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1、新闻词条和一些有用表达新闻词条和一些有用表达( (中英中英) )与医保相关的英文词汇医疗保险 health insurance医疗保险改革 health care reform 医保覆盖面 health coverage全险 comprehensive coverage保险费 premium没有医疗保险的人 uninsured保险单 policy分担金额,共同付费 copaymentOn ones uppers 山穷水尽 uppers 指“鞋面”Eg. Jack has been out of work for several months and is on his uppers. 杰克失业

2、好几个月了,现在已经到了山穷水尽的地步了。History of engagement ring 源自古埃及的订婚戒指An engagement ring signifies a womans commitment to marrying the man who has given it to her. The circular shape of the ring represents the couples love and commitment. While there are no precise dates, it is said that the Egyptians were the

3、first to utilize the idea of an engagement ring. It was usually woven from rush plants and worn on the ring finger of the left hand because it was believed that a vein in this finger went directly to the heart. During ancient Roman times, a man gave a “truth ring” to a woman as a way of claiming her

4、 for his own. The ancient Greeks also offered a “betrothal ring”. It wast until the 15th century when engagement rings as we know them today appeared, made of metal and containing precious stones.Weave 编织 eg. Her coat was woven from wool.她的外套是由羊毛编织成的。Rush 灯心草Vein 血管Betrothal|bi:tro:thel| 婚约,订婚接受订婚戒指

5、代表一个女人决定嫁给一个男人的承诺,圆圈形的戒指代表着他们永恒的真爱与承诺。尽管关于订婚戒指的起源没有确切的日期,但是据说这一习俗最先出现在古埃及。当时人们用灯心草编织戒指并把它佩戴在左手无名指上,因为人们认为这个手指的血管直接与热门的心脏相连。在古罗马时期,男人会送给女人“真爱戒指”以代表将女人据为己有。在古希腊也有赠送“订婚戒指”的习俗。但是直到 15 世纪,才出现我们现在所熟悉的用金属和宝石制定成的订婚戒指。Every man has a fool in his sleeve.聪明一世,糊涂一时。See-through bubble tent 非凡宿营体验:透明帐篷French desi

6、gners have launched a transparent inflatable tent to offer campers an unusual experience sleeping under the stars, foreign media reported. Decked out with wardropes, shelves and electric lights, the bubbles look more like a movable hotel room, but with a 360 degree view of the surrounding countrysid

7、e. Designed to get people as close to nature as possible, the structures can be hired out at sites across France for 400 a night.据国外媒体报道,法国设计师推出了一款透明充气帐篷,为宿营者提供了非凡的宿营体验,抬头便可欣赏璀璨星空。这个巨大的球形帐篷里设有衣橱,书架,还有电灯,简直就是一座可移动的酒店房间。宿营者同时还能将周围田园美景一览无余。这款帐篷的设计初衷是让人们尽可能地亲近大自然,目前可以在法国各个宿营地租用,每晚租金约为 400 英镑。Deck 装饰Eg.

8、They were all decked out in their Sunday best.他们穿上了节日盛装。Walnut 胡桃Grove 小树林Plead guilty 承认有罪口语练兵想好一番话,却又不知如何开口。本期的“魔力咒语”“我想和你谈谈” ,会为你们的谈话创造一个美好的开始。Can we sit down and talk it over? 我们可以坐下来好好谈一谈吗?Can we talk? 我们可以谈一下吗?Can I bend your ears for a minute?可不可以借我一分钟?我有事要跟你说。May I have a conversation with y

9、ou? 我可以跟你谈一下吗?Do you have time now? Ive got something to tell you. 你现在有空吗?我有事要跟你说。【百科全书】Intelligent bandages unveiled 变色纱布预防感染病变German scientists have created a hi-tech dressing that changes color if the wound underneath becomes infected, thanks to a dye that can monitor changes in the bodys pH leve

10、ls. While our defense and repair system can heal small injuries within a few days, a gaping wound takes longer to close up and an infection can quickly take hold. The specially designed bandages and dressings turn from yellow to purple if an infection is present. This allows doctors check on an inju

11、ry without having to change the dressing each time. It saves patients from unnecessary discomfort and also reduces the risk of germs entering the wound.德国科学家日前发明出一种可预防伤口感染的高科技纱布,该纱布通过检测人体 pH 值的高低,表层的颜色会起相应的变化。我们平常生活小跌小撞所受的伤几天就可以愈合,但若伤口过深,其愈合的速度也会稍慢,此时极易引发伤口感染。但若包上这种特指纱布,一旦病人伤口出现感染,纱布表层颜色就会由黄色变为紫色。这样

12、一来,医生不用频繁更换纱布就可以及时了解伤口的愈合情况,病人也免去了很多不必要是麻烦,并降低了细菌侵入伤口的几率。Dye 染料,染色Germ 微生物,细菌【词汇家族】本期我们学习常见的火灾消防相关词汇,同时提醒大家,冬季干燥,请小心用火用电。Burning area 燃烧面积Burning intensity 燃烧强度Constructional material 建筑材料Death by burning 烧死Death by poisoning 中毒死Death by suffocation 窒息死Whipping boy 充当替罪羊的人或物 scappegoat 替罪的羔羊I am tir

13、ed of being used as the whipping-boy for all the mistakes that are are made in the office. 办公室里一出错就让我背黑锅,我已经忍无可忍了。“想不开”如何表达Dont take such small things to heart. 别为这些小事想不开。She was deserted bby her lover, and in despair she took her own life. 她被爱人抛弃,一时想不开就自杀了。He is a gloomy person, who always holds a

14、pessimistic view towards things. 她是个悲观的人,无论什么事总是想不开。Why are you so pessimistic? While there is a life, there is a hope. 你别这么想不开,留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。He took things too hard, and ended his life by hanging himself at home. 因为一时想不开,他在家结束了自己的生命。He hasnt come round yet. Could you try and straighten him out. 他还没有想

15、通呢,你开导开导他好吗?与“通货膨胀”有关的词语Inflation fear 通胀恐慌Inflation 通货膨胀Deflation 通货紧缩Low inflation 低通货膨胀Galloping inflation 急剧通货膨胀Hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀Demand-pull inflation 需求拉动膨胀Cost-push inflation 成本推动膨胀Built-in inflation 固有型通货膨胀Bucket list “人生目标清单”指一个人在有生之年想要做的事情和想要取得的成绩的清单。I need to remember to add skydiving

16、to my bucket list.我要记得把跳伞列入我等你人生目标清单。The Cape of Good Hope 好望角Aberdeen University 阿伯丁大学The cold Benguela Current 本格拉寒流The Straits of Gibraltar 直布罗陀海峡ABC 美国广播公司Largesse 慷慨援助,施舍Virtual lovers available in HK 香港建“虚拟情侣”照相亭For those lonely spirits seeking a partner during the Christmas holidays, coupledom is just a snapshot away. Hong Kongs New Town Plaza shopping mall has installed a photo booth in which singles can be photographed next to virtual partners. Enter the booth, select a vi


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