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1、14 A/D governments and corporations should share all of their scientific discoveries with the rest of the world. Disagree1 cost- governments - space exploration - millions of dollars scientists - time - 10 yearsCompanies - pharmaceutical companies - researches - pill takers - marketing -2 risks - go

2、vernments - nuclear energy - ill - intentioned people - weapon - human disaster - (non - ethical)Companies - illegal business - unexpected consequenceAdmittedly, for scientific advancement / human progress - Watson and Crick - double helix of DNA- help prevent birth defectMadam Curie - Radium - radi

3、oactivity - treat CancerIntellectual property law16 Students - tons of homework - lack of exercise - overwhelming pressure / deficient healthTeachers - irregular eating time - pressure - standing - Workers - white collars - work overtime - underpaid - skip breakfast - stomach / cancer - metropolis E

4、nsure holidays - lack of enough regulation and supervisionsOld people - health care system - inadequate (不足够的) - insufficient sound nursing homes - - mental health 拆分关键词Food - food safety issue. Additives, illegal oil Exercise - students / workers Mental health - college - consultant - lack of certi

5、ficate Improve mental health (depression)17 too exhausted - lower study efficiency Students need time for extracurricular activities Teacher - instruction quality will slip Admittedly, senior students in high schools, - SAT AP courses - in order to get their dream schools 18 admittedly, honesty is t

6、he foundation of all relationshipsWhite lies - protect ones feelings Maintain the relationshipProtect your own privacy - weight, ageBest friends - totally honest Common friends - acquaintance (普通朋友) -Work friends 19 business leaders - Jack Ma - CEOs - MBA Student leaders - a member of students assoc

7、iations - candidate -speeches - treasure - presidentPolitical leaders - local officials - congressmen - candidate - president - eloquence (public speaking skill )20 (20 年后) In 20 years, people will use less cars In 20 years, people will have less leisure time In 20 years, people will spend less time

8、 on cooking科技的发展, 环境的保护, 观念的转变Deforestation 砍伐树木- afforestation 种植树木21 Parties, students associations, clubs, celebrities, internship, community service, contest, sports games- enhance leadership - make friends - build social connection - improve health / have competent alumni23 historical buildings

9、-Cultural heritage - Summer Palace, Forbidden City, Great Wall Tourism - local economy - Admittedly, new buildings - economic growth / residential needsThe government put more money on Put more budgets onPut priority to A rather than BB is also important. However, other institutions, large companies

10、, and affluent individuals can put money on B.24 /30Bring intellectual stimulation - professors - Professor - recommendation of jobs / attract donations - accomplished alumniAdmittedly, 25 young people pay much more attention to those celebrity news than old people.TV programs, Internet - generate a

11、 lot of information of stars - Exposure to private lives, their works. - music, movies, TV shows - chase after our dreamsAdolescents are in a period of being easily shaped . Drug abuse, drunk driving, cheating(劈腿), rapid marriage and divorce, piercing (扎环),Taylor Swift, Material - driven society - o

12、ver- consumption - advertising - Role model 榜样 - Fashion styleBehavior - both good and badLanguage Young people - youngsters, adolescents, teenagers( teens), juveniles(幼稚) , people at premature age, minors, kids, the young, the youth26. High salary jobs with high riskLow salary jobs with stabilityHi

13、gh salary jobs with short vacationLow salary jobs with long vacationHigh salary jobs . - provide for family (material life)High salary jobs - self-achievement/ career development(generous/ decent income 体面的工作)Admittedly, . Low salary jobs - close to family - have more quality time with our family 陪伴

14、时间 However, high living expense - compromise - better lifeTake its toll on sb./sth - be harmful to / be detrimental to sb/ sth27. Provide a place for senior citizens / young children Business activitiesFor environmental purpose / landscaping for environment purpose 美化环境Admittedly, a sport field - Ho

15、wever, - unfair to taxpayers Litter time for exercise 28. The money should be put into fundamental areas - education, social security, industry development, national defense etc.Hard to define artists Admittedly, some artists need support- Van Gogh- However, confine freedom of creativity - propaganda 政治宣传(贬低)- (politicized)Da Vinci - Mona Lisa Monet - Water Lilies Picasso - Guernica, Weeping woman Van Gogh - Sunflowers, Starry Night29. More/ better motivationExplore ones potential in certain ar


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