下我国的几个名胜古迹。52.交际用语 Expressions in communication: Hi, there! Where are you going? We are going to Sha


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