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1、 初二英语阶段测试 一,单项选择题 1,Jim is _ playing volleyball while I do _ playing basketball.A. good in; well at B. well in; good at C. well at; good in D.good at; well in 2,What about _ to the cinema on Sunday? A. go B. to go C. going D. will go 3, Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it?A. as

2、k; write B.to ask; writing C. ask; writing D.to ask; to write 4,Mr. Li is good at teaching English. Many young teachers ask him for advice about _ their teaching.A. improving B. improve C. improves D. to improve 5,The boy _ never _ to Beijing.A. have; gone B. has; gone C. have; been D. has; been 6,W

3、hen he was 21, his dream to be a teacher_ .A.come true B.came real C.came true D.come real7,I didyt find _ to live. Who can help me? A. somewhere B. Anywhere C. Nowhere D. where t 8, My brother wants _around the world because he enjoys _ new places. A. traveling;seeing B. to travel;to see C.to trave

4、l; seeing D. traveling;to see 9,They _goodbye to the old man and went home.A. told B. said C. talked D.spoke 10,Its a good idea _English in the morning every day. A.reading B.to read C.read D.reads 二,根据汉语提示写出正确的单词。 1.Can you (翻译)_ these sentences into English. 2.Its a good idea to check your vocabul

5、ary (笔记本)_ every day. 3. Now ,because its a new (学期)_, I want to give you some advice. 4. And why dont you write down the (正确的)_ spellings on your book? 5. Do you read a (报纸)_ in English every day? 6.There are three (基本的)_ questions about learning English. 7. Many people are (害羞的)_ when they speak E

6、nglish. 8. Have you ever entered a (竞赛) _ in your school? 9.Yi Wen has tried (西方的)_ food in a hotel in Nanjing. 10. The Chinese food is very (美味的) _, I think . 11.Chinese is one of the most important _(语言)in the world. 12.I want to know how to _(提高)my oral English. 13.The farmers celebrate the harve

7、st _-_(一起)in Autumn. 14.14.How about _(看)TV at home. 15. “help_ (自己)to some fish”,the woman said to me. 16.Im sorry I made many _(错误)in the exam. 17.-Would you like some orange ? -_ (仅仅)a little. 18.My teacher is very kind. She always come into the classroom with a _(微笑). 19.Im sorry I didnt_(记住)to

8、close the door when I left the room. 20.There are a lot of _.(报纸),Which one do you want ?三,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 1.My brother _ to school at 7:00 tomorrow morning. (go) 2.Look! Who is _ on the blackboard? (draw) 3.3.Lets learn the _ _Lesson. (nine) 4.This is my _ trip to Japan, can you tell me the way? (on

9、e) 5.Toms mother asked him _ his homework. (do) 6.I always _ to bed at 10:30 every evening. (go) 7.He _ tennis last week. (play) 8.She _ a worker two years ago. (be) 9._ you _ lunch at home? (have) 10.May I _ now? (leave) 四,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中两项多余(5 分)Anne: Next Friday is Sonias birthday. _1_ . Sarah

10、:Oh, I forgot. Lets go to buy gifts together. _2_ . Anne: Tomorrow. Sarah:_3_ . What about the day after tomorrow ? Anne:OK,thats fine. What time shall we meet ? Sarah:_4_. Anne:Good. How many people will be there at Sonias party ? Sarah:_5_ .Maybe twenty or thirty. Anne:I cant wait. I believe it wi

11、ll be a great party. Sarah:Me too.A.When is Sonias birthday ?B.Lets meet at my home at nine oclock.C.When are you free ?D.Im not sure.E.Im sorry, but I have another thing to do tomorrow.F.Im thinking about going to buy a gift for her.G.I think there will be twenty people at her party. 五, 完形填空 Mr Har

12、ris lived in a small house by himself. He was always 1 about what he ate and drank, and he never 2 when the weather was cold. He was always afraid that he was getting terribly ill, 3 he often went to his doctor, and the doctor was getting very 4 of him, because he had more other work 5 . Then one da

13、y Mr Harries hurried 6 the doctors office and told him he was sure he had a terrible illness, which he had 7 about in the newspaper. He showed the doctor the 8 . The doctor read it 9 and then said, “But, Mr Harris, people dont know when they have this illness! And they feel just well. ”“Oh, my goodn

14、ess,”said Mr Harris. “I thought so. Thats just 10 I feel! ” ( )1. A. Careful B. Worried C. Worry D. care ( )2. A. went by B. go by C. goes out D. went out ( )3. A. because B. and C. so D. though ( )4. A. enjoying B. enjoy C. tired D. tiring ( )5. A. to do B. do C. doing D. did ( )6. A. into B. from C .out of D. at ( )7. A. see B. read


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