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1、2016 年专科入学测试模拟题年专科入学测试模拟题一、单选一、单选 1. Sorry, you speak _ quickly _ I cant follow you. (2 分) A.too; to B.so; that C.as; to D.very; so .标准答案:B2. On_ sides of the street are a lot ofcolourfulflowers. (1.5 分) A.each B.both C.either D.all .标准答案:B3. Ourheadmaster will return _ his office _ 8:00 tomorrow. (

2、2 分) A.back; in B.to; till C.backto; at D.to; by .标准答案:D4. Thepopulation of the villages _ fast. (2 分) A.isincreasing too B.areincreasing; too much C.isgetting; much too D.aregetting; very .标准答案:A5. Doyou remember _? (2 分) A.wheredid you buy the dictionary B.whereyou bought the dictionary C.wheredo

3、you buy the dictionary D.whereyou buy the dictionary.标准答案:B6. Thepopulation of the villages _ fast. (2 分) A.isincreased B.areincreasing C.isgot D.aregetting .标准答案:A7. Ihave worn out my trousers, so I want to buy a new _. (2 分) A.pair B.one C.ones D.trousers .标准答案:A8. _ is the population _China? (2 分

4、) A.Howmany; in B.Howmuch; of C.What; of D.How; in .标准答案:C9. Thereason why English has changed that much is hard _. (2 分) A.toexplain B.tobe explained C.toexplain it D.explained .标准答案:A10. Sorry, weve sold out the shoes in your size. -_. (2 分) A.Whata pity B.Itwas a pleasure C.Nevermind D.I hope not

5、 .标准答案:A11. Doyou have any difficulty _ English language? (2 分) A.learningthe B.learning C.tolearn D.tolearning the .标准答案:A12. Hedecides _ take the suit because it _ too much. (2 分) A.dont; pays B.not; takes C.to; spends D.notto; costs .标准答案:D13. Idlike to go shopping with you, _ Im too busy today.

6、(2 分)A.so B.and C.but D.or .标准答案:C14. Thevillager said he _ his pet dog _. (2 分) A.missed; which missed B.missed; which was missing C.wasmissing; that was missed D.wasmissed; missing.标准答案:B15. Wouldyou please _ the answer _ the question? (2 分) A.findout; to B.find; of C.findout; with D.find; about .

7、标准答案:A16. Notonly we but also Thomas _ used a digital camera before. (1.5 分) A.hasnever B.hasever C.haveever D.havenever .标准答案:B17. Shetold us a story. Her voice sounded _. (2 分) A.sweet B.small C.clearly D.sadly .标准答案:A18. Imdifferent from my twin sister. I love dancing, _ she is interested in read

8、ing. (2 分) A.so B.or C.but D.and .标准答案:C19. Leavesare found on all kinds of trees, but they differ greatly _ size and shape. (2 分) A.on B.from C.by D.in .标准答案:D20. Ihave never seen such a strange animal _ 3 legs like that. (1.5 分) A.with B.has C.on D.of .标准答案:A21. The _could still speak _native lang

9、uage well after they stayed in foreign countriesmany years (2 分) A.Germen; their own B.Germans; their own C.Germans; themselves D.Germen; themselves .标准答案:B22. _ was _ you fed the bird for the last time? (2 分) A.When; it that B.When; it C.What; the time that D.What; that .标准答案:A23. Alanis a good dri

10、ver, but he drives _ of my friends. (2 分) A.themost carefully B.theleast carefully C.lesscarefully D.morecarefully .标准答案:B24. Tom is ill. When shall we go to see him, tonight or tomorrow night? - _. Either night is OK with me. (2 分) A.I dont know B.I dont mind C.Imnot sure D.Imafraid not .标准答案:B25.

11、3,308 _ three thousand three hundred and eight. (2 分) A.isread as B.readsas C.saysas D.issaid as .标准答案:A26. Thetraditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so. (2 分) A.when B.why C.whether D.that .标准答案:D27. Thereis _ apple tree and two pear trees in my garden. Theyre over 10 years old. (2 分)A.the B.some C.an D.不填 .标准答案:C28. Which color do you like better, green or blue? - I _ green, but this green is too light? (2 分) A.enjoy B.prefer C.choose D.decide .标准答案:B29. Thislesson is _ difficult for us _. (2 分) A.so; to understand it B.too; to understand



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