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1、石河子大学硕士学位论文外源植物激素对葡萄果实发育过程中糖代谢及相关酶活性的影 响姓名:李鹏程申请学位级别:硕士专业:园艺学科、果树指导教师:郁松林20100601外源植物激素对葡萄果实发育过程中糖代谢及相关酶活性的影响 i 摘 要 摘 要 以 3 年生全球红葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.cv.Red Globe)为试材,研究用不同浓度的植物激素在花前花后两次处理葡萄果穗后, 通过测试果实发育过程中的生长形态指标和生理生化指标,探讨外源植物激素对葡萄果实糖代谢及相关酶活性的影响,从而为生产实践提供一定的理论参考依据。试验于 2008 年 5 月 10 日2008 年 9 月 10 日在

2、石河子大学农学院试验站标准葡萄示范园进行。试材为 3 年生全球红葡萄,株行距为 1m3m。植株生长健壮,正常管理。测定了全球红葡萄果实生长过程中的果粒纵横径、可溶性糖及糖代谢相关酶活性以及与果实品质相关的单粒重、可溶性固形物、总糖等指标的变化,与此同时,还测定了果实成熟期叶片光合色素含量、光合及荧光特性,葡萄果实淀粉积累规律以及淀粉代谢酶活性,结果表明: 1、外源植物激素处理增加了果实纵横径,6-BA 处理对果实纵径的促进作用大于横径,葡萄果形指数增加;而 T2(20mgL-1GA3)处理果形指数略有降低,外源植物激素处理增加了果实单果重、穗重增大,葡萄浆果成熟期可溶性固形物含量增加。 2、葡

3、萄以积累己糖为主,外源植物激素处理增加了糖积累速率,糖含量增加,主要体现在果实转色期,但并没有改变糖积累总的变化规律;果实发育前期转化酶(AI,NI)活性增加较大,后期蔗糖合成酶(SS)活性增加,以 T2(20mgL-1GA3)、T5(20mgL-16-BA)处理最为显著,说明外源植物激素(GA3、6-BA)处理可通过改变果实内部相关酶的活性参与葡萄糖积累及代谢的调控。 3、 外源植物激素处理葡萄果实, 葡萄叶片光合色素 (PPC) 的含量增加, 20mgL-1GA3处理效果最显著,Chla、Chlb 和 Car 含量分别较对照增加了 13.2%、23.3%和 38.6%,但由于 Chla 增

4、加幅度小于 Chlb,所以 Chla/b 降低;6-BA、GA3处理后叶片净光合速率(Pn)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、气孔导度(Gs)、胞间 CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和水分利用效率(WUE)都有不同程度的增加,但在一天当中发生改变的时间不同。 4、经不同浓度的外源植物激素(GA3、6-BA)处理葡萄果实,成熟期叶片初始荧光(Fo)、最大荧光(Fm)、光化学猝灭系数(qP)和 PS实际光化学效率(PS)升高,暗适应下最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)增大,但不明显。 5、外源植物激素处理增加了葡萄果实发育前期可溶性淀粉的积累速率,淀粉含量增加,而在果实发育中后期,总淀粉酶、-淀粉酶活性增大

5、,淀粉含量迅速降低,外源植物激素对 -淀粉酶无明显影响。外源植物激素和淀粉积累之间存在密切联系。 关键词关键词:植物激素,葡萄,果实发育,蔗糖代谢,酶活性 外源植物激素对葡萄果实发育过程中糖代谢及相关酶活性的影响 ii Abstract Experiment was conducted with three-year-old Red globe grape trees,used different concentrations exogenous plant hormone deal with grapes at before anthesis and after anthesis,aim i

6、s to test the morphological,physiological and biochemical index during the course of fruit development,discussed the effects of exogenous plant hormone on the sugar accumulation and related enzyme activities in sugar metabolism during the development of grape berries,so as to provide a reference for

7、 production practices.The experiment was implemented in Red Globe plants of shihezi University agriculture proving ground in May tenth 2008 to September tenth 2008.There-year-old Red Globe plants which were unanimously, arborous,tree form criterion were used as experiment materials. Row spacing is 1

8、m3m,GA3、6-BA were equably sprayed on the fruit cluster at 5 days before blooms and 3 days after anthesis then determinate the change of longitudinal and transverse diameter of fruits,soluble sugar,activities of sugar metabolism-related enzymes and single cherry weight,soluble solids,total sugar,etal

9、.At the same time,the content of photosynthetic pigment,the photosynthetic characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence were studied,studied the amylopectin accumulation and related enzyme activities in amylopectin metabolism.The result showed that as follows: 1、Longitudinal diameter and traverse di

10、ameter of grape increased after treated by exogenous plant hormone.Grape fruit cluster treated by 6-BA,the increased effect of longitudinal diameter is larger then the traverse diameter,the fruit shape index increased,while T2 (20mgL-1GA3)redused the fruit shape index,the everage fruit weight,the ev

11、erage fruit cluster and the soluble solid content of grape berries autum increased after treated by exogenous plant hormone. 2、The rate of sugar accumulation and the sugar congtent increased after treated by exogenous plant hormone,the effect may in the Turning-Color Period,but didnt chang the total

12、 rent of sugar accumulation.At the early stage of grape development the activity of acid invertase and neutral invertase increased,at the later stage of grape berries development,the activity of sucrose synthnase increased,T2(20mgL-1GA3) and T5(20mgL-16-BA) were most significant,showed that the exog

13、enous plant hormone may regulate grape sugar accumulation by chang the activities of sugar metabolism-related enzymes. 3、The content of photosynthetic pigment content increased after treated by exogenous plant hormone, the difference between the control and 20mgL-1 GA3 treatment is the best signific

14、ant,compared with the control,the chlorophylla increased by 13.2%,chlorophyllb increased by 23.3%,carotenoids increased by 38.6%(PT2T3CK),之后随着时间的推移持续下降。且各处理(T1、T2 和 T3)都在 12:00 以后较对照有不同程度的增加,12:处理 叶绿素 a(mgg-1FW) 叶绿素 b(mgg-1FW) 总叶绿素(mgg-1FW) 叶绿素 a/b 类胡萝卜素(mgg-1FW)Treatment Chlorophylla Chlorophyllb C

15、hlorophyll Chlorophylla/b Carotenoids CK 4.508d 1.463d 5.971c 3.081a 1.790c T4 4.908b 1.645b 6.558a 2.984b 1.934b T5 5.105a 1.722a 6.827a 2.965b 2.651a T6 4.837c 1.591c 6.428b 3.041a 1.888c 外源植物激素对葡萄果实发育过程中糖代谢及相关酶活性的影响 20 00 和 18:00 时,T1、T2 和对照之间差异显著(P0.05) ,利于光合作用的进行。 (见图17) 02468101210:0012:0014:0016:0018:00时刻 Time of dayP Pn n(mol m-2 s-1)T1T2T3CK050010001500200010:0012:0014:0016:0018:00时刻 Time of dayPARPAR(mol m-2 s-1)T1T2T3CK00.时刻 Time of dayG Gs s(mmol m-2 s-1)T1T2T



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