科普版六年级英语下册第二课教案 Lesson2 It's on the fifth floor

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1、LessonLesson 2 2 ItIts s onon thethe fifthfifth floor.floor.教学设计教学设计一、一、Topic:Topic: ItIts s onon thethe fifthfifth floorfloorLessonLesson Type:NewType:New LessonLesson二、二、TeachingTeaching Objective:Objective:1.理解序数词的概念,并掌握 112 序数词的构成。2.交际用语:Where is?Its on.三、三、MainMain Points:Points:掌握基数词变序数词的基本方法。

2、DifficultDifficult Points:Points:where 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答形式。四、四、TeachingTeaching Tools:Tools:Cards、Cholks etc.五、五、TeachingTeaching Procedure:Procedure:Task1Task1 课前热身(课前热身(WarmingWarmingupup)()(1010 分钟)分钟)1)齐读课文并翻译。2)听写单词。3)复习句型:T: Is Wang Ke in the reading room?Ss:No,he is in the classroom.Task2Task2 呈现新

3、知:(呈现新知:(PersentionPersention)()(2020 分钟)分钟)1)默写 112 数字单词,学生写完后,教师出示小黑板,学生对照。2)讲解序数词的概念。序数词:表示序数的词称为序数词。3)研究序数词的构成。4)分类记忆 112 的序数词。将 112 的序数词分成特殊记忆、直接加 th 和稍微变动三类。学生快速记笔记并加强记忆。5)句型:出示图片。T: Where is the teachersoffice?导入句型。讲授 Where is?Its on.TaskTask 3 3 练习:练习:(Practice(Practice ) )( 1010 分钟)分钟)1)写出下

4、列基数词的序数词。one two three fourfive six seven eightnine ten eleven twelve2)用本课中替换词作对话练习。六、六、SummingSummingupup OnOn Teaching:Teaching:1. 熟练掌握 112 序数词的构成。2.交际用语:Where is?Its on.能听懂,会说,并能用来进行对话。七、七、Homework:Homework:用书中的地点名词和序数词作替换练习。八、八、BlackboardBlackboard Designs:Designs:LessonLesson 2 2 ItIts s onon thethe fifthfifth floor.floor.the teachersoffice third floorWhereWhere isis Class 1,Grade 2 ? ItIts s onon thethe first floor. .Class5,Grade 3 second floorthe lab fourth floor



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