员工申诉 作业三 HND

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《员工申诉 作业三 HND》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《员工申诉 作业三 HND(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Assessment task 31. General principles An attempt should be made to solve workplace problems and difficulties informally and without recourse to the formal grievance procedure Formal grievances should be raised in writing The employee has the right to be accompanied by a companion at a grievance mee

2、ting Written records will be kept of all grievance meetings, including employees case, employers response and the outcome of each meeting Management will ensure confidentiality of all meetings and associated documentation At the end of each stage, the employee is to be advised of the next stage Empl

3、oyees who raise grievances will not be victimized Stage One The employee should raise the grievance with their immediate line manager, who should arrange a grievance meeting as soon as possible. The meeting to be held within five working days of initial raising. The meeting should be carried out in

4、a relatively informal manner. The staff member should be notified of the outcome of meeting within five working days. Stage Two If the staff member is not satisfied with the response they received at Stage One, they can, within five working days of receiving the decision, raise the grievance in writ

5、ing with the next most senior manager (who will usually be the original line managers line manager). This manager will arrange a meeting, to be held as soon as possible. The meeting will be conducted on a more formal basis than at Stage One and the manager conducting the meeting will hear evidence f

6、rom the staff member (and any representative) and their line manager. A representative from the Human Resource Department will be in attendance to give advice on procedure and to take notes. The outcome of the meeting should be notified to the staff member, within five working days. Stage Three If t

7、he staff member is not satisfied with the response they received at Stage Two, they can, within five working days of receiving the decision, raise the grievance in writing with the Managing Director. An appeal hearing will be held as soon as possible. This meeting will hear evidence from all the par

8、tied who have been involved in the grievance procedure so far. The decision made at Stage Three of the Grievance Procedure is final. Collective grievance In certain circumstances, a group of individual s may wish to raise a grievance collectively. This situation might arise when the action of manage

9、ment (or managements failure to act) affects a group of workers equally. The approach to handling a collective grievance will have to be decided by each organisation and reflected in the grievance procedure. Some organisations make special arrangements within their grievance procedure for handling c

10、ollective grievances.2. a. I consider Nicks grievance can be as below: When Nick had the private word the Martha about the appointment, he was very angry about that he had a good chance of being promoted but had not even been offered an interview. Even worse, the first point that he realized he had

11、not been successful was when the appointment of Geoffrey Roberts was announced in the staff bulletin. The letter telling him that his application had been unsuccessful arrived two days after the announcement was made public. He was unable to carry out duties if he was not told about them, or had not

12、 had it pointed out that he was performing unsatisfactorily which can be seen as the lack of communication about the progress of Nicks application. And the line managers comments about his performance, such as: he should have been aware of what was expected of him as it was discussed at interview, a

13、nd as it was against company policy to issue job descriptions, he should have used his initiative to find out by asking if he wasnt sure.b. Failure of communication between: Martha and Nick The failure of communication between Martha and Nick can be as: Martha might not have been specific enough in

14、her requirements of Nick, to solve this problem, Martha can raise issues be simple and put in writing and give explanation of Nicks applications as soon as possible. And Nick rarely calling for Martha at the first sign of difficulty. Martha and the Human Resource Department Martha did not have any d

15、ocumented evidence of having raise any of points in currently company appraisal scheme, and thus made Nicks promotion unsuitable. This unsuccessful communication between Martha and the HR Department influenced Nick and also may influence the companys performance. Human Resource Department and Nick N

16、ick should make more communications with HR Department, because this can be seen as an important factor of his promotion. Actually, his unsuccessful promoted can be seen as his own fault, if he made successful communication, this can gain his promotion chances to some degree. c. The reasons as below made the original problem worse: Lack of job descriptions: when Nick did his job, he had never been issued with a formal job descript



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