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1、根据根据 ipip 地址查交换机端口地址查交换机端口根据 ip 地址查交换机端口Keywords ip address port interface map show cam arp cdp detail mac-address-table 在一个 Cisco 交换网络中间,已知某台机器的 IP 地址,如何找出它连接到了哪台交换机的哪个端口上呢?最方便快捷的方法使使用CiscoWorks 2000 LMS 网管软件的 User tracking 功能,图形化界面,一目了然。 如果没有这个软件,也可以使用以下手工分析方法来找出答案: 示例网络:核心交换机为 6509(交换引擎 SE 用 CatO

2、S, MSFC 运行IOS 软件) 1. 找出该 IP 所对应的 MAC 地址 通过查看系统的 ARP 缓存表可以找出某 IP 所对应的 MAC 地址。由于ARP 不能跨 VLAN 进行,所以连接各个 VLAN 的路由模块 MSFC 就是最佳的选择一般它在每一个 VLAN 都有一个端口(interface vlan n),能正确地进行 ARP 解释。 6509MSFC#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds

3、! Success rate is 100 percent (55), round-trip minavgmax = 114 ms 6509MSFC#show arp in Internet 2 0006.2973.121d ARPA Vlan2 通过以上命令,我们知道 的 MAC 地址是0006.2973.121d, 这是 IOS 设备的 MAC 地址表达方式,在 CatOS 中,应写为 00-06-29-73-12-1d. 2.在交换机上找出 MAC 地址所对应的端口 6509SE (enable) show cam 00-

4、06-29-73-12-1d = Static Entry. + = Permanent Entry. # = System Entry. R = Router Entry. X = Port Security Entry $ = Dot1x Security Entry VLAN Dest MACRoute Des CoS Destination Ports or VCs Protocol Type - - - - 2 00-06-29-73-12-1d 941 ALL Total Matching CAM Entries Displayed =1 这是不是说 IP 为

5、 的机器就接在端口 941 上呢? 不一定。如果以下命令中显示该端口上只有一个活动的 MAC 地址,那么答案就是肯定的: 6509SE (enable) show cam dynamic 941 = Static Entry. + = Permanent Entry. # = System Entry. R = Router Entry. X = Port Security Entry $ = Dot1x Security Entry VLAN Dest MACRoute Des CoS Destination Ports or VCs Protocol Type - - - - 2 00-0

6、6-29-73-12-1d 941 ALL Total Matching CAM Entries Displayed =1 如果该命令显示该端口上有多个活动的 MAC 地址,那么这个端口应该连接到别的交换机或 HUB 设备上,见下面的例子(查找 IP 为10.10.1.250 所对应的交换机端口) 6509MSFC#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds ! Success rate is 100 per

7、cent (55), round-trip minavgmax = 111 ms 6509MSFC#show arp in Internet 4 0009.6b8c.64ec ARPA Vlan2 6509SE (enable) show cam 00-09-6b-8c-64-ec = Static Entry. + = Permanent Entry. # = System Entry. R = Router Entry. X = Port Security Entry $ = Dot1x Security Entry VLAN Dest MA

8、CRoute Des CoS Destination Ports or VCs Protocol Type - - - - 2 00-09-6b-8c-64-ec 311 ALL Total Matching CAM Entries Displayed =1 6509SE (enable) show cam dy 311 = Static Entry. + = Permanent Entry. # = System Entry. R = Router Entry. X = Port Security Entry $ = Dot1x Security Entry VLAN Dest MACRou

9、te Des CoS Destination Ports or VCs Protocol Type - - - - 1 00-03-e3-4b-06-80 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-b0-cd 311 ALL 1 00-02-a5-ee-f2-4f 311 ALL 1 00-09-6b-8c-66-d6 311 ALL 1 00-09-6b-63-17-d9 311 ALL 1 00-0b-cd-03-ec-f5 311 ALL 1 00-09-6b-63-17-d8 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-b0-c1 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-b0-8

10、5 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-b0-81 311 ALL 1 00-02-a5-ef-16-af 311 ALL 1 00-02-a5-ee-f2-93 311 ALL 1 00-02-55-c6-05-61 311 ALL 2 00-09-6b-8c-64-ec 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-b0-ed 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-b0-a9 311 ALL 1 00-02-55-54-7a-e0 311 ALL 1 00-02-a5-ef-15-a6 311 ALL 1 00-08-02-e6-af-8f 311 ALL 1 00-08-02

11、-e6-b0-bd 311 ALL 1 00-0b-cd-03-db-8b 311 ALL 1 00-09-6b-8c-25-50 311 ALL Do you wish to continue yn n n 由于该端口连接到另一台交换机或 HUB,必须继续追查,方法如下: 6509SE (enable) show cdp nei 311 - indicates vlan mismatch. # - indicates duplex mismatch. Port Device-ID Port-ID Platform - - - - 311 Cisco2924 GigabitEthernet11

12、 cisco WS-C2924M-XL 该命令显示对端设备是一台 Cisco2924,如果没有显示,那么说明连接的是别的厂家的设备,可能要到该交换机上用类似的办法继续追查。本例子中是 Cisco 设备,所有我们可以继续: 6509SE (enable) show cdp nei 311 de Port (Our Port) 311 Device-ID Cisco2924 Device Addresses IP Address Holdtime 153 sec Capabilities TRANSPARENT_BRIDGETCH Version Cisco Internet

13、work Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2900XL Software (C2900XL-C3H2S-M), Version 12.0(5.2)XU, MAINTENANCE INTERIM SOFTWARE Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 17-Jul-00 1735 by ayounes Platform cisco WS-C2924M-XL Port-ID (Port on Neighborss Device) GigabitEthernet11 VTP Ma

14、nagement Domain lan Native VLAN 1 Duplex full System Name unknown System Object ID unknown Management Addresses unknown Physical Location unknown Cisco2924#show mac-address-table dynamic address 0009.6b8c.64ec Non-static Address Table Destination Address Address Type VLAN Destination Port - - - - 0009.6b8c.64ec Dynamic 2 FastEthernet02 Cisco2924#show mac-address-table dynamic interface f02 Non-static Address Table Destination Address Address Type VLAN Destination Port - - - - 0009.6b8c.64ec Dynamic 2 FastEthernet02 通过以上命令可知,MAC 地址 0009.6b8c.64ec 与 Cisco 2924 交换机相连,且是该端口上唯


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