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1、2013-初二下学期英语复习提纲初二下学期英语复习提纲1. so+谓语+主语:也一样. 谓语:be 动词/助动词/情态动词 2. so+主语+谓语:的确如此,真的这样. 3. help yourself/yurselves to 请随便吃点 4. 发现 sb 做 sth : find sb doing sth 5. 不完全同意 I dont really agree. 完全不同意 I really dont agree. 6. 或者 或者 eitheror.就近原则 既不 也不 neithernor.就近原则 既 又 bothand.谓语用复数 7. 看起来,似乎 It seems/seeme

2、d that. 8. 由于 而闻名 be famous for. 9. 餐馆就餐用语:a table for two/sit at the table by the window/heres the menu/May I take your order?/could we have the bill?/Thats all. 10. 问路 Which is the way to/where is/How can I get to/Is there a.near here/Can you tell me the way to/Can you tell me how I can get to? 11

3、. turn right at the third crossing/traffic lights 在第 3 个路口往右拐take the third crossing on your right 12. 过桥 go across the bridge=cross the bridge 13. 走到路的尽头 go up this road to the end=go on until you reach the end. 14. at the street corner 在街角 15. on sbs way to.在 sb 去的途中/路上 16. whats the matter?=whats

4、 wrong?=whats the trouble?怎么了? 17. be sick in hospital/in bed 生病住院/卧床 18. Maybe it is there=it may be there 可能在那里. 19. It takes/took/will take sb+时间+to do sth. Sb 做 sth 花费了时间 20. 路途遥远 Its (5 kms)far(away) from=Thats quite a long way. 21. wait for等待 22. 五分钟的步行/驾驶路程:five minutes walk/drive 23. 迷路 lose

5、 sbs way/sb be lost/sb get lost 24. just then=just at that time/moment 就在那时 25. 首先 first of all=at first 26. a big city like Tokyo 像东京这样的大城市 27. Its easy/interesting/important/ (for sb) to do sth.(对 sb 来说)做 sth 是容易的/有趣的/重 要的. 28. if 条件状语从句:从句一般现在时,主句一般将来时。如:If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to the

6、 zoo. 29. at the head /end of在的前/尾部 2013-30. 我的背很疼. My back hurts badly. 31. 为做准备 get /be ready for 32. stop sb (from) doing sth.阻止/不让 sb 做 sth 33. have a good/wonderful time=enjoy oneself 玩得很高兴 34. answer in a tired voice/with a smile 用疲惫的声音/面带微笑回答。 35. quarrel with sb on sth 为了 sth 与 sb 吵架 36. com

7、plain about sth 为而抱怨,投诉 37. 生病用语:sb have a headache=sb have a pain in the head 头痛,have a cough 咳嗽, have/catch a cold 感冒,have cancer 得了癌症。 38. have /take the medicine three times a day 吃药,每天 3 次 39. take sbs temperature 量体温,look over 医生检查病人 40. drink more water 多喝水,take more exercise 多锻炼 41. sb 醒来: s

8、b wake up, /sb 醒着的:sb be awake 42. sb 睡着了入睡 be/fall asleep 43. 忙着bu busy doing/with sth 44. as soon as 一 就 . 45. sleeping pills 安眠药,light music 轻音乐 46. again and again 再三地,一次又一次 47. dream about梦见; dream of 梦想成为 48. 系动词+形容词: be/smell/taste/sound/look/feel/turn/get/become 49. make trouble 制造麻烦,惹是生非,ma

9、ke a noise 制造噪音 50. every five minutes 每隔 5 分钟 51. instead/instead of代替,取而代之,反而 52. write to sb. 写信给 sb 53. get enough sleep 睡眠充足;stay happy 保持心情开朗 54. on time 准时;in time 按时 55. sb had better (not) do sth, sb 最好(别)做 sth 56. land on 登陆 57. pullout of.=pullup from拉上来 58. 不定代词:something/anyone/nobody/e

10、verywhere 等 59. were all by ourselves=were alone.单独,独自 60. feel a little afraid/dont be afraid. 有点害怕/别害怕 61. perhaps=maybe 也许,可能 62. not until 直到才 63. sooner or later 迟早,早晚 64. ran after 追/ran to 向.跑去/ ran away 逃跑了 65. eat up 吃光/ use up 用完 66. take (good) care of .=look after照顾,保管 67. 我自学英语 learn En

11、glish by myself= teach myself English 68. learn to do sth 学会 69. 记日记 keep a diary,写日记 write a diary 70. leave sb by oneself 单独留下 sb 71. join in the League/Party 入团/党 72. 越来越:比较级+and+比较级; more and more +多音节词。如:bigger and bigger , more 2013-and more interesting 73. 越, 就越: the +比较级,the +比较级。 如:越大越好:the

12、 bigger, the better 74. turn on/off 开/关(电器) ,turn up/down 音量开大/小 75. the whole story=all the story 整个故事,整件事情 76. 过了一会儿 after a while/moment 77. make faces 做鬼脸 78. 名胜,景点 interesting places=places of interest 79. my hometown in Zhejiang 我浙江的老家 80. 暑假 summer holidays; 五一假期 May 1st holiday 81. a strong

13、wind 大风;in the wind 在风里 82. make sb do sth. 使/逼迫 sb 做 sth 83. 倒装句(为了强调)There he is./ Away he went. 84. with these words. 说完这些话,说着说着(伴随状语) 。 85. I dont know how to use it yet. 我不知道怎样使用它。 where to go. 我不知道该去哪里。 what to do. 我不知道该做什么。 86. wait for sbs turn to do sth 等着轮到 sb 做 sth Its sbs turn to do sth. 轮到 sb 去做 sth


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