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1、http:/ 京京 科科 技技 大大 学学2014 年年硕硕士学位研究生入学考士学位研究生入学考试试题试试题=试题编试题编号:号: 240 试题试题名称:名称: 单单独考独考试试英英语语 (共(共 10 页页) )适用适用专业专业: : 单单独考独考试试各各专业专业 说说明:明: 所有答案必所有答案必须须写在答写在答题纸题纸上,做在上,做在试题试题或草稿或草稿纸纸上无效。上无效。=Part I: Vocabulary (20 minutes, 10 points, 0.5 point each) Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete sen

2、tences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. If you your demand, then maybe you will have more chance of getting what you want. A. lessenB. moderateC. dismissD. over

3、come 2. The professors argument was reasonable, but the audience did not agree with his conclusion. A. suspiciouslyB. seeminglyC. criticallyD. theoretically 3. I suppose Ill have to look for a job; Ill either have to find a rich wife or starve. AotherwiseB. thats whyC. elseD. on the other hand 4. Ma

4、ny photographers prefer to take pictures when they can take advantage of the special effects of the setting sun. Aat twilightB. at noonC. in the morningD. in the fall 5. The finance question must be answered with in order to relieve the investors fears of fraud. AaccuracyB. exactnessC. precisionD. c

5、orrection 6. The survival of some wild animals is not very high as they are ruthlessly hunted for their skins. AratioB. proportionC. rateD. scale http:/ So far as he could,John had always tried to the example he saw in Lincoln. Alive up toB. set forthC. call forD. cut out 8. The students gradually a

6、 knowledge of the subject. AacquiredB. attainedC. achievedD. obtained 9. He didnt openly attack the plan, but his opposition was in his failure to say anything in support of it. A. explicit B. implicitC. decisiveD. obvious 10. The newly-built bridge that the river is convenient to the people living

7、in this area. AtraversesB. spansC. protectsD. overlooks Section B Directions: In this section, there are ten sentences with one word or phrase underlined each. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence if it is substituted for the underlined word

8、. 11. She didnt openly attack the plan,but her opposition was implicit in her failure to say anything in support of it. AexplicitB. obviousC. decisiveD. underlying 12. When he was very young,he was afflicted with paralysis. AtroubledB. botheredC. influencedD. stricken 13. She was still writing away

9、furiously when the bell went. AcontinuallyB. hardC. easilyD. continuously 14. A good dictionary is indispensable for learning English. A. indifferent B. indivisible C. essentialD. elective 15. The severe earthquake damaged buildings as well as public or personal property in them. AmaterialsB. substa

10、ncesC. possessionsD. qualities 16. At first I wasnt able to identify my brother in the crowd as he had changed so much since his departure. Amake upB. make outC. make forD. make in 17. Some people persist in the practice of some very old customs or traditions just because they enjoy doing so.Aendure

11、B. supportC. stick toD. continue in 18. The teacher told stories about Washington and Lincoln in respect to the importance of being honest. Ain connection withB. in case of Calong withD. together with 19. Being infamous for his dishonesty in business matters,the man had few friends. AfreshB. immedia

12、teC. notoriousD. famous 20. He was very careful in whatever he did lest something unfavourable might be written into his record. Aif onlyB. for fear thatC. unlessD. otherwise http:/ II Cloze Test (20 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each) Directions: For each blank in the following passage, choose the be

13、st answer from the choices given below. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet by drawing with a pencil a short bar across the corresponding letter in the brackets. It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the bases _21_ the

14、decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be _22_ in our past experience, which are brought into the present _23_ memory. Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep _24_ available for later use. It includes not only “remembering“ things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also any change in the way an animal typically behaves. Memory is _25_ when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious i


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